This game is weird its a test bed for the features of the game yet it lacks an actually puzzle in it which would make this seem less of a pain to play as nobody likes endless key hunting quests especially the last one that is hidden out of the player's idea line of sight. No boss to test, the fat guy has a homing charge attack that makes wearing and repairing clothes pointless as he will just charge you if you have them on and hit you if you don't hop over something block him with a door as you can't dodge the attack in an open area. You can't escape Mr. Lard's grip and if escape items are planned why are they not in it yet. About 5 sex position and debatable graphic settings that seem to always have the GPU run loud and at some point almost max ram, if it didn't crash my input display by changing the settings up sometimes. Even the size seem way too big given what's in it, just doesn't seem like something people would want to download if the full game would need about a quarter of a terabyte. Also why does it have RE audio in it given the nature of the product.No saves system to test, the death checkpoint reload isn't coded to respawn all objects that are picked up by the player which is why player's have to reload the game or restart the level. It seems like this game's charm is that its the only one that exist in this fashion so it gets support in hopes of completion.