
Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
As game progresses through new updates, small inconsistencies are becoming a bit of a problem (Kira lessons for Lisa & Max, chars acting like they never did what they do usually - i suppose DS is aware of all of that so no point in making a long list of specific events affected by this).
Trackbacking to fix them would probably take some development time but it would sure help with the immersion.

Another mildly annoying thing is repetitiveness of some events without any available variables.
For instance once you get to play with Lisa at night, join Alice in her blog stream, etc, you can only repeat the same scene over and over. Adding some variety in positions and interactions would spice up the game a lot.
Adding variations to preexisting repetitive scenes should not be a very demanding task and would imho improve the game significantly.

I know most people demand new content and progression of the story but, at some point, the current inconsistencies and repetitiveness of already existing scenes would become harder to fix and improve so how about devoting some development time to this for the next update.

And yes, I am a patron and will keep supporting DS. I love the game aesthetics and I would also like the game to progress faster but as a one man band there is only so much he can do. Hopefully, in time and with some additional developer help, he will be able to ship out improvements and updates faster and make everyone happier.
Until then, everyone be happy with what you can get with every update that ships out.

P.S. To DS > devoting part of your time to revive an old project while BB is in the focus of your audience is a mistake. Focus on BB development and progression properly , there is still a lot of work to be done as I pointed out above.


Devoted Member
Mar 28, 2017
As game progresses through new updates, small inconsistencies are becoming a bit of a problem (Kira lessons for Lisa & Max, chars acting like they never did what they do usually - i suppose DS is aware of all of that so no point in making a long list of specific events affected by this).
Trackbacking to fix them would probably take some development time but it would sure help with the immersion.

Another mildly annoying thing is repetitiveness of some events without any available variables.
For instance once you get to play with Lisa at night, join Alice in her blog stream, etc, you can only repeat the same scene over and over. Adding some variety in positions and interactions would spice up the game a lot.
Adding variations to preexisting repetitive scenes should not be a very demanding task and would imho improve the game significantly.

I know most people demand new content and progression of the story but, at some point, the current inconsistencies and repetitiveness of already existing scenes would become harder to fix and improve so how about devoting some development time to this for the next update.

And yes, I am a patron and will keep supporting DS. I love the game aesthetics and I would also like the game to progress faster but as a one man band there is only so much he can do. Hopefully, in time and with some additional developer help, he will be able to ship out improvements and updates faster and make everyone happier.
Until then, everyone be happy with what you can get with every update that ships out.

P.S. To DS > devoting part of your time to revive an old project while BB is in the focus of your audience is a mistake. Focus on BB development and progression properly , there is still a lot of work to be done as I pointed out above.
Sure is mistake.Not to mention if he think to put the same grind in the old new game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
All they talked about for weeks before last release was that it ment a break from DS way to add new content and focus on a Theme. I never saw a single post or ever heard anyone mention "Moms new job massage" as the intended theme for v0.12. It was always Olivia. The talk on the board when previews started comming was...
You made the big mistake of believing what was said by 3rd parties on a Pirate forum what the Developer plans were!
All DS said was he was going to change development from 4 or 5 mini scene additions to one or two THEMATIC scenes per release. He ALSO said that one of the focus' of this release was to merge LisaGF with Olivia. While you can call that out as a bit of a lie since he didn't really MERGE the two paths (just added the character from one path to the other with new content) the assumption some here made that this release was going to be all about Olivia and nothing else did what usually happens when you ASSuME.

If you had just payed attention to the dialogue when playing the last version it would have been clear that this release was ALWAYS going to include something about MOM's next BDSM movie job and how Max was going to use it to his sexual advantage with Kira's help.
Just as the last release was Thematic regarding Alice and her "Changing Roles" we still saw scenes and setups for Lisa Training with Mom and the BDSM Movie job. Thematic means nothing more than fuller more complete/extended scenes as opposed to the small baby steps he was taking trying to give everyone a little bit of content update.
And like I said next release is touted as a Mom centric. But I guarantee that where Olivia ended will also continue.
We will probably also see the dialogue needed to convince the Doctor to not tell Mom Lisa is no longer a virgin that was hinted at in this release. Perhaps with taking her virginity in the release that follows.

I personally didn't have a problem with the content of this release....
Olivia path went slowly because people asked for Romance and Romance isn't JUMP IN HER PANTS on the second date! So in a way complaining about it shows he could never please everyone, he tries romance and the horn dogs complain there was no sex, Puts in the sex and people complain there is no romance.
No win scenario.
My only issue with what he did this version was the having to burn through 4 or 5 weeks just to get to the mondays that you needed to proceed with Ann.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Apparently I had plans for them, but a lot of people are really want to see progress with family. I hope it will be less focused about Ann/Lisa and will give me possibility to work on different characters.
You do realize that at this point in your Incest game there are as many non family members in it as there are Family members.

