Dont feel sorry for me, like I said, I dont really care one way or the other. And I didnt say he was gonna let anyone have sex with Ann, nor did I say I necessarily wanted that, what I said was, there is a thing that says, this will be continued in a future update. Now no matter how you or I feel about it, my only point was, Eric isnt done, you said he was. As I also pointed out, DS can kill the rest of that story by overhearing a phone call, that makes Max take immediate action toward getting rid of him, if he did that Eric would be done. But until DS EITHER ends that storyline or continues it, by definition, its not done, its just a hanging storyline with no ending. And yes, you could just decide at that point to get rid of Eric, but thats not good storytelling, and that I DO have a problem with, like the Dark Matter Tali quest in Mass Effect 2, it just stops because they didnt have anywhere to go with it (well they did but chose not to for some reason), and that isnt good storytelling. As I said, Im no proponent of Eric, but if DS is gonna make a game he should make it well.