Of he had added Eric with the complete path to getting rid of him available then he wouldn't have become the big issue he became...
But you had to wait two months to get rid of him because he hadn't coded it yet.
It's kind of an issue with all of the scenes DS does and why the last update was far more palatable because you got pretty much the entire plot point in one release.
With eric around you had to literally avoid other content, there was no way to 'win' when he was there...
You get Alice lingerie, guess what? She models for eric.
You advance Lisa to sex-ed guess what, eric takes her. (although there was an option there to be fair)
You finally get a female that is genuinely interested in you, advance in her storyline and finally get to have sex, guess what? Eric blackmail rapes her, then she starts to like it.
Guess what you can have her back IF you also give eric Alice.
Guess what, after you sacrifice Alice Kira doesn't want to do anything anymore anyway.
You level up your stats, catch cuntrag actively pulling his little pud outside of Alices room, take a fucking PHOTOGRAPH of him stroking his mini-dick and show it to your mum, game over for eric right? Guess what... Well you know the fucking answer.
It wasn't about not having the complete storyline for eric at the time.
It was because EVERY interaction with him (or that he magically hijacked) was just beyond fucking godmoded super obstacle bullshit simply designed for you to fail at.
Long story short, DarkSilver wrote it to just fuck off everyone and take the piss, there's no other logical explanation.