4.80 star(s) 91 Votes


May 14, 2017
HI may someone tell me what to do with The Maid Victoria(in Hanover Abandoned station) ? I remember her as being quite selfish in BlackSouls1 and here she just kills me after some mini game. Can't I get her in my Party?
To be fair, Victoria would've totally done that to you in the first game, as this is her real personality. You can pledge with her when you meet her again in the same spot after you go to the next bonfire.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Question here guys: what is SEN and how do you raise it? can it be raised with items?


May 14, 2017
Question here guys: what is SEN and how do you raise it? can it be raised with items?
SEN is short for SENTIENCE, think bloodborne's insight, expect having less of it is what causes you to hear the baby cries. It is lowered by killing friendly npcs and certain bosses, and increased by having sex or kisses with other characters. It can also be decreased by using Black Souls and increased by using prescription medicine which can be bought in the Mental Ward. It mainly affects how you view the world, with your view of the world becoming more distorted the less of it you have. But there is no benefit to having more then 100. It's mainly used for achieving the true ending as it never really matters until then.
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Mar 22, 2019
A small guide for those who don't know what to do at the start:

- There is a ring that prevents falling damage. You get it from the Ceshire Cat in the "Foggy Park", north of "Lutwidge Town". Foggy Park also has its own bonfire right at the start, behind a gate that you need to open with a Master Key (which you can buy from the "Polar Bear" in the Dream Library for 1000s). You can use the ring to reach some parts of the game earlier than usual.

- "Dodo" is one of the pledge characters. She gives you a permanent toggle sprint upgrade, which helps to get through the game faster. You find her in the south of the "Pond of Bloody Tears". You get there from the Liddell Cemetery and to get to the Liddell Cemetery, you need to beat the Lutwidge Town boss on the bridge (far south west from the Lutwidge bonfire). Beating this boss should probably be your first goal.

- "Hidden Body" is incredibly important. Lets you sneak into areas that you'd otherwise be too weak for to collect Ore Shards and unlock bonfires. I don't quite remember where I got the skill book for it though.
the ,,hidden body'' can be found after you get past bundersnatch or whatever she is called after you go down the elevator and search the body, or you can go from the fishermans town's route which i forgot


Jul 19, 2019
I think that this game is way more walkthrough intensive, than the 1st. i finished 1st with ease, but i immediately had to look up a walkthrough to actually know where to proceed here.


Sep 17, 2017
no idea if anyone even did the chaos shrine, but how the heck do you avoid the n field gravity of the old king? i use the immortality spell so i can just smack it with the %hp jabber wocky thing but once it goes in rage it starts throwing this weird spell that breaks my immortality called zec somethin.
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Sep 9, 2017
no idea if anyone even did the chaos shrine, but how the heck do you avoid the n field gravity of the old king? i use the immortality spell so i can just smack it with the %hp jabber wocky thing but once it goes in rage it starts throwing this weird spell that breaks my immortality called zec somethin.
Old king boss
The boss has 7 attacks, going from 1 to 7, then back to 1 ( it is a rotation of attacks, so prepare your dodge )
1. Tyrant's arm : This attack ignore armor, cause a debuff that will countdown your death
Old king will skip this attack if he's in break, can dodge
2. Tyrant's sickle (Inevitably 4 times damage, defense reduction, poison / deadly poison / bleeding)
3. Night of Avalon (4 times darkness damage, magic defense reduction)
4. Torrent of magic power ? ( defense state ignored ) Darkness attribute damage
5. Enfield Gravity : He damage you and prepare to cast Zexcalibur, reduce your own speed and resistance, should break him in this state
6. Black aura ( images skill only )
7. Zexcalibur : cause instant death ( will be skipped if in break )
The boss will become immortal and begin to summon his images when he get hit with lethal dmg ( dmg that cause hp to go below 0 hp )
In this state the boss will reflect magic damage, heal himself every turn
His images will cast black aura, you have to break it before its next turn, or else the image will cast Zexcalibur
After you destroy all of his images, he will resume his attack rotation, and can die now
Most of his attacks are dark attribute
He has 0 weak point, but using poison on him is a some what strat
All of his instant death attacks ignore immortality
The Gravity > Zex combo is deadly, but you either have to dodge it or out stat his speed
I actually grind a bit too hard for my speed and was using gun break of hunter so this fight is fairly easy to me after I know about his rotation, the Gravity seem to affect the boss speed too ? ( since he need like 3 turns after that to cast Zex in my case )
I hope this can help
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Sep 9, 2017
HI may someone tell me what to do with The Maid Victoria(in Hanover Abandoned station) ? I remember her as being quite selfish in BlackSouls1 and here she just kills me after some mini game. Can't I get her in my Party?
Victoria in the Lost Empire ( part 1 ) is a replica that Mary's copied from Wonder land ( part 2 )
Since the Victoria of Wonderland doesn't know Grimm ( while most of the part 1 cast does )
Victoria of the Lost Empire is also wasn't aware of her succubus power ( or maybe she never have it in the 1st place, until Mary just rewrite reality in the ending )


New Member
Feb 9, 2019
So i finished the G end, and got the code for the Zip file, but now i can't find the secret zipfile in my folder at all, Anyone knows where it went?


Jun 1, 2018
Can someone tell me how to beat "knight of the deep sea"? The dude has been fucking my ass real good and I don't know what to do.


Jun 7, 2017
The guides all have this list of moments for when progress happens, but who or where is Jack the Ripper? How do you find Jack before he starts killing characters? Is Jack an alternative name for the boss of the Slaughterhouse?
4.80 star(s) 91 Votes