Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
And here some of my first renders, when I was tested different kind of stuff (light, cameras, etc). (Maybe not at the taste of anyone).
All entertaining pictures. Nicely done.

That said, if you are going to bother posting a warning that some people may not want to view the content, you need to mention what kind of content it is. When people can only find out by looking, then it is no warning at all ;)


Active Member
May 28, 2017
Hé les filles vous voulez sucer un étalon
Hey girls you want to suck a stud.

toi? un étalon?
You? A stud?

je pense qu'il faut vérifier Lisa
I think we need to check on Lisa
image 192.jpg

Ho je suis impressionné, je ne sens rien
Ho I’m impressed, I feel nothing

tu bandes là?
Are you getting hard?

aller les filles. je sais que vous en mourrez d'envie. faite le
go girls. I know you’ll be dying. do the
image 193.jpg

c'est vrai que je rêvais de les serrer dans ma main
it’s true that I dreamed to shake them in my hand

HAAAA. putain mes burnes vous me faite mal
HAAAA. My fucking balls you’re hurting me

serrons plus fort Olivia. j'arrive pas à trouver ces burnes
Let’s tighten up Olivia. I can’t find these balls

c'est peut-être une fille?
Maybe it’s a girl?
image 194.jpg

putain. vous les avez broyés espèce de tarés
Fuck. You crushed them, you sick fuck

tu y repenseras à deux fois avant de nous déranger
you’ll think twice before disturbing us

emmerde qui que ce soit d'autre et tu auras affaire à nous. abruti
Fuck anybody else and you’re gonna have to deal with us. Asshole
image 195.jpg

plus tard dans le début d'après-midi. Max arriva à son rendez-vous chez le docteur Ève
later in the early afternoon. Max arrived at his appointment with Doctor Eve

bonjour docteur
hello, doctor

bonjour Max je t'attendais, tu t'instal je suis à toi dans un instant
Hello Max I’ve been waiting for you
image 196.jpg

comment sa va aujourd'hui Max
how is it today Max

depuis hier, j'ai des érections plus fortes, plus long et je suis plus excité avec plus d'éjaculations et ça commence après avoir mangé mes céréales du matin. pour me calmer je passe mon temps à me masturber pour vider mes couilles et j'ai maintenant mal au poignet
Since yesterday, I have stronger, longer erections and I’m more excited with more ejaculations and it starts after eating my morning cereal. to calm me down I spend my time masturbating to empty my balls and I now have pain in my wrist

ok voyons ça
ok let’s see this
image 197.jpg

Effectivement, tes bourses sont plus grosses et fermes. ton pénis est vraiment dur et il me semble plus gros
Actually, your purses are bigger and firmer. Your penis is really hard and it seems bigger to me

si vous continuez à palper mon sex, je ne vais pas pouvoir me retenir et je vais éjaculer
if you keep palpating my sex, I’m not going to be able to hold myself and I’m going to ejaculate
image 198.jpg

attent Max que je prenne un récipient pour collecter ton sperme et que je me prépare
Wait for Max to take a container to collect your sperm and get ready
image 199.jpg

voilà le récipient. la tenue te convient.
Here’s the container. The outfit suits you.

la tenue est parfaite. je vais éjaculer ! rapprocher le récipient !
the outfit is perfect. I will ejaculate! close the container!
image 200.jpg

continue tant que tu le peux
Keep going while you can

je vais encore jouir, le récipient vite
I’ll come again, the container fast
image 201.jpg

la suite de l'histoire plus tard
following the story later


Oct 2, 2016
That could have been an interesting path for the original game as well - Max and Lisa both being pervs and peeping on Ann and Eric and then catching each other and then instead of Lisa's Education it's them both peeping together and getting closer...
Not really into all the Eric thing, but that would be hot path to aproach.
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Jul 20, 2018
I'm really happy that many of you seem to like my stuff. Thank you, truly.

Why don't you have a patreon yet
It's nice of you to think that what I do is patreon-worthy.

And Tbh i've thought about it... but I'm not sure if it would work out.
Still somewhat of an amateur when it comes to DAZ and I do this as a hobby, with varying time investments.
I'm generally not opposed to custom renders or commissions, but patreon would be a big commitment. I'd have to figure out the demand in relation to tiers and workload.
If I would make something like that I want people to be happy with what they paid for, and I don't want to leave anyone hanging if I can't deliver something promised in time.

It would be great to get fresh ideas, do polls and such, and make something specifically tailored, but I'm just not sure if I can make the commitment currently.

And well, there's also the question if there is even enough interest in the first place :D
4.50 star(s) 8 Votes