Why do you even hate Eric?
Thinking about it, you just wants to become Eric.
Because the ultimate goal of this game is to have sex with all women in the house.
Conclusion: You want to become Eric. But you don't want to share the sex with Eric. So you get rid of Eric. And you becomes the ultimate Eric.
Enough Eric? LOLx'Dx'Dx'Dx'Dx'D
Never thought of it this way. But yet yet... it make so much sense...
Erics will just wanna get rid of other "Erics" to be the only Eric screwing everyone in the family. Wow..totally next level man. Hats off to you really.
Things like that do happened in my country.... Stepdad not only jerking to sister but raping sister, so go figure @@
I agree that the mechanics are broken. But apart from that is people on his patreon page are complaining the presence of NTR content and the lack of option to get rid of him. That's the reason he introduced such a rushed plot to kick him away once and for all.
A bit long thoughts today..pls bear with me.
back to the game , i tend to agree the game is swiftly dropping into a mass game plot cess hole. I played this game in 0.2 and really like the routes and opportunities expansion. I like appreciate DS take the effort to make new ideas and explore new territories and I guess this is what make the game successful though it lack of actual sexual content then.
I also agree Eric is OP then , but the game was in 0.3 , barely quarterly finished. As a (maybe only) main antagonist , I accept that in an unfinished game , most likely he will seem invincible then and even in a normal finished game , the way to finally get rid of a main antagonist will be near the end game.
But all the NTR and more sex scenes whining really make the next few expansions seem lacklustre and more of capitulating hotfix solutions to all the whining. Now you got a dominatrix's mom who wanna kidnap him?? and hackers who wanna get him too. This game is becoming 101 "sudden" ways to get rid of Eric , they should have a poll on that. Why not add contacting the greys and they kidnap Eric to do anal probe. The crowd will grow crazy on that scene man. Anyway I hope DS make sense of the game again instead of bending the game physics whenever ppl whine.
Like any other horny guy I do appreciate the sex scene finally with alice , but once again like some posters said , I also kinda agree its kinda lacklustre and feel kinda "rushed" in fact , like its added just to placate "why can't I have sex with everyone" chest beaters...
And tbh when I saw Alex , i was like "Oh dear , here we go again". Don't get me wrong , I like new characters and new story line plot. But I can already feel the disturbance in the force , a few posts earlier on when 0.5 came out already starting on this. Very soon it be "what do you mean if I chose to seduce Olivia to help Lisa get Alex as BF , I can't get to screw lisa??? and Alex NTRed lisa? What BS depravity degenerate NTR is this" Prepare the guns boys , NTR content detected...(WHATTT????)
And I am very sure the "Eric who don't know they are Eric grp" (sorry for bad joke) will get real pissed if they don't get to screw Olivia if MC advise Lisa to ignore Alex and thus not starting the event to know Olivia.
"There must be a way to screw Olivia even we don't know her" .. whine whine whine
This gonna be interesting if DS capitulate once again , I like to see how he patch this cesspool up.
"Lisa think alex's dick is small and saw MC dick big and thick and decide to join in 3 some with MC and Olivia and ditch Alex" (Olivia route)
And Olivia spy Lisa and MC having sex with her telescope and decide to break into MC house and join 3some with them "Hi I am Olivia , you may not know me , but I saw your big dick thru my telescope and decide to join u guys" (Boyfriend route)
Hell screw the story man..just make it "MC got big dick , he sweep all competition aside with it and all girls want him" I think a lot of ppl will like this mode.