How would you like the publication of updates to be in terms of content?

  • Every month and a half (300 renders or more)

    Votes: 739 30.5%
  • every 2 and a half months (700 renders or more)

    Votes: 1,684 69.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 2, 2019
So the story seems cool, but releasing each part as a separate game and download is annoying. I expect it's probably for monetization reasons, and OK, but… collected when?


Aug 23, 2017
Lol gotta love how much the MC self-pitys himself in this. Bro you are one of the most vile protags on this site and that's saying something, grow a pair and stop justifying your horrible deeds with 'Boho they gona kill my mommy!'


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Well HELLO roomate, I am roomate, looking for roomate, have you SEEN roomate, roomate??
YES there actually IS dialog like that...its SO EASY to LABEL someone and then call them that label isn't it, other than... ooooh...I don't know...their GIVEN NAME huh?

HELLO PIzza box, its ME Broken table! I havent seen you since FIREHOSE kicked you out, now that I am HERE, where can I find Orange peels and Toilet cleaner, I miss them ALMOST as much as I miss my sweet dear Leather boot??

Oh and what is with the woman who desperately needs a weedwhacker?
Is she supposed to be a neanderthal transported to modern times?

Edit: Oh its not bruising at ALL its MAKE UP....OH alright WHEW I was worried....not only is the MC an idiot for even lying about that shiit but the ones that believe it are worse
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Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2018
What's the point of you recommending your vision of playthrough? Does it give's more scenes? Why should i move on the love path in some cases if i don't fucking want to, what's the benefit ?
I actually recommend the choice with the more/better content at that moment. The game has imo not completely different routes, it's more like some scenes are "harder" or "softer" according you have more love or corruption points. But of course you can do a full corruption playthrough through the game also if you want. At least so far and I think also in the rest of the game you still will get almost the same story outcome in the end, only different in details. But that's oc my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
Lol oh this is rich, alright so I like the renders, though my preferences for curvy women aren't as extreme as the ..."Landlady, landlady's roommate, landlady's friend, landlady's cousin, Landladys...wait "Landladys LANDLADY??"

WHEW, good thing I didn't have to meet "Landladys, Landladys' Husbands, college roommates, second cousins, ex-girlfriends, best friends, university professors, daughters babysitter huh?? LMFAO!!

OH and more on that name glitch, we have several characters named almost fking identically or with a slight variance in them.
Aysha, Alysha, Alessa< and I am pretty sure I am missing one...the creativity in naming the characters is ASTOUNDING isn't it? they are ALL called AL for short one would think!

So why not do the same with the MALE characters, Oh I KNOW How about Dave, David, Daiv, Dayve, Dayv, Daiiv??
See how ridiculous BOTH sets of names look>?

And again get an editor that's familiar with the English language and all its oddities, so we can stop reading about odd ways of wording things.
Other words like "delicious meal" seem to be overused, maybe write this AFTER the dev has one of those delicious meals?

Lastly, I only harp on these things because I see potential, These minor AND major things can easily be altered if a moment is devoted to them in future updates.

EDIT: WOW I hear so much about the anal prolapse but come ON this could be EASILY fixed by someone inventing LUBE ffs?
I get that the MC wants to torture some of the women but he is supposed to LOVE those in his close circle, yet treats them the same stupid way as he always doe, so work them a little bit, a fair bit of foreplay then easily lube everything and go easy, why the fuck does EVERY time have to end with then stuffing their rectums back into their body??
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3.20 star(s) 81 Votes