
Active Member
Jan 3, 2018
Light BDSM I can get around and do, its the domination and the sever blackmail that Alice does to Max and Lisa that is the shitty part of the game.
Yes Max did very light blackmail for money to help the family because of Eric but the blackmail for sex that Alice does is what got me mad.
And as for a "teenager" I went through that over 40 years ago sunny.

Its not just the sever "Blackmail" (this is what I am most mad about) or the light spanking or even the light BDSM its everything that has changed since v8.
We were given hints of romance and that gets shot in the ass in just 2 dates.
Its bringing in new npc's and nothing make since with them.
This was suppose to be the "Olivia" update and what do we get but shit.

So young one please hold yourself in check when you want to bad mouth others.

I will also add that blackmail for sex to me is rape and I don't do rape.
As long as its not the PC I will go on playing this game but I drop my support when DS drop the romance, my 40$ went to another game I like.

Using any kind of power to get sex is rape including blackmailing and I don't do rape.
Sorry a1fox3, no offense intended. I share a lot of your sentiment regarding blackmail practices but I always remind myself that BB is just a game.
I read a lot of negative comments referring to BB turning into a BDSM game and since your remark was the last of many - I used it as an example. Majority of complaints did look like they came from horny hippos who do not understand the finer nuances of the sex game. You clearly do not belong in that category and I probably picked the wrong person to quote on this but I hope that the general message got through in spite of my mistake.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Sorry a1fox3, no offense intended. I share a lot of your sentiment regarding blackmail practices but I always remind myself that BB is just a game.
I read a lot of negative comments referring to BB turning into a BDSM game and since your remark was the last of many - I used it as an example. Majority of complaints did look like they came from horny hippos who do not understand the finer nuances of the sex game. You clearly do not belong in that category and I probably picked the wrong person to quote on this but I hope that the general message got through in spite of my mistake.
Apology accepted.

If DS would have went romance instead of the sever blackmailing I would not have mind the game taken another 5 years to complete and I would have bumped up to 80$ on his site but no he hints one thing and does the complete opposite.


Jun 5, 2017
If I had any clue how do make artwork, I would make my own VN. All I got is minor photoshop. Maybe ill use porn actresses but that is so limiting. Story telling wise BB is about as bad as it gets, only thing that it has is a LOT of content in the right genre and great artwork.. Just saying I bet any one of us here could make a better game with renply or something.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 30, 2017
I can’t get the new AV with mom brought up. It says I need get her excited without sexual release. Not sure how to pull that off. Can’t get mom to start teaching Lisa either. Mentor says it’s at the end still. Only thing I can get started was the new Olivia route.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
I can’t get the new AV with mom brought up. It says I need get her excited without sexual release. Not sure how to pull that off. Can’t get mom to start teaching Lisa either. Mentor says it’s at the end still. Only thing I can get started was the new Olivia route.
Come over here and ask for help on the game:
We can not answer game play question here.


Jun 2, 2017
Been a while since i played (version 10 I think). I just got to the point where Alice has pretty much taken control of the situation between the siblings and I cant help but think DS is just a guy into being a sub. I'm more like, "Ok, you girls have fun I'm gonna go fuck Olivia and her mom. Shit can't do that yet..."
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If DS would have went romance instead of the sever blackmailing I would not have mind the game taken another 5 years to complete and I would have bumped up to 80$ on his site but no he hints one thing and does the complete opposite.
I agree (still)
Altough i haven't played the last 2 updates because of work, the stories that i'm hearing from people i know is that there is even less Romance in these updates then te updates before (What impossible is in my opninion because this game has the same amount of romance as the SAW movies)..
And that's such a waste.... But the mass has spoken.... 99% of the people only want mindless naked pics and to fuck everything a.s.a.p...... Well congratulations horny mindless teenagers, you guys ruined another good game ;) ..
Such a shame for the 1% of people who actually enjoy a story and "normal" progression through Romance..

I have accepted it at this point that there is going to be 0 Romance in this game, that makes the let down less when i play it again...
I was thinking about creating a giant mod for this game, but at this point it seems like a waste of time.

So much Creators are falling for the pressure of the mindless horny idiots these days, and so much games are getting worse with every update..
Look at a random game with a new update and i can guarantee that the most posts are from people who are complaining that there is no fucking or sexual interaction.....Damn... I wish those people would just go away...Just go to pornhub and get your freak on and leave the games for "gamers"...

The 1 thing that i'm hoping..
Is that when you can have sex with the Mother in the next update, that the horny idiots are satisfied and will get the f*ck off these sites and give DS te chance to do what he wants and maybe repair some damage...
I used to be a $60 Patreon, but in the last 6 months i backed down to $20.

(so far my rant...Could go on for a couple hours i think, but don't think that would matter :p )...

If DS is watching this topic...(What i don't hope :p ).
Give us just a little bit of romance......Just 1 scene of a romantic gesture..
But more important.... Stop listening to all the Horny Idiots who are threatening to leave your patreon if you don't deliver Nudes.... Let them leave...... Because where 1 doors shuts, another door opens.

(okay, now my rant is over....i think ? :p ).


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2017
why do i not have sound
Because the game doesn't have sounds. For myself I don't mind games without voice/music/other sounds, but I do understand that other people like those things. I prefer to listen to my own music so if you want sound, play songs that YOU like that fit in with the game (that's my preferred method).

Just a thought. :)


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
Hi, guys. Can anyone tell me how to ues 0.11 saves in this new version? I had copied all the save files into the 0.12 game files, but when I play the game it can't read the old saves.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
Hi, guys. Can anyone tell me how to ues 0.11 saves in this new version? I had copied all the save files into the 0.12 game files, but when I play the game it can't read the old saves.
Just make sure the saves start with, then, and so on.. All needs to be in correct order starting with 0. And you don't need to copy the Autosaves..


New Member
Oct 23, 2017
How complicated would it be to combine all of the mods into one? I have a few running, and it's a little frustrating having to scroll through the menu for an hour to get to what I need. Also, was this an ok place to post this?


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
How complicated would it be to combine all of the mods into one? I have a few running, and it's a little frustrating having to scroll through the menu for an hour to get to what I need. Also, was this an ok place to post this?
You should go post in the mod threads for the mods you are using.
I thought one of the mod threads had all the mods combined already.
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