
Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
GLAMOUR was abadonated by him in favor of Big brother so its his second game that has no final , and now he reboots a failure and hopes for the best i wouldn't support him anymore because he will not finish that one either moust probably and if you don't force him to continue by not supporting , Big brother is finished .
Exactly it shows a pattern of lack of respect and loyalty to those who are willing to pay you to make that game!
Oh I'm bored....Ok so leave all those that supported me with an incomplete game and just start some other game to get even MORE money from supporters.

Truth is I stopped supporting this guy long before this happened!
It was clear as day that he really wasn't putting any great effort into the story or the gameplay and merely running a rendering engine with just 6 or 7 Dialogue tweaks a month to get to them.

I don't know how many hours that took him but if he put in a 40 hour work week he still was making 10 times what most other programmers make in the real world.
It is clear that he took the easy path at every turn. Lazy Story, hardly any variety of action and scenes. Basically phoning it in....And now they took his phone away so he decided to not even do that!
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Active Member
Jan 20, 2018
Lol. I have to laugh. As if releasing version 0.13 for free is worth anything.

It's nothing but a nice empty gesture. DS earned good money for a long time, he owes it to his patreons to finish this game, EVEN if he can't get as much payment.
He owes it to them for the money they already paid for it.

Not to me, I'm just a fucking leech, but to all the guys coughing money up for updates that could easily have been much bigger each month, considering the money the dev got.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but understanding for the trouble patreon put the guy throught, but he should take a picture out of Mr. Dots playbook and finish this project no matter what.
BB has so many devoted fans, that I'm sure he can get a decent amount of money each month, just asking for donations on his blog, if it means BB gets finished.
Yep. People donate so devs can continue work on their games. If folks supported me at that level for as long as they did, I'd feel obligated to at least work on it on the side and finish it in a respectable fashion. No doubt with slower updates but nonetheless deliver on the reason they paid my bills for so long.
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2017
I am running on wine 3.1-1 (Arch Linux). What is your distribution?
Im on mac with you know where i can download your 3.1?
Ive tried many different downloads but they all unzip files that need more unzipping and it never ends so i dont get the app


Jul 3, 2017
I've been a Patron for DS and others for quite some time. $20 bucks a month for a while then down to $5 a few months ago. A few nights ago I pulled all of my pledges from Patreon due to all the the censorship and destruction of creative freedom.

It's a bit shitty to say people were paying for monthly updates and not a finished product. They could have dragged this game on for years at the pace they were currently at. If you spent $5 bucks a month on this game for a year and they produced a finished product it would make the game basically cost $60 bucks. That's completely understandable when other companies, indie or not produce games that cost about that. People that were pledging $20 bucks a month for a game would be paying $240. Again, I guess if that's what people think it's worth I can understand that. Not receiving a finished game is unacceptable. It shows lack of commitment. How are people supposed to trust them from completing Glamour? They could wait another year of pulling in money then drop that one also.

Reading a lot of DS's posts on here I can tell that they have little to no respect for their pledges.


Dec 3, 2017
Can someone helkp me? I'm trying to figure out where you start making the movies with aunt and mom. Does anyone have a save file I can use? I'm trying to find out when in the game you can start with the movies, but having a hard time.
Thanks in advace, hope someone can help!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2017
What a comically abrupt end to this... I'm not sure why anyone would continue to give DS money, even at the lowest tier after pulling this stunt for a second time. Patreon can be blamed in part but it's not as if weren't work arounds and not as if Big Brother was exactly bursting with new content with every update in this slow string along he's done.

Heinz Becker

Jun 4, 2017
Complaints, complaints, complaints....

Stop complaining, GO TO WORK!

DS left you his game for free and all his renders unencrypted. So what are you waiting for?

You like the game, but don't like the renders? Download DAZ3D for free, get the models from the thread here and replace the pictures with "better" ones!
You like the renders but don't like the game? Download Unity for free and make the best game ever with your beloved characters!
And after you made the best game ever you put it here to show DS how it is done properly! And you don't need a single penny to invest!

