
Sep 16, 2017
I think I spent almost a month on game time .... I keep on waking up with my mom and masturbating each other and I have no sex at all and my friend will tell me what the problem is.

I can not wake him anymore.
He was in the room at mom when he finished, he said good night.

thank you


New Member
Jul 8, 2017
Hello everyone,

I just downloaded the final version and there is a display issue :

2018-02-03 08-05-11.png

I couldn't find a solution in the previous posts. Can someone help me ?
Thank you


New Member
Aug 3, 2017
To all the modders so far, first i want to say, THANK YOU ALL!

I tryed each and every mod and it was great, i cant say how much i like each and everyone of them.

Sadly it seems that, at least for now, there will be no further "Official" updates. This leaves me quite unsatisfied with the game itself. Since it had so much potential with the existing oportunities to continue.

So i hope all the modders here have still the muse and the will to provide a continution of this great game.


New Member
Aug 3, 2017
And i dont know if its possible or just too much work, but i would love to see a image change, within the week, when u bought some clothing for the Alice, Mom and Lisa.


Nov 10, 2017
As long as people don't understand that Patreon is donation-based support, they will continue to be disappointed by projects that are abandoned mid-way regardless what it is. If you're a patron, you really should understand that you're donating money to the person and you're supporting, and that you really should not be expecting anything in return. Only be a patron if you're willing to donate without return. It is not a transaction where you pay something to purchase an item or service.

People act as if DS wanted to stop BB production, but not understanding that his decision to abandon BB would cost him money. Nobody would purposely make a decision to reduce their income. Him making decision to switch from BB to Glamour is with full understanding that his income would be reduced, and that's the decision he's willing to take. As an adult, he's free to make his own decision.
Finally someone with sense in him, after all the constant comments saying the same old shit.
No, DS wouldn't want to drop BB voluntarily, because it would cost him a lot of money.
All the alternatives suggested here wouldn't work, either because the site is unreliable or uses the wrong payment model. People need to understand DS has employees that he has to pay. That leads into my final point:
Making a patch wouldn't work. Patreon wanted BB completely gone.
Right now, having just a site where he releases BB while people pledge on Patreon is risky. If his Patreon gets banned, his source of income is gone.

So, that’s why he’s setting up his own site where people can pledge monthly. If all his Patreons migrate there, a ban on Patreon wouldn’t matter and he could continue releasing BB.

Last thing: Patreon doesn’t work like Steam. On Steam you buy a license to download and play a game. On Patreon, you support a creator. If you support the creator, you get bonusses for the months that you pledge. In DS’s case, that would be to have access to that months update.
You support the creator by pledging, you don’t buy the game via pledging, and it doesn’t mean you’re promised a finished game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
How do I start an event watching movie with ann and alice?

Now ann and sex have started.


Oct 1, 2017
Can't exactly blame him for wanting to make a different game, only sad part is that we gotta wait at least a year to have any actual content for his new one. Sucks he doesn't want to bring in a "B Team" to finish up Big Brother while Main staff works on his new game


Apr 25, 2017
These are difficult times for @DarkSilver . Let's studying the public response :
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I had a great time with this game. What I liked best was probably the characters and the beauty of the renders. Now, bile, bitterness and prejudice are somewhat inappropriate, in my opinion. It's time to say thank to @DarkSilver and to look elsewhere. There are so many quality artists coming out.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
We have had this disagreement in the past. If you are promised a product, via a releasal date, plans or special access then the developer has entered into an agreement with you. Thus I have the right to expect what I have pledged for, if you just aske me to support the development of your game for xxx amount of money then indeed you have no obligations. That is where we differ in our attitude. Most developers are making promises of access for different level of payments etc. Traditionally patronage is a gift of money without strings. Not the case here.

If a panhandler offers to clean your windshield for cash, you expect it to be done, even if it is poorly done. You may decline the service, but he has an obligation. In reality he is just another begger, but he has a gimick.
What kind of promise did DS make, and where did DS make that promise?

As far as I can see, the so-called "transaction" that you'd like to believe is:
1. Patron donated monthly (every 1st day of the month)
2. DS provided update of the game monthly (every 2nd day of the month)

And he did provide update of BB up to 0.13 when Patreon forced him to take BB down from the website. So for every single month that you pledged to him, he provided an update of the game. Where exactly is the problem? Is there ever a month that you pledged to him where he did not provide a game update? Absolutely no.

There is no promise/contract/agreement that DS will provide full completed game in return of your monthly patronage that may or may not continue/stop.

I'll put it this way. You have received from him BB game from 0.1 to 0.13. How many months are you a patron of his? Did you pledge for 12 months to support him for each update? If not, you're getting more updates than the month that you pledge. And you're complaining?

It's flabbergasting to see how pissy people are, despite the fact that it is DS who actually lost his income. People who are patrons will save money. People who are not patrons don't have any monetary investment to begin with either. Once again, people who are angry simply don't understand what Patreon is and have nobody but themselves to blame.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
All the bullshit we went through, all the money he/she gladly cashed, and now all of a sudden he/she can't work on his/her project because Patreon "told em' to". If Dark Silver really is that much of a push over, I fear where his/her projects will lead to. It shows that the slightest disruption in monetary gain will make Dark Silver bend over and jump ship on the project they are currently working on. "Glamour" reeks of desperation, the main character being a female is a horrible fucking idea. The majority of us who play these games are males, we like to be males in games, we can't put ourselves in the situation of courting and fucking a guy. No offence, that's pretty gay. Even going for chicks while playing as one makes our skin crawl, it's just not us playing and making the decisions, we are conforming to a character that we can't and never will relate to. If you're a female, maybe that's great? But let's be honest, how large a portion of the market is female? Now I'd be highly skeptical of supporting any project with the name "Dark Silver" on it.

In the end, did we even get to take Lisa's virginity? Seems like a huge dick move if it doesn't even end with that.
Glamour was a project he had started before BB and he abandoned in 2016 to start BB. Now he relaunches it from the start. ~> He is someone that likes to return to old things he left ~> increases probability that he will return to BB. After all, he returned to Glamour.

>> "we like to be males in games, we can't put ourselves in the situation of courting and fucking a guy. "
I don't put myself in the situation, I am not that much lost in the story. I watch boobs and follow character development. I can do that with either male or female character.
As a note, I also can't put myself in the situation of doing any of the stupid crap that goes on in adult games including but not limited placing cameras in my house to earn money from showing off my family to strangers to lust at. And yet, I had no problem with this game.

>> "Even going for chicks while playing as one makes our skin crawl"
No. It doesn't.

>> "we are conforming to a character that we can't and never will relate to."
I can never relate to most of the characters in games, from adult games to RPGs. Can you relate to an elf that shoots fireballs? And yet I do play such games.

>> "But let's be honest, how large a portion of the market is female? "
A tiny percentage. And yet DS has lost just 20% of his patrons at the time, a week after the announcement that BB is dead.
Going by the outrage about female MC in this thread, I would have expected him to have lost 3/4 of his patrons by now. And yet, most endured and remained.

In the end, he will bleed far more patrons out of inactivity and the "early content - situation building - no sex" phase of the game that would last a few months. THAT will hit the game, not the Female character.
I will keep my level of support to DS, but I doubt I'll pick up Glamour till it is like 500-700 MB to have some decent content.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
So, that’s why he’s setting up his own site where people can pledge monthly. If all his Patreons migrate there, a ban on Patreon wouldn’t matter and he could continue releasing BB.
I really hope he stays in Patreon too as I feel much safer paying there than in a recently-made site with not that much security where my email can be stolen etc.
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