First of all
I canot beat Mission 1 on easy mode (getting 25800 points)
I get all the glasses, the obvious ones, the fat ones on the pillars and the hidden ones out of bound
I kill every zombie that stumble at me
Towards the end, when I got everything done I end up with 24800 pionts more or less and there arent spawning any more zombies
How do you get the last 1000 points?
The boss mission
Am I right about the boss being unbeatable for now?
I fought it a solid 30 minutes yesterday and it didnt die
Tried it one more time today and mobs dont spawn anymore eventually. So I dont get more ammo and have to melee which results into a garunteed one-shot-grab ending the attempt.
Is there a secret to the boss? Like shooting all the pounding hearts in the walls?
about mission 1 easy mode, i even got 26k points lol, but dun ask me how, i just shot everything i saw =))) and.. i dun think the rocket is good, i played from first version, at the time they released shotgun and other weapons, i already test all.. i can't forget my 1st time when i shot rocket, when Julia 's full hp but nude.. BOOM!! she knocked back after that shot and dead instantly!
About boss.. ahh, i think it 's very hard to beat, ammo and herb 're so rare drop, even with 1.5 drop rate card... or because i'm so fuking stupid, lol =)) After 4h try hard, no good, i decided to use god mode, u know, we can open console command then cheat with UE4 Unlocker, so now i know the boss dun take any damagewhen u shoot it, just shoot tentacle monsters on the ground and on the celling until it's eyes glowing yellow, shoot the eyes, it changes to red, shoot again.. just do it again and again.. boss will changes it's color 3 or 4 times, i dun remember exactly, last time is red.. shoot the glowing eyes at that time u will defeat it