
Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2017
All said and done....I now want to:
peep on Ann and Alice (and next it will be join)
join Alice and Kira (yes I know about the mods but WAI is better, just like the next step with Ann)
have Lisa catch Max and Ann
next sex-ed with Ann and Lisa
Alice punishing all of us together
Kira joining in all the fun and games
more films
the downfall of Eve and Olivia
I'm not greedy :eek:penedeyewink:


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
i installed the latest version and i copied my saves from 11.00.003 version....and there's nothing new in the game...why happened this???


May 13, 2017
Just don't support him. He was on 90% now 87.. He dosen't care abut BB. Other dews solved the patreon incest bullcrap. He's just lazy..


Aug 22, 2017
So is this the end of all or is it going to continue somewhere other than Patreon? If not, are modders going to keep it going? Nothing confirmed right?

It's a shame. From the incest games that i've seen, this one was one of the best. Can someone point me in the right direction if i want more of this genre? I tried a few games like DMD, but they all seem to be getting dumped.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Personally I found this game quite interesting but there were a few points that I actually found a bit lacking, mainly the NTR part of it because of the following:

-Eric romances the mother too fast (this is a minor thing but it should have been more gradual and something that you could intervene a bit, I think it would have been more interesting if Eric tried to get your help to enter into a relationship with your mother, having you say good things about him and giving you money/gifts for the help, on the other hand while refusing you could make it much more difficult for Eric having a bad relationship but with a money problem/other events).

-Eric is quite clear with you that he wants to have sex with your sisters too, however he isn't at any point even a bit proactive, you would expect that he would give gifts, pass time with the girls and try to make them fall in love with him while increasing his control over the mother, while you could try to intefere with it or create difficulties/problems, even at some point go full war.

-The same happens with Kira, this is the only part of the game that is truly netorare because you are having a sexual relationship with her and then he decides to blackmail her. Even more there is no development apart from the scene that he gets with Kira.

I would say that the NTR part in this game is quite bad because of that, I think that it only served to block for a time your routes with all girls, in fact if you take Eric away the game will have almost no changes.


May 8, 2017
BB was one of the greats of its kind.

A year ago BB got me into this kind of games when it popped up on Emp. Before that, the thought that a porn game could be exciting would not compute for me. Since then I've discovered f95 and lots of other great games.

BB got me to try it because of the quality of its renders. But the hook that kept me through the bitter end was the incest fetish. Porn videos have rarely explored this fetish properly as it requires way more acting and movie-making skills than what's usually available. A close third reason why I stuck with BB is its technical quality. Very often versions were rock stable from their first release and I've played by resuming from saves through 9 versions (v0.4 > ... > v0.13). This last feature is really amazing considering how easy it would be to have people run into dead ends if the dev doesn't really know what they're doing.

What I didn't like about BB is it became too much of a pointless grind. For the last few versions it was like DS didn't want to push the story forward in the incest direction even though it was an incest game. That sweet monthly pay was likely a strong stagnation enabler but I feel it was primarily that DS didn't want to dive the story into something truly perverted. He should've studied Lab Rats to see how it's done. Instead he focused on churning out a relatively small number of eye candy renders mixed with a pretty boring grind. BB was in a swamp.

BB's story has some really huge ups and downs. I liked the restrain of the characters against the unnatural sexual progression but DS managed to push that into completely incredulous directions. I also liked Eric. Rarely was I bothered by a video game character but this one worked my blood up to a boil and had me looking for the chainsaw and Quad Damage. Every good writer knows how to define characters in ways that bind them to readers' empathy. Once this voodoo doll is activated, the writer can strongly manipulate reader's emotions by simply adjusting what happens to the characters. Evidence shows there was no great writer behind BB but the story certainly had a few strong points and Eric was one of them.

I think I would've regularly paid $5-10 for BB. By far the no 1 reason I did not is the level of anonymity provided by Patreon. I know how long bank statements are archived, how utter shit Patreon's security is and how fast things can change in any country in a direction where something you did or say 10-15 years ago can come back and destroy you today.

So, @DarkSilver, thanks for the ride. I'm sorry to see BB go and I hope you are seriously looking for a way to finance yourself through payments that are more anonymous than what Patreon offers. I fully understand how mind numbing hard that is but I deeply believe the future is not bright in doing vanilla porn games censured by Patreon's Mind Police.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Who was the sherlock again who said a female MC will be doing well and ensure DS staying on Patreon?

DS latest BB build. Patrons around 2900.
DS sets BB on hold and presents glamour. Patrons 2217

Yes this is totally going well for him.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
BB was one of the greats of its kind.

A year ago BB got me into this kind of games when it popped up on Emp. Before that, the thought that a porn game could be exciting would not compute for me. Since then I've discovered f95 and lots of other great games.

BB got me to try it because of the quality of its renders. But the hook that kept me through the bitter end was the incest fetish. Porn videos have rarely explored this fetish properly as it requires way more acting and movie-making skills than what's usually available. A close third reason why I stuck with BB is its technical quality. Very often versions were rock stable from their first release and I've played by resuming from saves through 9 versions (v0.4 > ... > v0.13). This last feature is really amazing considering how easy it would be to have people run into dead ends if the dev doesn't really know what they're doing.

