I have once again to ask about that. Is it really true, because the discussion about that (see last posts) say something different ? And also in your walktrough (b.t.w. great job) it isn't described so defintely.
Your walktrough is appeciated (missing thumb up-smiley here), also if some points might be better described, but I cannot understand the guys who are now complaining about some errors. Please do it better !! TrropJunior has done a good job, now you can use it and post improved versions here.
But back to my question: Eric has gone, Lisa is my girlfriend, I get HJ, BJ, Anal, I can massage Mom incl. HJ and I have had the scenes with Alice and Kate. But I cannot get the m-ak-1 to m-ak-10 pictures (fucking Alice). Maybe for this I have to use the wallet-big weed-kates mom path to get rid of eric. Or will it also work with the wallet- kate- hacker path ?