
Nov 30, 2017
Any changelog for new release?

ok nevermind i found it...

What's new in 0.12:
  • Ann gets a new job
  • Because of this, Max and Ann's relationship grows to another level
  • New sex ed lessons with Lisa and Ann
  • New series of events with Olivia if you didn't pick Lisa & Olivia route
  • New character Diane, Olivia's mom
  • New location: Olivia's house
  • A new movie

btw. Lisa or Olivia in this release :p ?


New Member
Dec 25, 2017
Can you help me. I seem to get stuck. Alice blows me in the lounge, Ann lets me massage her with a hj, I can put sleeping pills into the food and let Olivia come but I can't seem to move away from that. Can someone help me?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
The reason people had a such a bad reaction is because he was godlike and could do no wrong in the eyes of the one person who could kick him out. That whole angle was bullshit as well......Ann only knew him for what a month and they were talking about getting married when she just got divorced because the last husband left her.....WOULDN"T SHE HAVE SOME TRUST ISSUES REGARDLESS OF HER TRAUMATIC PAST ??!!
To be fair, this problem is made worse because of the monthly release format. People are impatient and not willing to wait until Max could fight back, so DS crumbled under pressure and decided to instantly remove Eric so his patrons will continue supporting him. If the game was released in full format right away, people would be able to tolerate the same Eric because the game would then naturally allow Max to grow in influence, able to fight back and eventually defeat Eric. Unfortunately we never got there because DS's pacing with Eric was awful.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Is he LAZY? YES! It should be expected at this point after all the releases we have seen.
He was too lazy to extend the old Fuck Olivia scene to bridge it to allow you to start training Lisa with Kira to unlock the Anal and BJ. Content that was already done and in the can and simply needed a flag set to allow it to become part of the game. And even if had he would have run into a problem later on with the scenes he did add.

Just about everyone is on LisaGF right now or have given up on playing the game as there is little to no content unless you are on that path. Most Abandoned the Olivia path months ago.

The only complaint that could be made (and I'm not even sure if it is true as I like everyone else realized long ago the Olivia path that existed was a dead end and if you wanted to actually see some content you had to go back and play LisaGF route.) is that anyone who is on the Olivia GF path is most likely stuck there forever and will have to go and replay the game from the start and avoid that path. Nothing in that path merging is compatible with the new scenes he just added for LisaGF so even if he bridges Olivia GF to LisaGF it's going to be another dead end when you get to where we are today on the LisaGF path.

He took the easy route and added Olivia back into the Lisa GF path after abandoning her. And now he is using that as the "ROMANCE" pacifier with a probable plan to include her in Threesomes with her Mother and Lisa.

The fact he hasn't fucked Olivia yet IMO is not a valid criticism...
If you believed the sources that told you it was going to be all about fucking her then that's on YOU not on the developer!

Take it up with the folks who led you to believe that you were going to get an entire sexual story arc with Olivia in a single update...
I mean anyone who has been playing for this game for a long time knows that simply doesn't happen in this game.
Hell we are almost a Year into the development of this game and you still have yet to get anything from the mother but a BJ and HJ!
That should tell you something about how fast sex between characters happens in this story.

