
Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Everyone has there own interpatation on this game and here are my thoughts on the "You Got To Fight For Him" Path.
Quote's from this thread:

I have only played each of Lisa's path 1 time each but for the "You got to fight for him" which I have played now 6 times through to make sure I got ever thing.
My statements are base on my play going down the "You got to fight for him" path.

A traumatized rape victim that is abused by a guy that is cheating on her that manipulates her in a way that she is ok with the fact of their son or daughter are in room when they have sex for educational purposes, and don't care he is actively trying to seduce the older sister even when you present to her a photo of him masturbating watching her.
So now in V0.6 your options are to abuse your mother or to convert her in a PornStar.
But she has total authority over Max and Max knows it. I never use what can be gotten from Erik I always tell him I will think about it to keep him at bay for as long as possible. Max is between a rock and a very hard place and is trying to fight for his family the only way he knows how. (You need to listen to aunts story about Anna, before the kidnapping she was just as head strong as Kira is but now is just a shell of her old self.)

That is a professional whore, but probably the only one that cares for you.
No to this 100%, all of them care for Max. Mother does but she is being controlled by Erik. Big sister loves Max as big sisters do by being snarky and putting him down but deep down inside she cares for him.
Now little sister took me a long time to figure out, she is secretly in love with Max and if you play through the "You need to fight for him" path and if the english translation from russian would have brought the passion over you can see it.
There is still a lot of hints to this in the english game and if you look for them you will see them.

Big Sister: An interested bitch that hates you and only cares for the one that give her the best gifts and money no matter who he is. And the only way you can get something from her is if you pay weed to her pimp or make her drunk.
This is only her outward persona and if you watch each pic you can pick up on her secret love for all her family. Typical big sister attitude is how she is portrayed. A lot of the passion is lost in translation but there are a lot of hints to this. The very first time you get to spank Alice when you catch her smoking and you chose the right response she thinks its a complement and if she hated Max this would not happen.

Little Sister: You can convince her to do things she don't want to do with you and later use the love and respect she have for aunt to force her keep doing thins she don't want to do with you or let an untruthful guy to drug her so you can have his GF.
Now little sister took me a long time to figure out, she is secretly in love with Max and if you play through the "You need to fight for him" path and if the english translation from russian would have brought the passion over you can see it.
There is still a lot of hints to this in the english game and if you look for them you will see them.
Go back to the opening story, what teenage girl who is offered her own bedroom turns it down to sleep in the same room her brother is in, this is the first hint from Lisa.
The first major tell for this is when they both got off while Lisa was watching porn on her phone, she open up to Max at that time and showed her true feelings for him.
One of the first major tell tells is when aunt came in the first time for training, the next day she tells Max that Lisa got wet very fast and this is not normal for one who does not want it.

Lisa is using Alex to make Max jealous so he will chase her more. Secret love is great.
Every convo you have with Lisa just watch her face you can see it there when you are looking for it.
I have just started my 7th playthrough and am seeing more and more now that I know to look for them.
Even Alice tells Max that he is great early in the game if you have done the right convo with her. If you play as if she is a bitch then you will miss it.

Once again I love the "You need to fight for him" path.

Max is limited in what he can do to keep Erik's authority down so he will not be sent to camp and must pay 300 a week to save his ass until he can take care of Erik and while doing this he has fallen in love with his whole family.
For big sister he has to pay her and give her massages to drive down Erik's authority.
Little sister he has to help her with homework and do the dishes.
For mom he has to walk in on her and give her a complement and watch a movie with her and later give her money to drive down Eirk's authority.

This is how I see what is going on in the "You got to fight for him" path.
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Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
-.- I hate you guys. I step away for less than a day and I get 160 comments to review z.z

Edit: Take a chill pill. Seriously. Thread has been fairly calm in terms of shit shows and problems so no need to get heated up. :)


Aug 9, 2017
Yeah i agree with some points, When Eric was there and threatening, (0.3-0.4) I was driven by anger to play the game. Now i'm just like "yeah only mom left to fuck".

The other thing is, and thank you for pointing that, No one ever comes to you. Except if you are punished or if you hide the spider. People could use your help but would spend weeks dealing with their problem instead of coming to talk to you. In other words, everyone hates you, you are miserable and lonely and you don't even leave the house.