And after that there will be a big surprise for you: Some people won't like your work and you just can't understand why...



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2017
Complaints, complaints, complaints....

Stop complaining, GO TO WORK!

DS left you his game for free and all his renders unencrypted. So what are you waiting for?

You like the game, but don't like the renders? Download DAZ3D for free, get the models from the thread here and replace the pictures with "better" ones!
You like the renders but don't like the game? Download Unity for free and make the best game ever with your beloved characters!
And after you made the best game ever you put it here to show DS how it is done properly! And you don't need a single penny to invest!

And after that there will be a big surprise for you: Some people won't like your work and you just can't understand why...

And you did forget 1 important thing:
Thoses people who wants to have a complete AAA-Game for 40Bucks at once should buy games in stores.

Oh there aren't real porngames like BB?
Maybe because no major company who would be able to to do that is not making them? Because of laws or less profit expectations?
Wait, i have an idea!!! Let's support independent porn game developers that make nasty stuff we want to see.
We will be happy if the would take all the risk so they have the change to develop their stuff! They should go to platforms like Patreon ( in case you know it ) and hope for donators! There we could support them to make stuff we can't get anywhere else!
Of course we have to pay more because there are not enough customers to make it profitable for developers to offer them for low budget.
Of course the developers have to follow their rules, or act at least if they would do it. So we get those games.
But of course we are complaining if we don't get what we want because the circumstances are hard and the developers can't get paid anymore.
Yes we wan't it all and we want it now. If we don't get it we get mad and sad, but the most of us don't have any risk because we only want to play and don't develop by ourselve.
So let's have fun and enjoy those indepenent games from the developers. And if things are changing and developers need to make hard decisions to stay in business and pay there employees we make them scapegoats.
It's so easy to complain if you don't have to care about anything else but consuming!

Yeah, lets make our own games! It is so easy, you only need to make 5-10 mouseclicks and everything is done! Everything is free or cheap and party lasts forever, because someone is making them on their own risk for us perverted nerds!!!

Sorry, i forget to use sarcasm-tags :)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
He really only had two more months of work to do to FINISH IT!
He just took Mom off the todo list and all that was left was Lisa!
All that was left was Lisa? Are you delusional? LOL
1. That coffee shop girl hasn't even started
2. The doctor hasn't really started
3. Olivia hasn't really started
4. Olivia's mom hasn't really started
5. Kate might not finish yet
6. Kate's mom hasn't even started
7. Kira might not finish yet
8. Alice might not finish yet
9. Ann might not finish yet

And you think all that was left was Lisa?

Sure he could have kept making it forever!
This proves MY POINT! It's MILK JOB...
Stop flip-flopping.

If you believe he is milking BB (which I actually agree with), then you should understand that he won't purposely be putting BB on hold. If you believe he is purposely putting BB on hold, then you should not think he was milking BB.

We are supporting him to make a game!
Not supporting him so he can make 20 pictures a month and MORE TO COME if you just keep sending me that milk!
This pretty much confirmed why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with you. DS always added hundreds of new pictures. Somehow in your mind it's "20 pictures a month" ... No wonder you're pissy that you spent $40/month on this.

The biggest irony in this whole thing is that if DS kept on milking BB for another 2 years by delaying Lisa over and over again, you'd be more than happy to donate $40/month for those 2 years and spend $960 more. Hook, line, and sinker. You got hooked, you got lined, you got sunk. Now BB is put on hold, you've suddenly lost your purpose.

Deleted member 12408

Active Member
Apr 3, 2017
This pretty much confirmed why it's impossible to have a rational discussion with you. DS always added hundreds of new pictures. Somehow in your mind it's "20 pictures a month" ...
Actually all these hundreds of new images show 1-2 scences from different angles with minimal differences. Maybe 0.13 is an exception.
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Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Can't say I'm sad to see this game suffer this fate. It had great potential, and the renders are great but it was marred by tedious, slow grind, a beta as fuck main character with no chance of making him grow and of course, Eric.
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