Wow, this is a ton of material for a 0.01 release. Dunno if you can keep up that pace, but I'm hoping the best for you. Lot of interesting angles to work with, too. But not everything's perfect.
The text font is rather small. Would it be possible to have a selection of font sizes?
The text is not centered, it's always in the bottom-left, which tends to drag the eye much further away from the action happening in the middle of the screen.
The font has no black outline, which means contrast with the background is frequently an issue, making some of the text hard to read.
In the 'snooping on daughters computer' scene, very few of the buttons did anything. In particular, I couldn't find a 'back' button that worked, so I kept having to close the window to get back to the root directory.
The only comment I have for the story, other than 'I like where this is going', is specifically on the scene with Luci. When she mentions being infertile, I had a brief hope of her, some ways down the line, casually saying 'oops, I lied, teehee'. She is the devil, ya know, it's a possibility.