It may not please, but it is undeniable that it is a polygonal model and successful, but above all, full of femininity and humanity.
So much so, that the majority of the sales of this game, seasoned with the fragility, sensuality and humanity of the protagonist, has pleased the mass of horny people of this planet (including myself).
I, for example, do not like the polygonal model of a Lara Croft from Shadow of the Tomb Raider (I've never seen a uglier ass in all the history and TB series, it looks like that of a man, indeed, it is that of a MAN! How to ruin definitively the Sex Appeal of a Female Icon of the videogames history; flat chest, tight ass and roundness of the hips almost non-existent)
And to get back to the point, I much prefer RERe's JV, than a walking toilet with a vagina.
Maybe because I'm not one of the many assholes, idiots and web fanatic?
To this I add a personal videogame experience of mine (which did not start with childish saws) and a precise constructive criticism.
My constructive criticism, in this context, is aimed precisely at the developers of this game. (bioasshard= and precisely because it represents a Female ass, then I want a Female spectacular Ass!)
My personal opinion;
This shit has to stop, because it's the death of passion and freedom of expression.
Time/money is an equation forged for mental, spiritual and human slavery.
The proof is all the current shit we are all swimming in, beautiful and ugly.
Anubis, knew a guy who said that the sum is the equilibrium of the parts.
Which means, that if each small part deserves due attention, the sum of the small parts creates the Opera.
But not everyone is lucky to know and think that.
Absolutely false, a Ferrari is not built in your free time, but in dedication and passion, or rather in the Love that you feel when you like what you do, such as your work or your hobbies, things that take you beyond the fucking equation of
time/money (DEBTS!), because when you're at those levels, you don't give a damn about this miserable bullshit.
MEA was shit made with feet, simple and concise.
Since in games, there is not only graphics and then it was a Spin-Off, this term should make you think.
Let's face it, BioWare is not what it used to be.
Sorry for eng.
Peace and good.
the term Crunch, should make you think a lot, the state of affairs of the equation time / money.
And who has experience in this field, speaks of treatments worse than beasts.
Here is your world today. (e.g. Microsoft, Sony and CD Projekt Red)