I get it you are jonesing to fuck Olivia...Probably happens next release or two.
Thematic doesn't mean what you or your sources think they mean.
It's about concentration and distribution of content among characters.
It does not mean each release has it's own mini story that is showed to completion.
First of all you didn't need all that text to reply. Half your post is agreeing with me on everything i said about the new Olivia path. Also the reasons why it sucks to be on Olivia path or a fan of it. The second part you make upp you own version of what i said. I never said anything about a full story per uppdate or about fucking Olivia. DS did that part all on his own. She is now forever fucked.. I merly wanted a theme uppdate to focus on the theme. And maby when a promis of a merge is anounced there is actually a merge. No more or less.
But at least have the decency when you reply to a post not to add words or thought of your own in the context of what you reply to. I said nothing you claimed i said about Fucking Olivia or having a full complete story per uppdate.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
First of all you didn't need all that text to reply. Half your post is agreeing with me on everything i said about the new Olivia path. Also the reasons why it sucks to be on Olivia path or a fan of it. The second part you make upp you own version of what i said. I never said anything about a full story per uppdate or about fucking Olivia. DS did that part all on his own. She is now forever fucked.. I merly wanted a theme uppdate to focus on the theme. And maby when a promis of a merge is anounced there is actually a merge. No more or less.
But at least have the decency when you reply to a post not to add words or thought of your own in the context of what you reply to. I said nothing you claimed i said about Fucking Olivia or having a full complete story per uppdate.
Yes or No? Is your problem that you didn't get to fuck Olivia in this Update?
If you answer YES then that's your fault for believing what people posted as EXPECTATION....
If you answer NO then the only thing to complain about is DS was being DS and having no plan, no story, no sense of where his game is going or where it will wind up and that has nothing to do with this version as it has been the problem with this game from the get go.
Not something NEW for Big Brother which has long ago abandoned anything to do with the Incest Genre or "Best Incest Game Ever" other than the characters in his BDSM Classic are related!

And here you are complaining about a scene that isn't even incest!
Imagine how all the Ann fans feel about your gripe?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
let's see

every other page there are questions on....

they are also answered multiple times
but they shouldn't even be in this thread.
Each of those has their own threads.
Are people lazy?
Yeah I got tired of redirecting them so I just ignore those posts and never answer them until they get the idea no help is available here so they should find the right spot to ask.


New Member
Nov 24, 2017
i've downloaded the last version and i've copied my saves from v11...and nothing change, nothing new
any help?


Nov 24, 2017
Game keeps freezing when I go to meet Lisa for first date (jewelry route). Is there a known bug and/or fix for this? I tried waiting a day, and it still freezes. Thanks, in advance


Sep 6, 2017
let's see

every other page there are questions on....

they are also answered multiple times
but they shouldn't even be in this thread.
Each of those has their own threads.
Are people lazy?
But someone who have no much time to play ! I't not lazy bro


Dec 19, 2017

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've been playing the 0.11 build for a while now.
Since there is a new build out (0.12), how do I get that build but keep my progress on my current build (0.11)?

Thanks in advance
The save game is compatible if that's what you're afraid of. Download the game and unzip it in a different folder, then copy the save game file(s) from the old folder to the new one.

I had to start the new version of game and save a new file before it read my old files though.
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Summer Love

Active Member
Jul 5, 2017
I think i'm done with BB after the shit pile that was 0.12. The game had issues, but I could ignore them because it felt like things were heading towards a momentous climax (pardon my pun).
If you play from the beginning with a fresh save, you can see where development priorities shifted from being a game to being an over-glorified RNG VN with an emphasis on shoveling events into the spotlight so that a new build can be justified.
Until DS finally mans up and really figures out what he's trying to accomplish, the game will just keep spiraling down until it crashes and modders pick up the pieces like they did with Akabur.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Yes or No? Is your problem that you didn't get to fuck Olivia in this Update?
If you answer YES then that's your fault for believing what people posted as EXPECTATION....
If you answer NO then the only thing to complain about is DS was being DS and having no plan, no story, no sense of where his game is going or where it will wind up and that has nothing to do with this version as it has been the problem with this game from the get go.
Not something NEW for Big Brother which has long ago abandoned anything to do with the Incest Genre or "Best Incest Game Ever" other than the characters in his BDSM Classic are related!

And here you are complaining about a scene that isn't even incest!
Imagine how all the Ann fans feel about your gripe?
You did not even read my reply i guess by the fact you repet your own twisted version of what i originally said.
YOU said i wanted to fuck Olivia.. not ME! So try a mirror next time you need your own questions answerd.
I complained about a serious misstake by DS in screweing up the game. (Leaving everyone on the Olivia path stranded in Limbo) Not about a specific scene. I was utterly disapointed by the lie from DS about a merge. Thats it.
I concider this topic over and done with.


