Ok. Lisa it's far from innocent.
Give Max, her brother. Hand jobs, blowjobs and have anal sex with hin and their AUNT.
She likes being dominated, and get corrupted to the point of blowing her brother in the night if you dont do anything to her for a while.
She likes watching Max with other woman, and likes being watch while being with Max.
And kind of cares more for Max's sex life than her own. I'm starting to worri she is defining herself as Max's.
BUT, she takes the whole thing as a game, she said it herself. That if why she wants to stay "virgin", because if she give Max her virginity, then she is going to take thing serius. And MAYBE kind of force an oportunity witch Max of a formal relationship.
BUT, the oportuniti "changin roles" actualy open the option of Lisa getting in the "Family bussines". Wich and don't like that neither.
She can get tired of "sharing" Max and get ONE boyfriend, but i just don't like the idea of her turning into a whore or something like that.
The point is that the 4 woman are diferent in a way.
You aunt its a Slut, but have good intentions and a close relationship witch you because you are a pervert as well.
Your older sister star like a bitch and SLOWLY get more open to you. Kind of wants/love you but keep lying to herself with "it's only for the money".
Your mom it's a stric woman with a trauma from the past that and asshole "switch", the you get rid of the asshole and she gets fired. You aunt convince her (i asume that with the help of this "switch") to get more open into open sex with you.
Besides the fake disease, and the fact that you want to fuck your mom.
And Your little sister. She star innocent, you beggin to corrupt her and have an option to have her as girlfriend.
This are the 4 "diferent" woman that live with you. I really hope they don't and being the same woman with a diferent skin.
On the other hand i'm more worried about your mom having a BDSM scene without you.
They could activate the "switch" and get her away from you... or after that "movie" you can make another witch her with BDSM and activate the "swith" yourself, and beggin to activate the "switch" out of the movies. I would LOVE that.
But, if it happens, may take a few more months.
IRL you can't have everything, a game don't have to follow the same logic.
Besides, i feel like everyting with Eric was NTR since you can't do anything to avoid it from happening. And your mom being "forced" into more BDSM movies feels like NTR.
And i really HATE NTR.
And it's kind of out of place in this point. But an explication or something like that for "Why Max feel love/lust for his own family" it's kind of necesary.
Don't take me wrong, i like the story, just than the initial motivation for Max seems kind of lost.
Yes, he is a pervert, but from the beggining of the game he wants to be with his family in a more that "familiar" way.
Feels like an "Form the past months i have this weird feeling with my sisters and mother, i don't see them like family, but as woman" kind-of-introducing-text would help.
PS. Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.