Pretty depressing...
Yeah, pretty much. I only began playing recently, starting with 0.5. I agree that there is no romance and scarce affection to be found. Max is little more than a prop and he gets savaged on that point more than once. That said, I don't know that there is any indication that he is deserving of more and it kind of works out in his favor since this seems to allow the sisters to dissociate from their familial relationship and use him as such.

It may also be worth noting that the maximum attainable relationship (at this point) with most family members seems to be "friends" (exception for Alice who can reach "flirting"). So, with that in mind, I don't really expect them to be treating max in a romantic way. Of course, that's not to say that there is not room for those relationships to continue to grow and evolve...

I think there is a missed (or perhaps incomplete) opportunity after Lisa busts in on Max and Alice doing a web show. Instead of resolving the issue after one conversation, this could be expanded to have the fallout last over a couple days where Max must decide to: A)Continue business as usual (the existing resolution), B)Convince Lisa to join in, or C)Give up doing shows with Alice in exchange for an evolution of his relationship with Lisa.

If the points you make were portrayed at least somewhat realistically that would be OK, but the continuing complaint is that they're inconsistent and shallow. They exist simply to serve the gameplay, rather than have a compelling story altogether. Nobody initiates with Max because of the grind-style gameplay, he doesn't leave the house because that would require an entirely new location with options etc. etc.
What I fail to understand, when people justify Ann trusting Eric over Max, is where do you draw the line ? Would she allow Eric to bang Kira, Alice or Lisa due to being submissive ? If not, then why during a particular scene does she trust the person who's out naked with his dick in hand instead of her clothed son. How much more obvious could things be in that situation ? To top it off, Max is blamed for said act and suddenly turns so retarded he forgets to say he was going to the toilet. At this point you might argue that Max is actually retarded all the time, but how would he be able to take advantage of Alice in the Blog opportunity if that's the case ? Furthermore take another side of Max - anybody acting the way he does in real-life would be insta-shipped to military school without the need for Eric to suggest anything at all.
Inconsistency piled upon inconsistency, has desensitized some players to the point where they unconsciously accept them or excuse them with gameplay choices. Yes, these story points are made to serve the gameplay, but it's not impossible to have good gameplay which serves the story. As I've mentioned before - imagine if Eric wasn't a douchebag and built genuine affection with the rest of the family. The impact on gameplay would be roughly the same, but the story would become infinitely more mature/realistic than the juvenile fantasy it is right now.

P.S. I'd recommend trying out Dreaming of Dana to anyone who hasn't done so yet. Yes, the gameplay is much weaker than Big Brother, but writing-wise it's the best and most realistic (incest) story of any game. It proves you can have an interesting sexually charged narrative, without it devolving to nonsensical plot threads to create artificial drama.
As far as lines being drawn, I think Ann eventually crosses any line she dares to lay down. Given that we are shown she can be easily manipulated by Eric or Kira and will allow things such as Alice's private punishments or Lisa's "sex-education" or Max being allowed to watch.... I really don't see the photo of Eric jerkin it as a deal-breaker. Ann is not a perfect person. She is "damaged goods" and people should accept that. Really, the whole family is pretty fucked up in some way or another.

I don't disagree with the opinion that the story is shallow or juvenile. However, I don't fault the game for that either. In that regard, I suppose that I just treat it like a Hollywood summertime blockbuster.... Go into it hoping to be entertained without the expectation of fantastic literature. At this point, my expectations are being met and I have enjoyed exploring the different paths. I also accept that this is an incomplete game with room to improve. So far, I've played the "Forget about Alex" GF path and the Olivia Path and probably three of the paths to get rid of Eric (There are supposed to be six ways?). I've enjoyed my playtime and eagerly await more updates.

For me, it's simpler to appreciate the game for what it is rather than be upset about what it isn't.

(I haven't yet tried DoD but I will soon as I have only heard good things about it. I probably would have given it a play sooner but the characters looked pretty fugly from what I've seen.)


Active Member
May 9, 2017
I to add my own 2 cents on Eric.

Do I like the guy? No
Did I play the path of "friends" with him? yes
why? It's part of the game.

I have saves for every path. I don't just play one path of the game and leave it at that.
With Eric in the game, it is a bit more challenging. I do enjoy that.

