It was released h ere because he found out a week ago and the game he said was mostly done already. There is alternatives, but not one thats going to bring him enough money.
ENOUGH MONEY??!!?!???!??!!????!?
What was all that he collected last year?
Funny though how he was already to start making Glamour for no money while BB was paying his way....
Or are you suggesting that money from Patreon was going to pay for BOTH?
Hmmm If that's the case POOF goes your NOT ENOUGH MONEY Excuse...
These bullshit responses about NO MONEY, being FORCED OFF patreon and the ever present "You need to understand how Patreon works" crap really doesn't fly with me....
Especially the latter!
Perhaps it isn't the Patreons who need to understand how Patreon works but the Developers who can rake in big bucks for a half finished game each month and seemingly (according to some) believe they have no responsibility to the folks that stuck with them (and provided salary to them) for a year to provide a finished product and drop it for whatever reason they can come up with.
Yeah sure a lot of developers drop projects and leave them unfinished on Patreon...
And NONE of them will ever be Patreonized again by me!
And they shouldn't be supported by you either.