Non Family - Eric, Alex, Olivia, Olivia Mom, Coffee Girl, and Doctor
Family - Mom, Kira, Alice and Lisa.

At least Olivia and her Mom could wind up in a threesome which would satisfy the Incest theme, as for the others I suggest you wrap up the Doctor with the Lisa Virginity quest (and get rid of the performance issues crap) and use the Coffee girl for nothing more than a Money generator (to replace the doctor income) in addition to the Cameras that you can add some fling scenes to later once you run out of things to do with the family.

Max needs to be fucking his entire family within the next three or four releases.
We are bored to death with BJs and HJs!
Fucking all of them doesn't have to be an endgame as there are variations and combinations between characters that can be done after that.

Until Max can fuck all of his Family members at least once you are going to keep getting accused of Milking.


Devoted Member
Mar 28, 2017
Worked for me most of the way through .11 and I'm pretty sure it triggers Alice punishment. I haven't tried it in .12 yet, anal is not really my kink.
You understand that scene trigger independant of what you do,you can't choose to fuck Kira and Lisa.It just happen once or twice per week when Kira visit your room after you go to bed.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
You made the big mistake of believing what was said by 3rd parties on a Pirate forum what the Developer plans were!
Olivia path went slowly because people asked for Romance and Romance isn't JUMP IN HER PANTS on the second date!
I won't argue where i got my information. Yes i'm not a patreon and what i read on here is what i know.
But the Olivia path didn't go at all.. This was just a really stupid plan on DS part to cut off everyone on the old path from any future content. Probably a misstake he will never be able to fix. Lets see how the only possible merge should have gone down...

Lisa tells Max Alex brooke up with Olivia and after that she and Olivia had become closer. They spend time together in school and she plans to invite her over one day. We use all the old scenes from Olivia comming to the house. Then Lisa says Olivia want to vist the two of them and maby have some fun. Lisa makes it clear to Max that she doese'nt want Olivia to know about there sexual relationship. ( 3 BJ's a day, Kitchen Anal, kira anal, handcuffs at night and so on )
Then Olivia can come over 1 day of the week and we pick up from after Alex is out. Use same renders and story. It also explains why Lisa won't go futher then staying on the side as she is affraid Olivia would find out the whole truth. After some time Olivia comes over and says she needs to take a short break. She and her mom are moving to a new appartment and the old house is sold.. We enter the new Olivia content. Sure we need other interaction with Olivia at this point but this is how it should have gone down. A perfectly smooth and logical merge with old renders reused.

It didn't happen because DS realized there was no going back from the old Olivia path featuring Alex. A merge was never possible from the get go. DS only option was to cut out the old Olivia route all together. He rojaly screwed over anyone on the Olivia path and all thoes remain in Limbo .. And your happy with this uppdate?
I'd say it was a major Fubar Clusterfuck. And yet DS has never spooken a word to anyone about how this will go down later on. Thats what happens when you paint yourself in a corner. No way back.. I don't need to be a patreon or read forums to figure this out. Just play the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I won't argue where i got my information. Yes i'm not a patreon and what i read on here is what i know.
But the Olivia path didn't go at all.. This was just a really stupid plan on DS part to cut off everyone on the old path from any future content. Probably a misstake he will never be able to fix. Lets see how the only possible merge should have gone down...

Lisa tells Max Alex brooke up with Olivia and after that she and Olivia had become closer. They spend time together in school and she plans to invite her over one day. We use all the old scenes from Olivia comming to the house. Then Lisa says Olivia want to vist the two of them and maby have some fun. Lisa makes it clear to Max that she doese'nt want Olivia to know about there sexual relationship. ( 3 BJ's a day, Kitchen Anal, kira anal, handcuffs at night and so on )
Then Olivia can come over 1 day of the week and we pick up from after Alex is out. Use same renders and story. It also explains why Lisa won't go futher then staying on the side as she is affraid Olivia would find out the whole truth. After some time Olivia comes over and says she needs to take a short break. She and her mom are moving to a new appartment and the old house is sold.. We enter the new Olivia content. Sure we need other interaction with Olivia at this point but this is how it should have gone down. A perfectly smooth and logical merge with old renders reused.

It didn't happen because DS realized there was no going back from the old Olivia path featuring Alex. A merge was never possible from the get go. DS only option was to cut out the old Olivia route all together. He rojaly screwed over anyone on the Olivia path and all thoes remain in Limbo .. And your happy with this uppdate?
I'd say it was a major Fubar Clusterfuck. And yet DS has never spooken a word to anyone about how this will go down later on. Thats what happens when you paint yourself in a corner. No way back.. I don't need to be a patreon or read forums to figure this out. Just play the game.
Is he LAZY? YES! It should be expected at this point after all the releases we have seen.
He was too lazy to extend the old Fuck Olivia scene to bridge it to allow you to start training Lisa with Kira to unlock the Anal and BJ. Content that was already done and in the can and simply needed a flag set to allow it to become part of the game. And even if had he would have run into a problem later on with the scenes he did add.

