For those curious about the infection system, and it being completed. After Jill gets fucked enough she is filled with cum, the character is slowed and her vision is doubled. You can walk up to the blue plants and pour all the cum out. Nothing else happens.
And here is a fun image for reference, you're welcome
Meh, I was expecting her to turn into one of them and become a mindless zombie play thing or something with a new game over animation for the infection system. O well.
Meh, I was expecting her to turn into one of them and become a mindless zombie play thing or something with a new game over animation for the infection system. O well.
Yeah, I feel that. Was pretty excited when it said infection system complete. Someone had the idea that she would birth a miniboss, which sounds like way more fun than these un-killable tubby bastards.
Update: I VERY HIGHLY reconmmend you guys try and figure out the game first, rather then going through the my spoilers. Because it's more fun that way.
You've been warned.
I made some maps for myself and thought i would share it. Hopefully some people will find it useful.
it took me forever to find the electrical box thing at the end mission 2 until FoxtrotKilo gave a great detail where to find it. Thank you <3 Foxtrot.
I know for a fact that these map I made are not to scale, especially the forest map. and i dont plan to spend anymore time to try and make it to scale.
Also the maps i made is quite big in terms of pixel height and width so you will have to zoom in and study the map before proceeding. The map is so big in screen size that I have to put it into a rar file and not direct upload.
side note: i didn't bother mapping out the zombies and the map is 300ppi.
*press "M" on keyboard to bring up the compass at the top of your screen, you'll need it for the forest map.
I updated my big post again, but in short you need to kill 60 zombies or more in mission 1 (you will also get audio cue when you unlock it). (I don't know if it has to be headshots or not)
If you talking about my results, the backstory is i died once during that run because a zombie screwed up my run and got me killed. So i had to rekill some zombies that why you couldn't get more than 113 zombie kills.
You should have gotten the unlock, if that is what you are trying to lead too...
Here a hint. The fat zombie likes to take the shortest path possible, also the fat zombie thinks he is a skinny zombie. So you could actually get him stuck in places.
You know the first time I played, he scared the hell out of me. I thought I was gonna die in a second. Turns out he just doesn't like clothes. Go figure.
So since we now know where the saves are stored, could someone share theirs with all the stuff unlocked? I'm missing Classic 1 outfit, and it's impossible to get it done when the game bricks itself once every few minutes.