I've been following these developers since... well, when there was only Mission 1 and Mission 2, basically. The fatal errors leading to crashes have been bad on my end as of late, I think they started cropping up when the cave mission was first implemented some updates ago, but back then they were nowhere as frequent as they are now.
Now, in 0.5.328 and its first revision, the fatal errors are as common as to happen every time I go into Mission 6. To this day, I have yet to beat the boss because a fatal error always stonewalls me before I can deal enough damage to the boss' eyes. It's frustrating, but from what I hear, I'm not really missing out on anything by being unable to beat the boss due to technical difficulties. I've gone so far as to enable godmode using Unreal Engine Unlocker and to use Cheat Engine to do away with ammo issues that are prevalent in the boss fight (spamming F to spam dodge in response to boss/trash grabs while trying to get to quickly despawning ammo across the room is not fun), but even with the elimination of health and ammo problems the fatal error continues to be the number one killer of Mission 6 runs. Curiously, fatal errors don't seem to happen much unless I'm playing Mission 6 specifically... I'm no programmer or designer, so I've not the slightest clue what makes these crashes happen, and unfortunately VersusXStudios are basically saying as of now: "Yeah, we don't know what causes it either. Sorry guys, but please suck it up in the meantime."
These guys have promise. I've stuck with them for... what, two years now? Two and some change? (I'm an on-and-off Patreon supporter of theirs - I just can't justify supporting them nonstop with my money with how slowly they update, unfortunately) If their game didn't have potential, I'd have lost interest long ago. I love the RE5 gameplay and Sexttack animations they've got as of now. Julia from an aesthetic perspective is damn hot and a good start, and as soon as they add parody characters I personally like more such as Claire and Ada I'm bound to see these guys in a far more favourable light. But the infrequency of their updates is really, really off-putting when my mood isn't the best. On a good day, I'm more than happy to wait for the next update, which I have learned to expect won't be stellar in terms of new content. A lot of things in-game have to be polished, way more polished, and unless funding is drier than the desert, they could do with updating much more often. Instead of releasing an update every six months, maybe an update every three or four months at least would be better overall, for the fans' enjoyment and their own success.
What's already there is good, but there's so much missing and unpolished that I feel should already be present and polished given how much time has already passed since this project caught my eye a few years back. I very badly want this game to be on par with something like Guilty Hell, which I thoroughly enjoyed.