I'm a webdev dude I know exactly how it goes, you took the development in March of last year and even if you had to remake the entire back end (which you did not btw) in a couple of months or three you should be set and then proceed with more quality updates.
But it is not the case, we are here some 15 months latter and not only any of your updates is somewhat decent, they are worse every time to the point that you don't even write anything and use still low res images or super short gifs now.
And this have nothing to do with back end work, you don't take the time and effort to select and prepare clip videos or write scenes and rush the updates in order to keep the patreon money flow and its pretty obvious.
You know what? You're right, and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that two amateurs decided to take up the game in order to keep it going, despite also working full-time and living in different time-zones.
I'm sorry that as a fellow developer, you would be aware that taking over a project halfway is much more difficult than starting from scratch; especially when you aren't given any design documents, or blueprint as to the vision and direction the story was meant to go in.
I'm sorry that sometimes life, particularly in the middle of a pandemic, can get in the way of things and we have to still try our best.
I'm sorry that we went over every image in the game, standardizing sizing and replacing many low-res images (Something that is surprising difficult), and trying out new UI formats, only for people to say there's nothing of worth in this update.
I'm sorry that while many of the videos are edited from high-quality clips, sometimes you cannot easily find what you are looking for, and so must fall back to lower quality gifs.
I'm sorry that I was up past 1:00am in the morning on a work day, monitoring the chat in order to debug in real-time and promptly deliver fixes, because I hate when bugs are left in the game and want people to experience as little downtime as possible; only to be called low-effort.
I'm sorry we have to do much of our bugfixes off of "Character X is stuck, game is broken." Yet if we express any frustration at some of the comments we have seen posted, we're now the bad guys.
And I'm sorry that after all that, I've gotten a bit snappy, because while we can put up with a lot of crap, accusations of scamming people is not one of them.
I'm sorry. We'll try to do better from now on.