I will admit that I enjoy many parts of this game and all the paths.

I am not a cuck fan or an incest fan. Not sure how I got addicted to this game.
But I like it......ALL


Active Member
May 5, 2017
It may also be worth noting that the maximum attainable relationship (at this point) with most family members seems to be "friends" (exception for Alice who can reach "flirting").
In fact you can go up to "lovers" with the 3 of them


Aug 9, 2017
In fact you can go up to "lovers" with the 3 of them
Interesting. This is without cheats/trainers? Are there trivial daily activities which slowly boost or decrease relationship status?

In my playthroughs, the statuses only seemed to notably increase in sync with opportunity progression (6th homework, books, clothing, etc.).

I was able to get "lovers" with olivia but I feel like her relationship stages were different.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
I was able to get Lisa to friends and Alice to flirting.
Please let us know how you got 3 of them to lovers without cheating.

If you get rid of Eric before you give her that first massage and she love's it then mom goes up to warm also. Later you get to friends.
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Aug 17, 2017
Ok so here's a topic for discussion.
Hand drawn adult Novels/comics(or even games) take a long time to produce, so it makes sense that each scene can't have many drawings/angles, so the author keeps it to a minimum in order to keep the quality as high as possible.
But on 3d rendered games like BB(or DmD etc) the models are already perfect, the room is already there, and after setting up a scene, it takes much less effort to produce more angles/poses. It still takes time to set it up, but most of the work is already "done". Only thing keeping an artist back is the rendering time(hardware).
Fans have shown that it's possible to produce proffesional looking renderings (fan art) that are hard to distinguish from the official ones.

So why the hell do we get only 2-3 renderings(sometimes even 1-2) per scene? You have all this build up to achieve something more with a character (Lisa's training Alice's blog, or the amazing Lisa-Olivia build up to the threesome are pure Gold) and the reward ends up a couple of shots that then become the repeatable scenes u get to grind everyday.

When u have the opportunity to really flesh out a story and enrich your game/business-income with minimal extra effort, why would you choose to produce so much less?
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 4, 2017
-.- I hate you guys. I step away for less than a day and I get 160 comments to review z.z

Edit: Take a chill pill. Seriously. Thread has been fairly calm in terms of shit shows and problems so no need to get heated up. :)
An otter's job is never done i guess, but we'll try to it cool here .....
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Aug 9, 2017
Ok so here's a topic for discussion.
Hand drawn adult Novels/comics(or even games) take a long time to produce, so it makes sense that each scene can't have many drawings/angles, so the author keeps it to a minimum in order to keep the quality as high as possible.
But on 3d rendered games like BB(or DmD etc) the models are already perfect, the room is already there, and after setting up a scene, it takes much less effort to produce more angles/poses. It still takes time to set it up, but most of the work is already "done". Only thing keeping an artist back is the rendering time(hardware).
Fans have shown that it's possible to produce proffesional looking renderings (fan art) that are hard to distinguish from the official ones.

So why the hell do we get only 2-3 renderings(sometimes even 1-2) per scene? You have all this build up to achieve something more with a character (Lisa's training Alice's blog, or the amazing Lisa-Olivia build up to the threesome are pure Gold) and the reward ends up a couple of shots that then become the repeatable scenes u get to grind everyday.

When u have the opportunity to really flesh out a story and enrich your game/business-income with minimal extra effort, why would you choose to produce so much less?
My hope is that that the game is being built in sort of a skeletal fashion with some scenes serving to be placeholder until the all game "opportunities" are complete and working.

From a practical production point of view, it's most efficient to get everything structured out in alpha stages with placeholder material. If need be, things can be shuffled around in the timeline without having to do a lot of rework for continuity. It also gives the devs the option to cut or redo content they are unsatisfied with with minimal loss of invested time.

Once the the game is to a stage where all scenes and triggers have been accounted for and giving the desired gameplay, that would be the appropriate time to do beta polishing. I would hope that they will add some more frames here and there if needed as well as redo other scenes entirely...

