Which precisely led to the furor over Cuckboy!Agreed, a lot of the speculation and character motivations people discuss (myself included) seems to come from our own desire for a consistent plot rather than a constructed plot by DS. I'm mostly ok with that since it allows us to play the narrative we want. I think a lot of the arguments in this thread stem from people having two different narratives in mind for the game and clashing. That in itself isn't a bad thing, just gets to be a problem when someone try's to push their narrative as the only one.
Some saw it as a Neotare when all it was really is another chance to get a glimpse of Mom Naked...The only Porn available to a house that had Porn sites blocked from the internet...Once Eric was gone their interpretation was ruined and hence they whined about the game being ruined as well.
Other's (Like me) Just saw it as a Cockblocking mechanism that needed to be overcome but couldn't be for two versions because he hadn't coded the method for doing so yet. When we whined about there not being any sex in the game (due to the cockblocking) the NTR folks started fighting to keep it NTR.
If there was some "Master Plan" he wouldn't be having polls every month to ask what we want next, he would simply carry on with the story as intended and not leave the dead ends that he has left on so many dialogue and plot points.
He may have had a general idea on what the game would have an encompass but as far as story on how to get there it was paper thin at best.
What I can say here is that DS (aka DARK silver) seems to be more into the darker sides of sex. Spanking are prominent and have been so since the very beginning of the game. Kate Dominates Alice, Cuckboy dominates Mom, Kate's Mom is a Dominatrix with her own dungeon....
And blackmail and leverage is key to advancing in the game.
That is about all you can say about DS' plans going into this game.
He is writing it to his tastes and that's fine with me...Romance was not the original plan and like everything else, the Polls have brought him to the point of adding something he never had thought of putting in the game.
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