Just about everyone is on LisaGF right now or have given up on playing the game as there is little to no content unless you are on that path. Most Abandoned the Olivia path months ago.

The only complaint that could be made (and I'm not even sure if it is true as I like everyone else realized long ago the Olivia path that existed was a dead end and if you wanted to actually see some content you had to go back and play LisaGF route.) is that anyone who is on the Olivia GF path is most likely stuck there forever and will have to go and replay the game from the start and avoid that path. Nothing in that path merging is compatible with the new scenes he just added for LisaGF so even if he bridges Olivia GF to LisaGF it's going to be another dead end when you get to where we are today on the LisaGF path.

He took the easy route and added Olivia back into the Lisa GF path after abandoning her. And now he is using that as the "ROMANCE" pacifier with a probable plan to include her in Threesomes with her Mother and Lisa.

The fact he hasn't fucked Olivia yet IMO is not a valid criticism...
If you believed the sources that told you it was going to be all about fucking her then that's on YOU not on the developer!

Take it up with the folks who led you to believe that you were going to get an entire sexual story arc with Olivia in a single update...
I mean anyone who has been playing for this game for a long time knows that simply doesn't happen in this game.
Hell we are almost a Year into the development of this game and you still have yet to get anything from the mother but a BJ and HJ!
That should tell you something about how fast sex between characters happens in this story.

I get it you are jonesing to fuck Olivia...Probably happens next release or two.
Thematic doesn't mean what you or your sources think they mean.
It's about concentration and distribution of content among characters.
It does not mean each release has it's own mini story that is showed to completion.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Non Family - Eric, Alex, Olivia, Olivia Mom, Coffee Girl, and Doctor
Don't forget Kate! And potentially Kate's Mom, and the two bisexual porn star girls. We're branching further and further away from the family.

Fucking all of them doesn't have to be an endgame as there are variations and combinations between characters that can be done after that.
Unfortunately, DS didn't actually write any meaningful storyline for this game. "Fucking all of them" is the only goal of the current game and would end the game once it happened. That's why he keeps on delaying this over and over again a.k.a. milking.

Any hint of meaningful storyline disappeared the moment he decided to remove Eric. Removing Eric means instant loss of conflict that needed to be solved, and because DS doesn't want to write story between the family members instead, he resorted to introducing new characters/locations which unfortunately distracted the game even further. While I understand people's desire to remove Eric, it unfortunately killed the game because DS was incapable of replacing Eric's role with someone else. This is especially bad because his choice of new characters are disappointing. They could've been easily be "a strict aunt" or "a very prude cousin" or "dad's bitchy sister" or whoever that could fill the villain role but still family member. But by choosing non-family members, the storyline suffered as there is no connection between Max and these characters.


Dec 10, 2017
Don't forget Kate! And potentially Kate's Mom, and the two bisexual porn star girls. We're branching further and further away from the family.

Unfortunately, DS didn't actually write any meaningful storyline for this game. "Fucking all of them" is the only goal of the current game and would end the game once it happened. That's why he keeps on delaying this over and over again a.k.a. milking.

Any hint of meaningful storyline disappeared the moment he decided to remove Eric. Removing Eric means instant loss of conflict that needed to be solved, and because DS doesn't want to write story between the family members instead, he resorted to introducing new characters/locations which unfortunately distracted the game even further. While I understand people's desire to remove Eric, it unfortunately killed the game because DS was incapable of replacing Eric's role with someone else. This is especially bad because his choice of new characters are disappointing. They could've been easily be "a strict aunt" or "a very prude cousin" or "dad's bitchy sister" or whoever that could fill the villain role but still family member. But by choosing non-family members, the storyline suffered as there is no connection between Max and these characters.

I guess DS never heard the term "Nerf a character" then.

The reason people had a such a bad reaction is because he was godlike and could do no wrong in the eyes of the one person who could kick him out. That whole angle was bullshit as well......Ann only knew him for what a month and they were talking about getting married when she just got divorced because the last husband left her.....WOULDN"T SHE HAVE SOME TRUST ISSUES REGARDLESS OF HER TRAUMATIC PAST ??!!

I'd like to see more of Kate and her mom tho.....


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
Which mod is "the" mod? Thanks in advance
Look in the mods sub forum. Most mods are for BB. Chancer merges most of them but it is a bit out of date but you can pretty much merge most of them by copy+pasting the stuff in each mod's mod.txt.


Dec 15, 2017
Do I have to do the whole Lisa path to get to Ann pussy licking on a regular basis? I only progressed with Lisa as far as the one lesson with Kira.
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