And you have to remember we CUSTOMERS aren't suckers who you can play Ponzi scheme games with and then when it blows up on you say "Well you only paid for a month of me in front of a computer, not a game!"Look I get it. You are frustrated. But you have to remember Patreon is not Kickstarter. There is no upper limit, no initial pledging. You are literally paying someone's wage to deliver a promise/vision/project. Every Patreon campaign runs its own shindig, anywhere from $1 up to hundreds. Are you not sure that the x guy who you're supporting will deliver? Pledge one dollar for a couple of months and see how it goes. Worst case scenario, you gave 2 dollars away, hardly enough for a burger. We can keep tip toeing around this all night but this is how it works... for now. @Skylaroo summed it up in his previous posts.
It is going to ruin it for the other GOOD DEVS who despite hardship, sudden lack of interest, or Policy changes manage to finish the games for those nice enough to support your effort to make it.
And expect that at some point they will see the game be concluded properly.
But go ahead and keep thinking like that as it will only hurt your ability to get patrons later on when they realize your just using them for an allowance and giving them about 8 hours of work a month at a rate of $1000 a hour.
Then it is back to having to get a job coding Banking Algorithms because you took advantage of the people who would pay you to make something fun.