
Game Developer
May 14, 2017
LOL All we did was give him money....And how did we get that Money to give him?
By doing an incomplete job at work and telling our Boss, "hey you didn't pay me to finish the job, just do it for a month!"?

And you do realize that this attitude is going to stop that Patreon Money Train from pulling into the developer station if you keep telling the folks with the Money that they really aren't getting anything but lip service.
In time people will not patreonize you UNTIL a project is completed.
Developers need to stop thinking of Patreon as some sort of Unemployment Insurance where they can write 500 lines of code each month for a quick $2K and then dump it when something else comes along.

That attitude may make you believe you are servicing your customers....
But it's more like the way the Bull Services the Cow!
If people believe that they are not getting their money's worth, then they should definitely stop funding. I don't understand what you're saying. BB particularly has been in development for over a year and the incremental versions have been only up to 0.13. I'm not even discussing the length and/or quality of each individual update, which is a different topic altogether. By the looks of it, the v1.0 version which tends to be the Release Candidate at a rate of 1 update per month would be out in give or take 7 years from now.

If we assume this project was funded at 6k a month (which I'm fairly certain is much higher but for argument's sake I'm using this) then patrons payed 72.000$/y for a project that nominally was in alpha. If we further assume (word of the day) that it would take 7 years for this project to finish, we're looking at 576k/8y. Does this project look like something worth over half a million bucks to you? This is the only question that you really need to answer my friend.

People need to be more selective with which games they are willing to support. Just like Steam early access. Everything is a risk, but after a while you can easily discern the projects that make it and the projects that don't. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you. And considering past experience with DS (Glamour which was also abandoned), I already got fooled.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
And my Analogy is dead on, because if he paid me for a year to do something I had better finish it before the year was out or he would likely fire me!
LOL. This is stupid. Nobody paid an employee a year's worth of salary in advance. And even if you got paid for a year, what that means is that your employer got one year's worth of work for you. Not "something I had better finish before the year" because the finish of a project depends on many different factors and not just your sheer willpower.

You paid DS for a year (assuming you are his patron from beginning), but how do you expect BB to finish? There are still so many loose ends that it would easily take 6 months or more to finish it. Your "I paid you for a year" does not equate to "it must finish in a year". If the end of BB is version 0.19, then it takes 18 months to complete, not 1 year. If he introduced more new storylines, then it will take even longer than 18 months. Still not 1 year.

It baffles me how petty some people can be. It's like going to a fancy restaurant and pay $300 steak and then complain that you could've got three hundred $1 tacos instead. It's your own free will and choice to be a patron and to spend what kind of money. If you can't afford $40/month pledge for DS, then don't pledge.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
People need to be more selective with which games they are willing to support.
And on top of this, people need to be comfortable with the tier-level of their pledge. They need to understand that their pledge is essentially a one-way donation to the creator. If money is an issue, do not pledge. Only pledge what you can afford and be comfortable if you don't see any return. Just like tipping a waiting staff at the restaurant. It's a thank you for your work. It's not a you work for me now because I gave you money.


New Member
Oct 22, 2017
heyhooo.... first i have to say best game i´ve ever played. i´m playing this game only with walkthrough without cheats (hardcore but i will make it ^^) my question is there still the homeworkbug in the last update or do i still need this nod to fix it ?


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
heyhooo.... first i have to say best game i´ve ever played. i´m playing this game only with walkthrough without cheats (hardcore but i will make it ^^) my question is there still the homeworkbug in the last update or do i still need this nod to fix it ?
There is still the homework bug but if you get Lisa spanked right after you offer your help for free you wont get the bug.
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Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Well that`s true, on the other hand you can`t get the game without pledging(legally, not pirating). So it`s kinda buying the game itself, it`s not all black and white to be fair... Supporting the dev would be the donation system for a game that he gives out for free, not this whole patreon thing. This pledges are more like encouraging them to actually do/finish something you like and it`s in the early phases of development. So after you are pledged for about 1-2 years, you kinda want a finished product for all that money, otherwise you can even look at it as some sort of scam.

And this is more on a general level, not just DS/BB:
I`m no dev, I don`t really know what goes on in making a game, but: Why would someone need employees, as long as they take 1 month for an update which contains... let`s say 150 images. You, as a creator, allready know the story and how you want to put it, story wise it would not take that much time to write the update. There are not even that many "lines" to write. Do you really need almost a month for coding and rendering 150 images? Maybe if you`re alone...
When you add employees I would expect updates more often, or the monthy updates to be actually big, not the same as before. I really do feel like most creators are just looking to take as much money for the longest time possible, not actually doing/finishing something worthy, that him and his fans would be fond of. :(

Sorry I just had to reply to you.

