Ok, so the new version. Overall pretty boring. Not as infuriating as the shitstorm that was Alice in 0.11 but this really feels like a whole lot of stalling for not a lot of payoff. On the three routes:
Olivia: When DS said that this would be merging the routes, either his definition of merging is different from mine or he flat out lied. The route in no way mixes with the Olivia/Lisa route from before. He can't even mix it when it would make sense to do so.
Olivia complains CONSTANTLY about not having a pool anymore, and Max never invited her over? Or Lisa? The renders for that are already fucking done! She should at least be able to hang out like she does in her route. Diane sucks. Flat out, her render is OK, but the only reason she exists is to slow down shit with Olivia, which shouldn't be fucking slow in the first place because this is OLIVIA we're talking about, horny crazy party girl Olivia. The same one who was totally cool with foursomes and hanging around your house naked, and NOW she suddenly is shy? Max never mentions that his family runs around topless either? I don't mind the dates, though I hate the padding of only being able to do it Tuesdays and Fridays. So once a-fucking-gain we are left with a new plotline that will be left hanging for months.
Lisa Sex-Ed: Yup, pointless. The renders are good, but there is no advancement, the whole thing is a clear stalling maneuver so that Lisa's virginity will hold a little longer. We have like 9 different scenes, most of which have tons of reused CG, it should have been 4-5 scenes at most. We didn't need the Max cumming too soon event, the Anne fucking freaking out AGAIN event, or any of that shit. The plot barely advances, and we've fucking done this shit already, and better with Kira the redheaded ghost who talks to Max once a month. At least Lisa now flat out says that she will lose it to Max. But now that she's made the decision we need another obstacle. Anne is now checking her fortified hymen on the regular. This has NEVER come up before and is clearly only there to milk people. We have been dancing to the same tune for 6 months now, and it will be at least 2 more until it is resolved. Fuck this shit.
Anne porn: This route is good. Only issue is that I had no idea that I had to buy cream until I looked at the opportunity list. But the scenes themselves, they moved at a good pace, and it didn't feel like the teasing was too awful. It's still Stariway to Heaven bullshit, but nowhere near as bad as the Sex ed.