I do not believe him that Patreon said something. For what reason should you? There are X games with such a story. Then all should have problems now. I suspect that he is just lying, and no longer wants BigBrother. That will be everything. I do not think that there is another reason. With everything else I agree with you. and stand on your side. The donors must get a full game ...
I too am skeptical of what DarkSilver says now as he lost credibility. I try to make my arguments with facts given by DS so as to be sensible. Regardless, I would believe DarkSilver's claim that patreon suspended his account. The reason being is that it would be easy for Patreon to disprove. If he told a lie and is dragging Patreon's name in the mud, I'm sure someone from Patreon would respond. So far, they are silent. DS is not a small account either. He's getting a minimum $11,000/month for his project. (Over 2000 patrons) For now, I would believe DarkSilver's claim until stated otherwise.
To that end, I believe project developers shouldn't rely on patreon unless they get full creative control. This is so damaging to projects in general. If Patreon doesn't like what you do, you're booted. In the end, while ignoring the patrons, Patreon has the final say. There needs to be competition. Przewodo is part of adultpledge, a competitor for patreon that wouldn't discriminate. It's not a perfect but any competition is better than no competition. (I don't know anything about payza or their commission rates)
Regardless of the whole patreon competition angle. What patreon allegedly did was throw a wrench into his project. I criticize the way Dark Silver responded to this wrench. In his posts he basically said he's using this as an opportunity to go do glamour as big brother is 'no longer the game he envisioned'. At the rate this new game is already going, I have no doubt that glamour too will have that issue. What's to stop him from quitting this new game as well? Right now he has no credibility and a track record of 0 completed games. (and after all that money as well) He could have changed up Max to be a family friend on vacation. (or some other bs) That way at least the game could be completed. The way DarkSilver threw away the game is disheartening.
Patreon projects are already unstable as it is. I've given money to projects before. I now have to think twice now because of this.