For example, many scenes taking place in Max and Lisa's room have terrible lighting which makes the character assets look flat and cartoony. Other frames could use different composition... The initial view of Lisa sleeping is intimate, wonderful and beautifully rendered but once you get her sleeping in panties it's sort of bland and once sleeping nude, it's borderline gross. There are also oddities like Olivia's spray-tan-orange coloring which is somewhat unsettling (at least to me) and unrealistic for someone who, given her lifestyle, should have a natural tan. Max's salt-n-pepper hair is also odd for his age.

I believe they've already done a small pass of updated renders so I would expect the trend to continue as development continues. I hope that they will take the time to really polish the renders once they are ready to. If they don't, it will still be better looking than pretty much any of these sorts of games. As it is, BB has a pretty good ratio of text clicks to new frames but I don't think anyone will complain if they add more frames or even animations. That said, I wouldn't expect any of that until after all opportunities have been implemented.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
This is not the help section go here and ask for help.


Aug 17, 2017
My hope is that that the game is being built in sort of a skeletal fashion with some scenes serving to be placeholder until the all game "opportunities" are complete and working.

From a practical production point of view, it's most efficient to get everything structured out in alpha stages with placeholder material. If need be, things can be shuffled around in the timeline without having to do a lot of rework for continuity. It also gives the devs the option to cut or redo content they are unsatisfied with with minimal loss of invested time.

Once the the game is to a stage where all scenes and triggers have been accounted for and giving the desired gameplay, that would be the appropriate time to do beta polishing. I would hope that they will add some more frames here and there if needed as well as redo other scenes entirely...

For example, many scenes taking place in Max and Lisa's room have terrible lighting which makes the character assets look flat and cartoony. Other frames could use different composition... The initial view of Lisa sleeping is intimate, wonderful and beautifully rendered but once you get her sleeping in panties it's sort of bland and once sleeping nude, it's borderline gross. There are also oddities like Olivia's spray-tan-orange coloring which is somewhat unsettling (at least to me) and unrealistic for someone who, given her lifestyle, should have a natural tan. Max's salt-n-pepper hair is also odd for his age.

I believe they've already done a small pass of updated renders so I would expect the trend to continue as development continues. I hope that they will take the time to really polish the renders once they are ready to. If they don't, it will still be better looking than pretty much any of these sorts of games. As it is, BB has a pretty good ratio of text clicks to new frames but I don't think anyone will complain if they add more frames or even animations. That said, I wouldn't expect any of that until after all opportunities have been implemented.
Good points... i didn't really think of this build as Alpha, more like a halfway beta. Thus my concern for the thin content.
I mean if Eric is already gone with most branches suggesting it's "for good", then it's quite hard to make him return in some way. So that's a major character gone already..in Alpha... unless if they reset his storyline completely.
Same goes for some other characters like Alex(who could have been Lisa's boyfriend->so a major character) or Olivia's branch with the Lisa-Max Boyfriend path. Again hard to get them back without altering serious decisions/dialogues. Though not impossible.
But anyway, my main point was focusing on the visual elements, and even if this is an early stage(even earlier than i thought), and so many scenes have been setup, why not add more renders/frames to make the game more interesting and the potential customers more invested in your story?
Unless if they already DID more frames, and are just planing on releasing them gradualy. Which would make more sense to keep the patrons paying and the fanbase hooked and eager for each new patch.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Good points... i didn't really think of this build as Alpha, more like a halfway beta. Thus my concern for the thin content.
I mean if Eric is already gone with most branches suggesting it's "for good", then it's quite hard to make him return in some way. So that's a major character gone already..in Alpha... unless if they reset his storyline completely.
Same goes for some other characters like Alex(who could have been Lisa's boyfriend->so a major character) or Olivia's branch with the Lisa-Max Boyfriend path. Again hard to get them back without altering serious decisions/dialogues. Though not impossible.
But anyway, my main point was focusing on the visual elements, and even if this is an early stage(even earlier than i thought), and so many scenes have been setup, why not add more renders/frames to make the game more interesting and the potential customers more invested in your story?
Unless if they already DID more frames, and are just planing on releasing them gradualy. Which would make more sense to keep the patrons paying and the fanbase hooked and eager for each new patch.
We don't really know if Eric is gone for good, 1 way he is a slave another way is all of his stuff is gone - Now I ask why would the goon's take his stuff instead of just kidnapping him, he may have seen the trap and ran.

We just don't know at this time if he is gone for good or not.
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