- Aug 27, 2017
- 1,035
- 2,633
And you did forget 1 important thing:Complaints, complaints, complaints....
Stop complaining, GO TO WORK!
DS left you his game for free and all his renders unencrypted. So what are you waiting for?
You like the game, but don't like the renders? Download DAZ3D for free, get the models from the thread here and replace the pictures with "better" ones!
You like the renders but don't like the game? Download Unity for free and make the best game ever with your beloved characters!
And after you made the best game ever you put it here to show DS how it is done properly! And you don't need a single penny to invest!
And after that there will be a big surprise for you: Some people won't like your work and you just can't understand why...
Thoses people who wants to have a complete AAA-Game for 40Bucks at once should buy games in stores.
Oh there aren't real porngames like BB?
Maybe because no major company who would be able to to do that is not making them? Because of laws or less profit expectations?
Wait, i have an idea!!! Let's support independent porn game developers that make nasty stuff we want to see.
We will be happy if the would take all the risk so they have the change to develop their stuff! They should go to platforms like Patreon ( in case you know it ) and hope for donators! There we could support them to make stuff we can't get anywhere else!
Of course we have to pay more because there are not enough customers to make it profitable for developers to offer them for low budget.
Of course the developers have to follow their rules, or act at least if they would do it. So we get those games.
But of course we are complaining if we don't get what we want because the circumstances are hard and the developers can't get paid anymore.
Yes we wan't it all and we want it now. If we don't get it we get mad and sad, but the most of us don't have any risk because we only want to play and don't develop by ourselve.
So let's have fun and enjoy those indepenent games from the developers. And if things are changing and developers need to make hard decisions to stay in business and pay there employees we make them scapegoats.
It's so easy to complain if you don't have to care about anything else but consuming!
Yeah, lets make our own games! It is so easy, you only need to make 5-10 mouseclicks and everything is done! Everything is free or cheap and party lasts forever, because someone is making them on their own risk for us perverted nerds!!!
Sorry, i forget to use sarcasm-tags