As long as people don't understand that Patreon is donation-based support, they will continue to be disappointed by projects that are abandoned mid-way regardless what it is. If you're a patron, you really should understand that you're donating money to the person and you're supporting, and that you really should not be expecting anything in return. Only be a patron if you're willing to donate without return. It is not a transaction where you pay something to purchase an item or service.
People act as if DS wanted to stop BB production, but not understanding that his decision to abandon BB would cost him money. Nobody would purposely make a decision to reduce their income. Him making decision to switch from BB to Glamour is with full understanding that his income would be reduced, and that's the decision he's willing to take. As an adult, he's free to make his own decision.
Finally someone with sense in him, after all the constant comments saying the same old shit.
No, DS wouldn't want to drop BB voluntarily, because it would cost him a lot of money.
All the alternatives suggested here wouldn't work, either because the site is unreliable or uses the wrong payment model. People need to understand DS has employees that he has to pay. That leads into my final point:
Making a patch wouldn't work. Patreon wanted BB completely gone.
Right now, having just a site where he releases BB while people pledge on Patreon is risky. If his Patreon gets banned, his source of income is gone.
So, that’s why he’s setting up his own site where people can pledge monthly. If all his Patreons migrate there, a ban on Patreon wouldn’t matter and he could continue releasing BB.
Last thing: Patreon doesn’t work like Steam. On Steam you buy a license to download and play a game. On Patreon, you support a creator. If you support the creator, you get bonusses for the months that you pledge. In DS’s case, that would be to have access to that months update.
You support the creator by pledging, you don’t buy the game via pledging, and it doesn’t mean you’re promised a finished game.