What I didn't like about BB is it became too much of a pointless grind. For the last few versions it was like DS didn't want to push the story forward in the incest direction even though it was an incest game. That sweet monthly pay was likely a strong stagnation enabler but I feel it was primarily that DS didn't want to dive the story into something truly perverted. He should've studied Lab Rats to see how it's done. Instead he focused on churning out a relatively small number of eye candy renders mixed with a pretty boring grind. BB was in a swamp.

BB's story has some really huge ups and downs. I liked the restrain of the characters against the unnatural sexual progression but DS managed to push that into completely incredulous directions. I also liked Eric. Rarely was I bothered by a video game character but this one worked my blood up to a boil and had me looking for the chainsaw and Quad Damage. Every good writer knows how to define characters in ways that bind them to readers' empathy. Once this voodoo doll is activated, the writer can strongly manipulate reader's emotions by simply adjusting what happens to the characters. Evidence shows there was no great writer behind BB but the story certainly had a few strong points and Eric was one of them.

I think I would've regularly paid $5-10 for BB. By far the no 1 reason I did not is the level of anonymity provided by Patreon. I know how long bank statements are archived, how utter shit Patreon's security is and how fast things can change in any country in a direction where something you did or say 10-15 years ago can come back and destroy you today.

So, @DarkSilver, thanks for the ride. I'm sorry to see BB go and I hope you are seriously looking for a way to finance yourself through payments that are more anonymous than what Patreon offers. I fully understand how mind numbing hard that is but I deeply believe the future is not bright in doing vanilla porn games censured by Patreon's Mind Police.
I feel mostly the same except that I found Eric quite an undeveloped character, that in the end he just became a block to all your routes and you had to eliminate him to follow the routes of the girls.

He never upgrades his relationship level with the sisters above good and his evolution with the mother leaves a lot to be desired and that's without talking about his relationship with Kira.

A lot of potential wasted there I must say.

Who was the sherlock again who said a female MC will be doing well and ensure DS staying on Patreon?

DS latest BB build. Patrons around 2900.
DS sets BB on hold and presents glamour. Patrons 2217

Yes this is totally going well for him.....
I must say that it is normal to lose patrons in this situation, because it is quite different having a male MC and a female one. It changes almost everything.

He had 2 main types of supporters, the NTR followers and the incest ones, the latter he just deleted them, and the NTR is much weaker when you are in the rol of a female rather than a male.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Fuck Mate, do some math.

A Tripple A game gets bought by 1 million+ gamers.
DS has does not even have 4000 patrons.

So your choices are Support devs on Patreon monthly for them to make a living.
or there are will be very few porn games available.
There are a couple of people (ArianaB and Tlaero etc.) that does it for the love of the games in their own spare time.

But most people would like to be able to make a living if the do it full time.

No need for you to support him, but he does not owe you shit.
That's because they put 1 million times the work into it!
And reverse that last statement of yours...
Will there be fewer games because people don't support the devs enough?
Or will that lack of support be BECAUSE of situations like this where they gave the dev over $480 a year and never see the end of the game they so loyally supported?

Bite the hand that feeds you once too often and you know what happens?
It stops bringing you food!

There will still be the same number of games being produced the only thing that will change is they will have to finish it before they see any money from it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Look I get it. You are frustrated. But you have to remember Patreon is not Kickstarter. There is no upper limit, no initial pledging. You are literally paying someone's wage to deliver a promise/vision/project. Every Patreon campaign runs its own shindig, anywhere from $1 up to hundreds. Are you not sure that the x guy who you're supporting will deliver? Pledge one dollar for a couple of months and see how it goes. Worst case scenario, you gave 2 dollars away, hardly enough for a burger. We can keep tip toeing around this all night but this is how it works... for now. @Skylaroo summed it up in his previous posts.
And you have to remember we CUSTOMERS aren't suckers who you can play Ponzi scheme games with and then when it blows up on you say "Well you only paid for a month of me in front of a computer, not a game!"
It is going to ruin it for the other GOOD DEVS who despite hardship, sudden lack of interest, or Policy changes manage to finish the games for those nice enough to support your effort to make it.
And expect that at some point they will see the game be concluded properly.

But go ahead and keep thinking like that as it will only hurt your ability to get patrons later on when they realize your just using them for an allowance and giving them about 8 hours of work a month at a rate of $1000 a hour.

Then it is back to having to get a job coding Banking Algorithms because you took advantage of the people who would pay you to make something fun.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Holy shit, I love it that you seem to have endless of bad analogies for this lol.

You don't even seem to understand that it's not DS couldn't finish it in time. Time is not the issue for DS because he has no deadline. He can finish it next month, or he can finish it next year, or he can finish it next decade. There is no deadline.
What you MEANT to say was THERE IS NO FINISH! I got your money and screw you that I decided to do something else!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Well any logical thinking person understands that Patreon wanted nothing to do with the content he put out and stopped it cold! So when that happens you have to change things. If his content on his next game is good, people will support him, if its not, then they wont, but the game will be in the rules of Patreon.

Again, if the game is good people will support, if its not, they wont, its simple really.
Funny he is collecting money from the fans of BB already and he hasn't released or planned to release a single episode of Glamour this month does he?


Jan 3, 2018
I even think this game is pretty, but half the time I do not even know what to do. the next event to happen, or how often you need to repeat an event until you change a scene.
There are opportunities that I do not even know if I'm finished or even what the next step is.
Sounds like a good game, but could be better.


Feb 28, 2017
Using old saves, hopw do I activate new content, I talked to alice and she saidd she'd talk with aunt bgut nothing else has happened yet.
3.40 star(s) 107 Votes