Problem is that most teenagers and young adults don't even know what romance is.
10a15 years ago you still had to do a little bit of effort to seduce someone romantically.
These days you only have to go to a bar and buy some one a drink and smile and 9 times out of 10 you're lucky....
Same goes for TV-Shows, Movies and games and stories you hear on the internet.
So again, they don't even know what a proper romance story or gesture is, so why would they want to have that in a game....
They can access all kind of Adult stuff in a blink of an eye on the internet with all the "good" stuff right there..
So they are like little children in a mall who can not have candy at this point..
If they don't have the content they want, they will cry and scream about it untill the Creator gives in...
Only a select few have the common sense to say NO .....
And i only see this getting worse in the future, horny mass of idiots will aways have more power then the few with common sense.
That's why i haven't posted the game i am creating for 2+ years..
No toxic community to ruin the experience for me, and building the game just the way i want to.
I have played the last update last night and through the whole night untill a couple hours ago.
And off course there are a lot of good things in this game.. The women are absolutely gorgeous and some of the best looking in Adult gaming overall.
Adult content wise it's very good as well and the scenes look amazing.(apart from the usual monster dick problem).
There are not to many Female Chars(untill now) and that's also a big plus side.
The BDSM Light is also perfectly fine for me with a couple chars, but not with all.
Overall i would give this game a 8 untill now..
And for the most part that's because i still can see the potential for this to be a 10 game. (Wasted potential Ok
, but still potential)
10a15 years ago you still had to do a little bit of effort to seduce someone romantically.
These days you only have to go to a bar and buy some one a drink and smile and 9 times out of 10 you're lucky....
Same goes for TV-Shows, Movies and games and stories you hear on the internet.
So again, they don't even know what a proper romance story or gesture is, so why would they want to have that in a game....
They can access all kind of Adult stuff in a blink of an eye on the internet with all the "good" stuff right there..
So they are like little children in a mall who can not have candy at this point..
If they don't have the content they want, they will cry and scream about it untill the Creator gives in...
Only a select few have the common sense to say NO .....
And i only see this getting worse in the future, horny mass of idiots will aways have more power then the few with common sense.
That's why i haven't posted the game i am creating for 2+ years..
No toxic community to ruin the experience for me, and building the game just the way i want to.
I have played the last update last night and through the whole night untill a couple hours ago.
And off course there are a lot of good things in this game.. The women are absolutely gorgeous and some of the best looking in Adult gaming overall.
Adult content wise it's very good as well and the scenes look amazing.(apart from the usual monster dick problem).
There are not to many Female Chars(untill now) and that's also a big plus side.
The BDSM Light is also perfectly fine for me with a couple chars, but not with all.
Overall i would give this game a 8 untill now..
And for the most part that's because i still can see the potential for this to be a 10 game. (Wasted potential Ok