OK, this is a SUGGESTION and can help get more money. In the early days do NOT add new cameras. If you are in the lounge with the original camera (and no others added) when time moves ahead (from 1-2 for example) you get MORE money. So do not add cameras. Also remember to purchase advertising (2-4 each day). Doing this will allow you to get enough money quickly that you can purchase all the things you need with no problem (still take the loan when offered and then pay it back to avoid POSSIBLE problems later).Hey.
I have 2 questions from beginer.
Where to place hidden cameras best for better income and how often to buy ads.
Once you feel that you have enough money you can start adding cameras. The best option is to start in areas where people appear most frequently and are more interesting. I mean that you should start with the pool area (where the ladies are in sexy swimwear), and end in boring areas (the area where you eat should be last). So, a good start is Lounge (original), pool, bathroom, then bedrooms, and finally the eating area (sorry mind is blank on the proper name for some reason). This will give better opportunities to get money, but it MIGHT be less than just having the one camera.
You should also remember to continue buying advertising, and to be in a populated or interesting area when time advances (the lounge and pool seem to be the best). Peeking when someone is in the bathroom is also an option.
Hope this helps.
P.S. Of course if we ever get to bake Chocolate Chip Cookies I would expect that the money would become MASSIVE. When they are being baked AND eaten the money would be HUGE.
Edit: TY f96zonetrooper for adding the information about buying outfits.. I was to focused on the money and not the SEXY clothes .