So the average person in a western Country works: 8 hours x 20 days = 160 hours per month.

According to what I see in the fan art section it can take 1 hour plus for a single render (Pros, please correct me.)
so for renders alone that is already 150 hours.
Now he still needs to pose his 3d models, I have no idea how long that takes, but I can not imagine that will be 5 minutes.
Then he still work on his plot and and writing. I'm sure that only takes 5 minutes....(not!)
There needs to be testing involved and debugging and debugging and writing actual code in unity. that must surely also only take 5 minutes.

Come on man!! Your dream of doing this work alone without working like a slave seems to be lacking some rudimentary math skills.

Dark Horizon

Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
If anyone has saves before each event or sex scene please upload the saves.I pass some of events and i dont have time but i want to see them all.@ If you have the saves please upload them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
LOL. This is stupid. Nobody paid an employee a year's worth of salary in advance. And even if you got paid for a year, what that means is that your employer got one year's worth of work for you. Not "something I had better finish before the year" because the finish of a project depends on many different factors and not just your sheer willpower.

You paid DS for a year (assuming you are his patron from beginning), but how do you expect BB to finish? There are still so many loose ends that it would easily take 6 months or more to finish it. Your "I paid you for a year" does not equate to "it must finish in a year". If the end of BB is version 0.19, then it takes 18 months to complete, not 1 year. If he introduced more new storylines, then it will take even longer than 18 months. Still not 1 year.

It baffles me how petty some people can be. It's like going to a fancy restaurant and pay $300 steak and then complain that you could've got three hundred $1 tacos instead. It's your own free will and choice to be a patron and to spend what kind of money. If you can't afford $40/month pledge for DS, then don't pledge.
No it's more like saying a Steak costs $40 but because the chef couldn't finish it in time it costs you another $40!

It's this attitude that will shut down the Patreon Gravy train!
As customers get wise to this poor attitude on the part of some developers they will simply npot patreonize them until such time as a game is completed or close to it.

And what will they do for money then? Go find a job where they ARE required to finish a certain amount of work or they fire them and find someone else who does finish what they start?
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Jul 31, 2017
So I started the game and got about halfway through in 0.12 and now 0.13 came out I was wondering of I could use my old saves for the new update.


Jun 11, 2017
Big Brother by Dark Silver is no more.
Some loved it, some hated it.
But one thing stands out.
Lots of people played it and many gladly paid for it.
Who else has created an Eric, a name that now signifies a total douchebag.
It`s over before the end came storywise and me, I will miss it and keep this fantastic game on my hard drive for a long time and visit those great characters again and again.
Thanks Dark Silver for many hours of fun and frustration.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
If people believe that they are not getting their money's worth, then they should definitely stop funding. I don't understand what you're saying. BB particularly has been in development for over a year and the incremental versions have been only up to 0.13. I'm not even discussing the length and/or quality of each individual update, which is a different topic altogether. By the looks of it, the v1.0 version which tends to be the Release Candidate at a rate of 1 update per month would be out in give or take 7 years from now.

If we assume this project was funded at 6k a month (which I'm fairly certain is much higher but for argument's sake I'm using this) then patrons payed 72.000$/y for a project that nominally was in alpha. If we further assume (word of the day) that it would take 7 years for this project to finish, we're looking at 576k/8y. Does this project look like something worth over half a million bucks to you? This is the only question that you really need to answer my friend.

People need to be more selective with which games they are willing to support. Just like Steam early access. Everything is a risk, but after a while you can easily discern the projects that make it and the projects that don't. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you. And considering past experience with DS (Glamour which was also abandoned), I already got fooled.
What I am saying is of Developers and their friends keep saying crap like this then people WILL stop funding their projects!
It's a poor attitude to have towards people who are giving you money ON A PROMISE then telling them I never promised you anything, I can stop and abandon you anytime I feel like it cause I only promised you a month!

How long before those Patreons start abandoning you back?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
You're complaining about your own bad decision though.

You chose to spend $40/month on a patreon page. You got a $40/month worth of game update. Whether that $40/month amount is worth your money or not, that's completely up to you. You got what you paid for.

Be a man and take ownership of your own action. Don't be the guy that blame others for his own mistake.
And you got $5-10K worth of support in that month in total! Yet everyone only gets $40 of effort?
Is that what you think is fair?
Good luck keeping that money flowing to you!
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