DS said that 1.0 would be something along the lines of a full release. I would hope that means a consummation in some way of the Lisa and Ann story lines. He should be able to complete them in 1.0, especially if he increases the content for both. Adding the shopping to .9 was a setback to moving those stories along though. I hope 1.0 doesn't have a similar sidetracking of the story to draw things out. As you said, the game is likely to continue beyond that point, but hopefully just to continue the story that had some kind of closure in 1.0.
As awesome as the content other people are making is, for me it will never quite feel as "real" as what DS makes. It's like if someone makes a fanfiction movie of something. It may be awesome. But it's not official, and that gets in the way of my enjoyment. Hopefully some of those talented people will use that talent to start their own games, and inspire other people to do fan-art of their stuff

I think DS really wants to do his Glamour game, so that would leave things wide open for another incest game with graphics like Big Brother's.