The story is about a young girl, just a few days after graduating high school in the village of Big Kuyash. She lives alone with her mother, who for many years had worked and cared for her children and now terribly shy of men. Nature takes its own course, because with Mama masturbating just around the corner- there will be big changes in this girl’s house. There is also a brother who ran off to the second big location of the game - the city of Andreevograd, but he promised to return.
The idea of the game in fact is not reduced to banal sex, it can even be avoided altogether if you want, or she can become a lesbian and go live with another woman. The main direction is to build a big world for the main character and give her a lot of ways to go: from simple economics- like for example, a modeling business with the subsequent chance of marrying a rich "daddy". You are the moral and conscience of your hero, each NPC has its own character and history, and only YOU can change it and influence it.