Need assistance from folks who are familiar with the event flags in this game; I'm trying to brainstorm of there's a way to effectively... "have your cake and eat it too" which is to say; all heroines survive, and AS many scenes as possible collected, AS much content/sidequests/etc... as possible viewable IN A SINGLE PLAYTHROUGH (specifically ending H run, so we're not going to worry about collecting all tales [no need to kill golden goose], or any 'overworld' progression-related stat or gear checks as at this point you're ng+ 1-shotting bosses with standard attacks anywhere outside of DLC3/chaos dungeon [go anywhere at will, no need to seek out specific items for builds, or fight bosses in order of difficulty or current arsenal capability])
the kind of problems I'm trying to identify and solutions I'm trying to vet;
problem: JubJub
solution: I'm assuming you *could* covenant, max, view scenes, then imprison all in one go and that should prevent her from killing the others? this should work right?
problem: Griffey/Lorina
solution: my understanding of it is if you talk to Griffey at a certain point (on the bench outside the castle) she'll eventually kill Lorina, however if you DON'T talk to Griffey, then you don't get to finish Griffey's quest and you miss on some Griff/Turtle scenes; so like what if theoretically, you go covenant, max, view scenes, then imprison Lorina, would you be able to go and progress Griff's quest content and keep Lorina alive simultaneously?
problem: Shisha
solution: just don't smoke with more than once or whatever
problem: Kuti
solution: just don't sex
Who are the other heroines who have the potential to meet an untimely end, and what are the respective triggers? I'd imagine there are more than the few I listed above which are the ones that first come to mind and I have a vague grasp of the triggering conditions for. I'm just looking to consolidate the points that require consideration, and validate the proposed solutions; and hopefully put together a solid playbook to this end.
Collecting hscenes is mostly moot since you can unlock them all once you get G end, unless you are including avoiding that as a condition. So, I will include hscenes in this list just in case. Also assuming you know how to complete subquests like gerda, vernai, pumpkin o, chickenrost, Griffy(tricky).
Yes, you could covenant Jub Jub, max it, see her hscenes (she and goose have a non-hscene post 10 progression though, lol), then jail her as long as this all happens before progress 10.
Kuti is only problematic if Jub Jub is still out and about after progress 10.
Jabberwock must die or be raped if you want to complete Vernai's quest but you can get all her scenes first then try to rape her then lose for yet another hscene and then ask Vernai for help (she'll disappear either way after this).
You have to kill Wolris to finish Oyster's quest.
There's a chance when viewing Dee's hscene outside the twin's room that you get caught and Dum dies but you could savescum this.
It is impossible to complete Griffy's quest and keep Lorina alive. Raping Lorina sets flag 382, which prevents Griffy from appearing in queensland.
Jack kills Mary the rabbit at progress 4, technically it happens when you enter her house at progress 4 or higher.
You can't get both lion and unicorn reward scenes in the same route. However it is possible to rape one of them, then follow the other's route to completion and rape them at end. However if you go the lion route after raping the unicorn, the unicorn route will be completely blocked off for the
rest of the playthrough, blocking Sho. So rape lion, then go unicorn path. Doubly however, this prevents the reward scene of the unicorn (because there is no boss fight). So it's kind of a wash.
Node has an hscene locked behind the library lol
You obviously can't get all 3 Alices' spore forest and A end scenes in one playthrough. At best I think you could get 2, one in the ng playthrough to G end and another in the ng+ playthrough to H end.
Make sure you talk to march hare or mad hatter in wintertown before fighting unicorn or lion otherwise you won't be able to get the 4p scene.
Blackwell needs to be spoken to at the church(progress >=2) to be able to collect her letter at >=10 progress. However, using this letter to recruit Florence for the final boss also prevents getting Florence's hscenes.
Both Node and March Hare have a scene involving the bunny suit, of which there is only one in winterbell, but there is an exploit:
if you equip the suit before talking to them you can keep it
Obviously, collecting a rape and jail scene will nullify your covenant.
I think that about covers everything.