Agreed, without the crits card i wouldn't have tried either. But i get the feeling the Dev balanced it around Fox, if he bothered with balancing at all.
If you can't get the console to open on "~" just open UUU config and rebind it to "."
Note: god does not prevent you from dying to the mission 1 timer
I dunno about balancing; I honestly don't know how y'all were able to actually beat Mission 1 without cheating. I don't consider myself a legit MLG gamer or anything, but I've got decades of experience playing shooters, as well as with traditional RE mechanics, and I couldn't even get to half the points required for the shotty. Avoiding dogs/runners while aiming for the 'sweet spots' on the targets is next to impossible in the time allotted, and encountering a fatty is essentially a game-ender with only a pistol.
As for UU, yes, I've tried that, as well as rebinding other keys. I've also tried reconfiguring my ini file for this game, ensuring my keyboard is using standard layout, and loading UU at menu. My UU actually comes up with an error in its log section, and the "in-game console" and "custom console" options are at "No", so I've got no idea what I'm doing wrong. Bioasshard for me is at 0.4.254 and UU is the latest version, so I was thinking this dev simply removed the console from the game, but since y'all can access it, it seems like a problem on my end.
Anyway, I borrowed a save file so I have the weapons now and beating Mission 1 isn't a priority.
However, do any of you have a problem with beating Mission 4 (originally Mission 3)? I'm hearing it's bugged, but not sure if y'all have the same problem I do - mine is that one or more of the zombies in the green carts are unkillable; you can shoot them when down, but they don't vanish like the others, yet they groan like living zombies. I'm certain they're the only ones on the map preventing me from beating the level since the loudness of the moans while next to them means they're surely the only living things on the map. I also used the free-cam off UU, and I can't find any surviving zombies otherwise.