Cheating - yeah i tweaked things here and there... like killed max influence... raised/lowered some stats...
but wihout cash i think it would be hard for me... is it safe to say that cash cheating will not break anything ?? ...
i just dunno..sometiems i got annoyed that things i read about were not happening - like smoking sis didnot do anything blog related... like posiing in lingerie ...or some things in guides descibed afaik as time-sensitive (which could be missed)...
Cheating money to the web site first then moving it to Max's pocket is the best way but before mom and eric comes and accuse Max of stealing eric's wallet don't have more that 450 in his pocket at any given time.
Also don't cheat money until you make money in the website.
Say you need 1500 for 1 camera and a book plus one of the clothes that is needed, its okay to put 1500 in Max's pocket then go order the items to get it below 450.
After mom and eric accuses Max of stealing his wallet you can have any number in Max's pocket.
Cheating will not break the game unless you have a large amount in Max's pocket because there is a multiplier that goes into effect and the more he has the higher the multiplier is.
500 is about 1500 payback but 10000 is 4.5 million payback or even much higher than that. (I never tested that much so not for sure of the amount of payback.)
1 guy cheated 1 million to Max's pocket and it broke the game because Max's pocket could not hold that much because of the multiplier so off to boot camp he went.
Cheating stats before you get them to 100 points in game breaks the game because all the triggers for all quest is in the first 100 points for all stats.
Stats go from 0 to 1000 and its the first 100 points that have all the trigger so after 100 you can cheat them up to 1000 with no problem.