Fan Art Big Brother: Fan Art

4.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
image 922.jpg

Lisa croit le ou pas! ils ont mis des bouchons sur les bouteilles pour m'empêcher de boire! ils sont cons!

Lisa believes it or not! they put caps on the bottles to prevent me from drinking! they are idiots!

max allume la lumière

max turns on the light

image 923.jpg

oui allume, je vais vous faire un tour de magie. je vais faire disparaitre la bouteille

yes light up, I’ll do you a magic trick. I’ll make the bottle disappear

image 924.jpg


image 925.jpg

bon la gravité gagne et on ne saura pas comment elle comptait faire disparaitre la bouteille?

well gravity wins and we won’t know how she planned to make disappear the bottle?

j'appelle tante Kira. moi aussi j'aurais aimé voir le tour de magie. On n'a pas un vélo je voudrais vérifier un truc.

I call Aunt Kira. I’d like to see the magic trick too. We don’t have a bike I’d like to check something.

image 926.jpg



image 927.jpg


image 928.jpg

salut Kira. je croie que j'ai vraiment déconné

hi Kira. I think I really screwed up

3 bouteilles de vin, 2 de whisky, 1 vodka. sans faire un comma éthylique. tu as battu le record

3 bottles of wine, 2 of whisky, 1 vodka. without making an ethyl comma. you broke the record

image 929.jpg

je suis la dernière des merdes de cette planète. je ne crée que des problèmes

I’m the last piece of shit on this planet. I only create problems

Va y raconter, je sens que se va être passionnant. lisa et à l'école à passer c'est examen de fin d'année et Max à ses occupations. alors je veux tout savoir dans tous les détailles. Lâches-toi

Go tell, I feel that will be exciting. Lisa and at school to pass it is year-end exam and Max to his occupations. so I want to know everything in every detail. Let go

he rest tomorrow


Sep 14, 2017
View attachment 3799754

Lisa croit le ou pas! ils ont mis des bouchons sur les bouteilles pour m'empêcher de boire! ils sont cons!

Lisa believes it or not! they put caps on the bottles to prevent me from drinking! they are idiots!

max allume la lumière

max turns on the light

View attachment 3799768

oui allume, je vais vous faire un tour de magie. je vais faire disparaitre la bouteille

yes light up, I’ll do you a magic trick. I’ll make the bottle disappear

View attachment 3799769


View attachment 3799771

bon la gravité gagne et on ne saura pas comment elle comptait faire disparaitre la bouteille?

well gravity wins and we won’t know how she planned to make disappear the bottle?

j'appelle tante Kira. moi aussi j'aurais aimé voir le tour de magie. On n'a pas un vélo je voudrais vérifier un truc.

I call Aunt Kira. I’d like to see the magic trick too. We don’t have a bike I’d like to check something.

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View attachment 3799785

salut Kira. je croie que j'ai vraiment déconné

hi Kira. I think I really screwed up

3 bouteilles de vin, 2 de whisky, 1 vodka. sans faire un comma éthylique. tu as battu le record

3 bottles of wine, 2 of whisky, 1 vodka. without making an ethyl comma. you broke the record

View attachment 3799790

je suis la dernière des merdes de cette planète. je ne crée que des problèmes

I’m the last piece of shit on this planet. I only create problems

Va y raconter, je sens que se va être passionnant. lisa et à l'école à passer c'est examen de fin d'année et Max à ses occupations. alors je veux tout savoir dans tous les détailles. Lâches-toi

Go tell, I feel that will be exciting. Lisa and at school to pass it is year-end exam and Max to his occupations. so I want to know everything in every detail. Let go

he rest tomorrow
3 bottles of wine, 2 of whisky, 1 vodka ...... what is this Rolmac your private record ?:ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
image 931.jpg

je n'ai pas choisi ce bar pour rien. David a bien voulu nous offrir le petit déjeuné. comme tu as quitté le gang pour élever les enfants. ce que je ne peux te dire David le fera

