Don't look at them as they are games. Look at them as they're books. If you feel book is over written it means more or less that it doesn't fit your taste entirely. You mentioned 2 top tier VNs which are really medium sized in comparison to some other games. I seriously can't see how they're overwritten. They're both for something like 50h while games like Muv-Luv Alternative (another masterpiece) takes over 100h and even then I wouldn't say it's over written. I guess VN style doesn't fit you much. Stein's Gate and most top-tier VNs is basically written like a manga so it has huge number of scenes to create full immersion. You can take it out and put it into anime without any filler as inner thoughts aren't usually expressed in anime. All in all I wouldn't dare to compare our best erotic VNs we have on Patreon with real VNs. They're not even close. High quality VN that's made by westerners (mostly) is Katawa Shoujo and it has the same style. Real, story-focused VNs are just usually long and no one cares about player's time if he don't like it. Same goes for books.
I AM looking at them as books. And as books, no sane publisher would let them out the door as they are. Hell I can even compare FSN to an actual set of novels written in the same universe. The 4 light novel set Fate: Zero tells a story that is AT LEAST as compelling as FSN in a fraction of the word count.
Even if we take the work of the sam Author, Kara no Kyoukai is far more economical in its use of language, and it shows. If it was a VN, it would probably be far... far... longer because the medium as a whole tends to have pacing issues. Again, FSN has roughly the word count of the ENTIRE Harry Potter series. Now, yes it has three different routes, which is something that would be very hard to do in a traditional novel, but even granting that. The pacing can be god awful at times, with large stretches of nothing happening. And FSN's word count is different than it would be in other games, because a player is likely to read ALL of it.
You also guaranteed I'll never touch Muv-Luv, 1.8 million words is ridiculous.
And before you say the genre isn't for me. I like VNs quite a lot, but that doesn't mean I am blind to the flaws that keep popping up in the genre. I think the last one I read that I felt was relatively tightly written was 999, and even that had a tendency towards pontification.
Regarding your previous post I strongly disagree. Female protags aren't aimed for women at all. Women are huge minority and they look for a different things. Basically only dominant type of erotic mangas they buy are yaoi (gay). Vast majority of games with female character is aimed for guys. Immersion isn't necessary to play as people just observe in that case. GGGB is a clear example of well written game aimed for guys. I would be surprised if its playerbase has more than 10% of women
I'm not saying that GGGB is played by a majority women, just that it has in it a lot of things that would be at home in female erotica or fan fiction, especially when you look at its male characters, the tropes used for its female ones and the like. It's not hard to explain either, as Eva is a female. As for Female characters. Hey I like playing as them, and we've had a decent number of normal and porn games with female leads, but if you are trying to go for the widest possible audience, you go with a male MC. The numbers simply back that up. In Mass Effect for example under 20% of players played the game as FemShep, who was by far the superior choice. In general, games with male only playable characters sell about 75% better than games with only female main characters. It is what it is.
That isn't to say a game with a female main character can't do well, a lot of TF games, and games like GGGB do great. But unless the game breaks through to a new audience, I have trouble imagining a game with a Female MC getting to the levels that BB or SS hit.
A lot of guys visualize themselves as the main character, I know you do not, but a lot do. And a lot of guys don't want to see the character they are identified with reamed by a BBC for example. I'm not judging, I'm not saying don't make the game, I'm just saying, from a pure numbers perspective, dropping BB even on the side, and focusing on a new game with a Female MC is likely going to cost him a TON of money.
At this time I thought this should be brought back to the forefront of this thread.
Thanks to
@Faxes for posting it Oct. 11 2017
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And for all the girls:
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Gah, still pissed this story is more likely than not going to remain unfinished. I'm so happy we spent an update on shitty sex ed with Ann, dates that went nowhere, and Alice blackmail instead of actually moving things forward in a meaningful way. Fucking hell.
She died as a virgin. That's praiseworthy
Not really, if anyone dies a virgin I tend to find that more sad than anything.