Not sure anybody said anything about ripping anything out of the game. We were discussing reorganizing what is there so you aren't forced down one branch at the expense of another, and a way to make two separate branches merge seamlessly. I am sure folks can live with having to go through some of Olivia's branch to get to Lisa's gf path if they had to. The only thing that is lost is having to buy all the jewelry, but even that can be added to another part of the game, maybe on new Olivia content or later.
I'm sorry Silent but the old "It's not a complete game I can do whatever I want" is an excuse made by poor programmers who have coded themselves into a situation they aren't smart enough to code out of or had no clue what they were doing from the start anyway as they were just trying to get the money flowing into their pockets!
And any Dev that does such a thing to his users deserves to lose every supporter he has until such time as they learn the lesson that once the story has been released it can't be changed and if there is a problem they need to change what happens in the future of the game not what already happened in the past!
The excuse that it isn't complete applies to what comes next FAR BETTER than what has already transpired in the game.
I he can't figure out how to make the future events return to parts users may have not seen yet because they took a different path then this game is going to suck no matter what he tries to do because he isn't up to making a game at all.