I didn’t pick this bar for nothing. David was willing to offer us breakfast. like you left the gang to raise the kids. what I can’t tell you David will

image 932.jpg

bonjour Anne. depuis le temps son fait plaisir de te revoir. je vais te la faire très court. victor s'appelle rémie et son frère est ton nouveau patron. on ne sait pas ou se trouve Rémi ? ils sont ici pour toi. si tu as des emmerdes ce n'est pas à cause de pas bol. il est clair qu'il prépare le terrain. tous les gangs, on soit des problèmes ou se sont alliés aux parternel

hello Anne. since the time it is nice to see you again. I will make it very short. Victor’s name is remie and his brother is your new boss. Don’t know where Rémi is? They’re here for you. If you’re in trouble, it’s not because of bad luck. He’s clearly setting the stage. All the gangs, we’re either problems or have allied with the Anne Day Partelbonjour. Ever since his time it’s nice to see you again. I’ll make it very short. Victor is called remie and his brother is your new boss. We don’t know where Rémi is? They’re here for you. If you’re in trouble, it’s not because of bad luck. He’s clearly setting the stage. all the gangs, we’re either problems or have allied with the partners

image 933.jpg

Fait chié j'avais espéré que tout sa étai derrière nous. tu dis qu'ils viennent préparer le terrain? le père, il en a encore pour 20 ans.

I had hoped that everything was behind us. You say that they come to prepare the ground? The father, he still has 20 years.

laisse terminer David. David donne lui la cerise du gâteau

let David finish. David gives him the cherry of the cake

Accroches-toi à ta chaise Anne ... le père a eu une réduction de peine pour bonne conduite et il va être transféré dans notre prison pour finir sa courte peine

Hold on to your chair Anne ... the father got a sentence reduction for good behavior and he’s going to be transferred to our prison to finish his short sentence

image 934.jpg

hein il sera bientôt là vous plaisanter.

Yeah, he’ll be here any minute.

hélas non! on y va Anne. on n'a pas fini

alas no! we go Anne. we are not finished

image 935.jpg

on va aller jusqu'au parc. j'ai besoin de réfléchir tu me diras la suite là-bas

we’ll go to the park. I need to think you’ll tell me the rest there

image 936.jpg

en fait si je comprends bien. depuis que je suis sortis avec Éric? enfin Remis tout ce que je croyais; pas de bol? n'était que manipulation.

actually, I understand. since I dated Eric? Finally put back everything I thought; no luck? was just manipulation.

Rémi t'a trouvé en premier. Ça a pas plus a son frère et son père. le Père veut te récupérer et tu sais ce qu'il veut

Remi found you first. It didn’t have any more to his brother and his father. the Father wants you back and you know what he wants

image 937.jpg

les deux abrutis je peux gérer. quand David a dit que le père allait être transféré à la prison de la ville. j'étais terrifié. mais une partie de moi...

When David said the father was going to be transferred to the city jail. I was terrified. but part of me...

je comprends Anne mais ce n'est pas pour toute suite son transfère. on a du temps pour se préparer. maintenant. assis toi on va discuter d'un autre problème qui va envahir ton esprit. tu vas beaucoup moins penser aux pères

I understand Anne, but it’s not right now her transfer. we have time to prepare. now. sit down and we’ll talk about another problem that’s going to invade your mind. you’re not going to think about fathers

image 938.jpg

j'aime par quand tu as un sourire jubilatoire. crache le morceau je suis en train de me chier dessus

I like it when you have a jubilant smile. spit it out I’m shitting myself

pendant que tu cuvais ton alcool, j'ai eu l'occasion de discutée... avec les enfants!

while you were drinking, I had the opportunity to discuss with the children.

more. not tomorrow, but later.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
3 bottles of wine, 2 of whisky, 1 vodka ...... what is this Rolmac your private record ?:ROFLMAO:
I don’t drink alcohol. but I like alcoholics. while they’re drunk. You can pocket them and bang their wives with them next door. Some people get a dick in their ass. the fun is the next day you can see the guy again. he remembers nothing and in addition he is happy to see you, his wife too


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 13, 2019
I would like some info on wet hair please
Sorry, there were many messages and I ended up not seeing yours after all, I deleted my posts and left. hair

I like to use summer wet and actual wet on Lisa, Alice wet or drop wet on Alice and short wet on Ann.

OOT hair,
Drop Wet Hair is defined,
Alice Wet, MATS, Iray, Apply First Wet.

Linday Hair,
Linday hair is a little complicated and always needs to be simulated.
normally when you put it on it seems that the viewport is slow and you are slow to move, to remove this you need go to parameters, View SubD Level and set it to 1. As soon as you finish your scene you can put it in 2 (optional)

What about simulation?
I recommend that you build the pose first, as soon as the character already has the pose defined, simulation settings, simulation and then you will have two options,

Start Bones Memorize Pose

ON it will simulate, the character will be in the default position and then a reconstruction will begin.
OFF it will just do the simulation without scene reconstruction.

Short Wet Hair no need to configure the View SubD level
Therefore, choose the hair style that matches your scene,
the short wet hair has a male version that can be placed on the Max,
or there is this version here if you prefer.



New Member
Aug 11, 2017
When I first saw “Big Brother” I immediately liked the premise. The graphics were good and the characters were appealing. Like everyone else I fell in love with Lisa.

I am not a “game player”; I am more of a “graphic novel” fan. I like a story with a worthy protagonist; a plot with a momentous goal for the protagonist; and a powerful evil antagonist that keeps the protagonist away from the goal but in the end the protagonist defeats the antagonist through cunning. “Big Brother” had these elements but I am lazy and didn’t like having to figure things out. I just wanted the author or director to lead me through a good story.

It didn’t take long to identify several implausible weird things:

  • Spanking… what the fuck? No one even spanks little kids not to mention adults. The last time my mother tried to hit me I was fifteen-years-old and I punched her. She never did that again.
  • Alice’s arachnophobia leading to Max’s outcome with Alice is illogical.
  • Why are Max and Lisa sharing a bedroom in such a large house? Why don’t Lisa and Alice share the large bedroom Alice occupies if there is a shortage of bedrooms?
  • Lisa’s anal fetish is only a gimmick. No girl is going to let a guy stick his penis into her rectum and not her vagina. The amount of pleasure from the abundance of nerve endings in her vulva and vagina far outweighs anything else in a woman’s body. The only people that only use a rectum simply don’t have a vagina.
  • What is the basis for Max’s success with the doctor? What a slut.
  • How could Max, at his age, be forced to attend a military academy?
While I like the basic premise of “Big Brother” and it has a large following I am a bit of a contrarian. I think certain parts of it need a change so I am offering some modifications. I realize that I am unknown and this game has had a loyal audience for several years so my post will generate some negative comments but here a few of my changes:

  • My opinion is that the house is too modern and spacious. This is simply my own personal preference. I had a house asset so I moved the family into it.
  • It really annoys me that Max is a runt. I get the bit that he is of small stature and has a large (big) penis but come on, his mother and his sisters are all of normal height. Max is supposed to be out of high school, about nineteen, so I let him “grow” up. My version of Max is a little over six feet tall. That is how tall I was at that age.
  • I changed all of the women to be of average height for western women, somewhere between five-foot-three-inches and five-foot-seven-inches in height.
  • Eric is creepy. Maybe if Max was more assertive and not a runt people would root for Max instead. Every story needs an antagonist that is defeated by the protagonist. People that are fans of Eric are swapping protagonists. I have to admit that without Eric there is no antagonist so the story degenerates into Max fucking one female after another but the same thing happens if Eric becomes the protagonist without Max. Either route is boring. There has to be an end to the story. The end comes from a resolution of the conflict between Max and Eric where Max wins dominance over his harem. (Mmm… Imagine Lisa and Ann pregnant with Max’s baby.) The existing route to Max defeating Eric is ok but I have created an alternate even slimier Eric along with another way to defeat Eric.
  • I like the conflict resolution in “Summertime Saga” as a better way to end the story. Maybe what I really want to do is rewrite “Big Brother” using the plot from “Summertime Saga” with graphics and characters from “Big Brother”.
I have started preliminary renderings and have included them here. I am still working on the script for my version of the story.

I have been using DAZ Studio for about fifteen years. All of the renderings are from my ancient (over 10-year-old, Windows 7) rendering machines, using DAZ Studio, of which I have two. In the past I bought a lot of assets, but stopped several years ago. The only new assets here are the V7 female characters for “Big Brother”. I also am using the excellent character files from “BB Character Scene Files by Bubbas” modified to suit my tastes in women. Alice and Ann in the living room 01 vg.jpg Alice and Ann in the living room 02 vg.jpg Alice and Ann in the living room 03 vg.jpg Kate and Kira in living room 01 vg.jpg Kate and Kira in living room 02 vg.jpg Lisa in living room 01 vg.jpg Max and Lisa in living room 01 vg.jpg Max and Lisa in living room 02 vg.jpg Max and Lisa in living room 03 vg.jpg


Apr 27, 2017
When I first saw “Big Brother” I immediately liked the premise. The graphics were good and the characters were appealing. Like everyone else I fell in love with Lisa.

I am not a “game player”; I am more of a “graphic novel” fan. I like a story with a worthy protagonist; a plot with a momentous goal for the protagonist; and a powerful evil antagonist that keeps the protagonist away from the goal but in the end the protagonist defeats the antagonist through cunning. “Big Brother” had these elements but I am lazy and didn’t like having to figure things out. I just wanted the author or director to lead me through a good story.

It didn’t take long to identify several implausible weird things:

  • Spanking… what the fuck? No one even spanks little kids not to mention adults. The last time my mother tried to hit me I was fifteen-years-old and I punched her. She never did that again.
  • Alice’s arachnophobia leading to Max’s outcome with Alice is illogical.
  • Why are Max and Lisa sharing a bedroom in such a large house? Why don’t Lisa and Alice share the large bedroom Alice occupies if there is a shortage of bedrooms?
  • Lisa’s anal fetish is only a gimmick. No girl is going to let a guy stick his penis into her rectum and not her vagina. The amount of pleasure from the abundance of nerve endings in her vulva and vagina far outweighs anything else in a woman’s body. The only people that only use a rectum simply don’t have a vagina.
  • What is the basis for Max’s success with the doctor? What a slut.
  • How could Max, at his age, be forced to attend a military academy?
While I like the basic premise of “Big Brother” and it has a large following I am a bit of a contrarian. I think certain parts of it need a change so I am offering some modifications. I realize that I am unknown and this game has had a loyal audience for several years so my post will generate some negative comments but here a few of my changes:

  • My opinion is that the house is too modern and spacious. This is simply my own personal preference. I had a house asset so I moved the family into it.
  • It really annoys me that Max is a runt. I get the bit that he is of small stature and has a large (big) penis but come on, his mother and his sisters are all of normal height. Max is supposed to be out of high school, about nineteen, so I let him “grow” up. My version of Max is a little over six feet tall. That is how tall I was at that age.
  • I changed all of the women to be of average height for western women, somewhere between five-foot-three-inches and five-foot-seven-inches in height.
  • Eric is creepy. Maybe if Max was more assertive and not a runt people would root for Max instead. Every story needs an antagonist that is defeated by the protagonist. People that are fans of Eric are swapping protagonists. I have to admit that without Eric there is no antagonist so the story degenerates into Max fucking one female after another but the same thing happens if Eric becomes the protagonist without Max. Either route is boring. There has to be an end to the story. The end comes from a resolution of the conflict between Max and Eric where Max wins dominance over his harem. (Mmm… Imagine Lisa and Ann pregnant with Max’s baby.) The existing route to Max defeating Eric is ok but I have created an alternate even slimier Eric along with another way to defeat Eric.
  • I like the conflict resolution in “Summertime Saga” as a better way to end the story. Maybe what I really want to do is rewrite “Big Brother” using the plot from “Summertime Saga” with graphics and characters from “Big Brother”.
I have started preliminary renderings and have included them here. I am still working on the script for my version of the story.

I have been using DAZ Studio for about fifteen years. All of the renderings are from my ancient (over 10-year-old, Windows 7) rendering machines, using DAZ Studio, of which I have two. In the past I bought a lot of assets, but stopped several years ago. The only new assets here are the V7 female characters for “Big Brother”. I also am using the excellent character files from “BB Character Scene Files by Bubbas” modified to suit my tastes in women. View attachment 3873569 View attachment 3873570 View attachment 3873571 View attachment 3873572 View attachment 3873573 View attachment 3873574 View attachment 3873575 View attachment 3873576 View attachment 3873577
I hope that Max will fuck Lisa and cum inside her pussy, when this good pic story continues.
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Feb 6, 2022
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4.50 star(s) 8 Votes