I am Gone

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2020
sn00p — Today at 2:24 AM
Hey, sorry for ping ing all of you but I hope everyone reads this and I just wanted to let you know that soon these days I'll be able to work close to full time on the game, so soon I'll be able to get back on track with everything and better upcoming updates, details and make it even more better than before, since I'm going to have more time to work on it, there will be updates to also previously released content where or if necessary.

Thank you all for your support​
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Reactions: Robo212 and DR99


Game Developer
Jul 15, 2019
The 3.50 release includes the Chapter 1 fully remastered, ofc it's possible till the final version 4.0 that there will be some more changes, Chapter 2 is already in work and should get some previews these days, I'm kinda happy with how some renders turned out, thus the reason why Chapter 1 will probably get some more scenes or extended by the time the whole remaster is done.

Once the 4.00 version is released, then I could fully recommend doing a new play through, till then, it's only for tests and see what's changing, based on how the game build is named INTERNAL.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2020
since i have Not played either of snOOp's games i can only 'guess' that there is a Strong Foot fetish and 'petite' girls... which is fine for the fantacy world and not illegal in the real.. but ... weird? i mean i Like small but shapely women but loli... i mean shit even if she were only 3 foot tall and hangin on my dick, as long as she has the shape of 'full' body women i'll spin her like a top.


Game Developer
Jul 15, 2019
Probably someone is going to ask what's new in this version, this one contains the CH1 remastered, with some script changes/choices and so on, most of the scenes were improved or changed.

And as I said, till the version 4.00 chapters are still subject to change or suffer modifications till the final version is released, which is 4.00, in the end this version will have all the necessary modifications plus the end of Chapter 3.
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Reactions: DR99 and I am Gone


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 6, 2021
Beyond Persona [v3.50 Internal] [sn00p] crunched

Original / Compressed Size PC*: 1,95 GB / 154 MB - BeyondPersona-3.50-pc-crunched.zip
Original / Compressed Size Mac: 1,xx GB / 120 MB - BeyondPersona-3.50-mac-crunched.zip

Download (PC*/Mac): -

(y)L O A D 'n' L I K E - If you L O A D it then L I K E it!(y) If not, like it anyway! (y) Thanks! ;)

This compression is unofficial and untested, use at your own risk.
Compressing process reduces quality and can break the game.

*PC = Win+Linux

Tools: UnRen v0.91 (Sam@f95zone) - YAC v3.1c (hngg@f95zone) -
Last edited:


Jan 11, 2021
So everyone is cheating on everyone? Honestly I can't make any sense of the story, but it does seem to me that pretty much every character is a total asshole. Am I just too stupid to get it, or is the story really nonsensical? I'm somehow totally put off, and yet quite intrigued at the same time by this game.
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Reactions: Regedit32


Sep 26, 2021
the game should be called beyond foot fetish. there's absolutely no avoiding the foot fetish content, so if you don't like feet, or you like the story to make sense don't bother with this game. the dev's other game obscure affairs has mild foot content but is 10 times better


Apr 21, 2022
Hello. New guy here.

Does the version (3.50) include the complete game? I saw a Chapter 2 Final as well but I have not been able to find Chapter 1?
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