Jun 5, 2017
I am using cheats and this game is still way to grindy. I will be stuck on repeats but have to wait a week ingame to make progress. Okay? SKip/skip/skip/skip/skip until 7 days pass? Nice immersion brosive, great gameplay!! I will admit that its habbit forming enough and leads you to the next CG to be very bingy and addicting for what thats worth.

Anyways I dont know if I am in a loop, the game is bugged, or what the fuck. I am not sure which stories have continuing arcs at this point in my file and which ones are waiting for updates. I am not sitting there spamming skip time to find out. Its a shame because its got great artwork and great personalities for the females, even tho PC is a one dimensional moron.
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Jun 5, 2017
I think i'm done with BB after the shit pile that was 0.12. The game had issues, but I could ignore them because it felt like things were heading towards a momentous climax (pardon my pun).
If you play from the beginning with a fresh save, you can see where development priorities shifted from being a game to being an over-glorified RNG VN with an emphasis on shoveling events into the spotlight so that a new build can be justified.
Until DS finally mans up and really figures out what he's trying to accomplish, the game will just keep spiraling down until it crashes and modders pick up the pieces like they did with Akabur.
Did the submission porn shoot with you as the director happen yet? Are M/S banging yet? I am trying to figure out if its even worth continuing my file right now. This game is grindy as all hell even with cheatcodes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
You did not even read my reply i guess by the fact you repet your own twisted version of what i originally said.
YOU said i wanted to fuck Olivia.. not ME! So try a mirror next time you need your own questions answerd.
I complained about a serious misstake by DS in screweing up the game. (Leaving everyone on the Olivia path stranded in Limbo) Not about a specific scene. I was utterly disapointed by the lie from DS about a merge. Thats it.
I concider this topic over and done with.
And what mistake was that?
The fact that he did what he always does and ignores anything he did two months ago and render them useless because he repeated or contradicted what the previous scene did?
That's Big Brother the game and we all had better get used to that.
Complaining isn't going to change unless it is followed up by people canceling pledges.
And since you didn't make one you got nothing to do but move on to another game that isn't as bad as this one like I did!
Sure I play the new releases...
Cause at this point it is all about what did he do this time to make this game worse...
And truth is he didn't do that in this release!
All he did was something different than you apparently wanted.

Burt Reynolds Mustache

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 19, 2017
The issue isn't whether or not you can or can not fuck Olivia in the current path. The fact that you can't is part of it, but not the whole thing. The bigger issue is how the new Olivia arc was structured in the first place. It's clearly DS's attempt to add romance into the game, and that doesn't really work at all. Secondly the entire structure of the path makes no sense when you compare it to the previous Olivia path (which is still my favorite one). The only reason that Max can't fuck around with Olivia is because her mother is an obstacle. WHY is her mother an obstacle? Because everything now happens at Olivia's house! WHY does everything happen at Olivia's house? Because Max is an idiot and doesn't invite the naturist girl, who LOVES TO FUCKING SWIM and is BEST FRIENDS WITH HIS SISTER, over to the house so she can play in the pool. Those renders already exist. The sex scenes with Olivia, already exist. The scenes of her partying ALREADY exist. We can have new ones, sure, but the whole route was handled poorly.

This is Olivia, the girl who isn't shy in the least, goes for what she wants, and is a party girl! Well, now she is ashamed of her family, isn't aggressive at all, and only does stuff at her house.

The new path would be fine if it was actually logical with what we have seen in the past and know about the character. If she is nervous around her mom, then why would she bring Max there, and not do shit at HIS house? Again, it makes no fucking sense.


Dec 17, 2017
In one story arc the same character is giving me a blowjob and after that like nothing happens is still reluctant to show me tits. This is just sloppy game development, this should all be interconnected.

He made allot of money, can’t he pay somebody to make some animations, cheap bastard.


May 12, 2017
first of all good afternoon everyone....i was reading few posts ...the game being developed by DS then please let him decide where to take story...if u dont like game just dont download it...because sometimes hard comments may felt otherwise and can end in abandon of game and the people who love the game are felt disappointed...Neither DS nor anyone here forcing someone to like game....i kindly request to stop posting hard words thats my personal thinking though i am sorry if someone hurts with my comments....wish you all pleasant day
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