Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Oct 17, 2018
ohh goody, and when is the estimated ballpark time that this may be released? it sounds quite interesting as if there's a response to the judgement of the player for a change. (as if everyone doesn't treat the character's like property anyways.)

always thought Eric was always an interesting idea, as there was actual 'contest' to the goal, obviously is the girls. But atleast to me. (im braced for the pitchforks and fire bois.) the challenge of asserting dominace is always entertaining. If there's no risk to losing, there isn't any fun. As long as it's still a winnable battle of course haha. Very excited!
Be patient, guys. But all this is a huge pile of cases that I need to sort out and put on the shelves. And since there are a lot of opportunities and changes planned, then a lot of time is needed. The main thing is to work and overcome all the difficulties that arise.
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May 5, 2018
Be patient, guys. But all this is a huge pile of cases that I need to sort out and put on the shelves. And since there are a lot of opportunities and changes planned, then a lot of time is needed. The main thing is to work and overcome all the difficulties that arise.
Oh absolutely, it's gonna be quite time comsuming to say the least. Just i personally don't know how far along everything is. But yo, still excited for it, and if you have an excited crowd (as a fellow content creator) That's an awesome sign, i can't wait to see the results, story telling, and of course how everything plays out with character progession. (though i think alot of people are looking for...other goodies)

Take as much time as needed. People will be impatient, atleast unlike some other games (tyrant for example) least you talk to the crowd, people will be patient that will enjoy it, those that wont? plenty of goodies on here to kill time.

Still excited! Looking forward too it brother! It's your design, it's your project, and ultimately it's your game. You take as much time as needed! we'll be here stroking the if you know what i mean. :cool:
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Active Member
May 28, 2017
je suis désolé Max je ne voulais pas t'embarrasser, je vais aller changer de robe
I’m sorry Max I didn’t want to embarrass you, I’m gonna go change my dress

Je ne suis pas embarrassé. cela arrive aussi à mes sœurs et aussi à ma tante et ma mère. elle pense que je dois m'y habituer pour ne pas y faire attention
I’m not embarrassed. It also happens to my sisters and also to my aunt and mother. she thinks I have to get used to it so I don’t pay warning
mais garde cette robe. ne vas surtout pas en changer, elle est trop bien
but keep this dress. don’t change it, it’s too good
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si ta famille dit que tu dois t'habituer, je vais la garder pour ton bien
If your family says you need to get used to it, I’ll keep it for your own good

surtout qu'elle vous va très bien
especially since it suits you very well

tu trouves vraiment que cette robe met mes seins en valeur
You really think that this dress highlights my boobs

je pense que vos sein met cette robe en valeur
I think your breasts put this dress on

je te l'avais dit que tes seins étaient parfait
I told you your boobs were perfect
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j'avais besoin qu'on me le confirme. tu as réglé le problème de notre site ?
I needed to be confirmed. Did you fix our site?

non ça dépasse nos compétences, je ne sais pas quoi faire
no, it’s beyond our jurisdiction, I don’t know what to do

comment j'aimerais être à la place de bill en ce moment
how I’d like to be in bill’s shoes right now

Excuse-la, Max, on n'attendait pas de visite et elle ne met que ce type de tenue quand on est seul. que nous vaut ta visite
Excuse her, Max, we weren’t expecting visitors and she only wears this kind of outfit when we’re alone. that’s why you came to visit us
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ma mère à des soucis financiers en ce moment je suis venue pour vous payer 6 mois d'avance pour lui laisser le temps de rebondir et je voudrai que vous disiez que c'est ma tante Kira qui vous a réglée
my mother has financial worries right now I came to pay you six months in advance to give her time to bounce back and I want you to say that it was my aunt Kira who paid you off

C'est bon max ne te pas inquiète par du loyer de ta maman. garde ton argent il te sera utile pour autre chose. par contre si tu as des connaissances en informatique cela nous aiderait. depuis ce matin notre site bug
Max, don’t worry about your mom’s rent. Keep your money, it’ll be useful for something else. on the other hand if you have knowledge in computer science it would help us. since this morning our site bug
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j’ai crée un site sur le net et un blog pour ma grande sœur Alice. en ce moment je travaille sur l'ordinateur portable de ma sœur, qui a téléchargé un virus lui piratant toute c'est donné de son blog et de son compte PayPal qui a été vidé. je lui nettoie son ordinateur portable de toute infection et lui refait un blog mieux que le premier plus sécurise
I created a website and a blog for my older sister Alice. Right now I’m working on my sister’s laptop, which downloaded a virus hacking her all it’s given from her blog and her PayPal account that was emptied. I clean her laptop of any infection and remake her a blog better than the first most secure

cela te dérangerais de jeter un œil sur notre site pour nous dire d'où vient le problème
it would bother you to take a look at our site to tell us where the problem comes from
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Dès que ma femme aura fini de jouer avec ses seins, on pourra y aller
As soon as my wife’s done playing with her boobs, we can go

bill c'est pour qu'il s'habitue
bill is just getting used to it
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dans le bureau. Max, fait quelque manipulation sur l'ordinateur et quelque vérification sur le site du bill. et leur explique qu'ils ont téléchargé un trojan virus spywar qui leurs voles plein de donner et plus encore, pour faire simple vous l'avez compris ?
in the office. Max, does some handling on the computer and some checking on the bill site. and explains to them that they downloaded a trojan spywar virus that their flies full of give and more, to make it simple you understood it ?

tu en déduis quoi Max ?
you deduce what Max ?

je peux me tromper mais Alice a le même problème que vous. En clair ce que vos faites avec cet ordinateur et tous ce qui y est connecté comme vos téléphones portables ou celui du bureau et votre site immobilier vous en avez plus le contrôle
I could be wrong, but Alice has the same problem as you. In clear what you do with this computer and all that is connected to it like your mobile phones or that of the office and your real estate site you have more control
image 168.jpg

ils ont accès à tous. on va être foutu
they have access to all of them. we’ll be screwed

en fait ils n'ont pas grand-chose. Tout ce qui est important sont sur des disques durs externes
actually they don’t have much. Everything that is important are on external hard drives

l'attaque a commencé ce matin. j'ai débranché votre accès internet ils auront plu accès à vos donnés
the attack started this morning. I unplugged your internet access they will have rained access to your data

par mesure de sécuriser, Bill tu appelles la banque et moi nos clients
Just to be safe, Bill, you call the bank and I call our clients

je suis désolé j'aimerais resté, mais j'ai rendez-vous chez le médecin. je regarderais votre site chez moi j'ai un meilleur matériel
I’m sorry I would stay, but I have a doctor’s appointment. I would look at your site at home I have better equipment
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À bientôt Max et merci pour ton aide
See you soon Max and thank you for your help

je vais refaire votre site et le sécuriser, je repasserais dès que je l'aurais fini
I’ll redo your site and secure it, I’ll come back as soon as I finish it

reviens nous vite max
come back soon max
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je suis heureuse de l'avoir vu.
I’m glad I saw him.

sa mère qui peut être fière de lui
his mother who can be proud of him

Anne a de la chance
Anne is a lucky girl
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la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later


Jan 10, 2018
Happy New Year:giggle:
Awesome! Next time it can be even more awesome if you don't not forget to check the scaling with every pose. Teenage girl Lisa looks too huge, adult man Eric looks too smal here.
Happy New Year!
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes