VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Blackheart Hotel [Final] [Blackheart Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review For Blackheart Hotel [Final]

    I greatly enjoyed this novel. I'm not one for dark themes, so I downloaded the game with the preconceived notion that I would probably uninstall it before getting far. However, I was pleased to see that I had the option of being a good guy, relatively speaking. There were no forced rape or brutality scenes, often having the option to let someone live or to not have sex.

    My biggest complaint was the confusing story, with characters changing allegiances more often than I change my underwear but it made sense as the MC has no clue what is happening for the first third of story due to altered memories. The relationships between characters is also confusing and an ingame family/employment tree that updated as the story progressed would have helped. My other complaint, albeit minor, was suddenly taking control of another character starting at the second third of the story out of the blue. At this point, the story is told from alternating points of view.

    Length of the game was really nice too. I probably spent about 15-20 hours from start to finish while rushing through sex scenes and was very happy to continue because the story really hooked me.

    This is a title I will keep on my tablet alongside a handful of others that stay installed.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are not the best. It starts out pretty bland too. But then about an hour in it twists itself violently and becomes a crime drama. The twists and the violence just keep piling on top of each other into a messy but entertaining heap. I had a good time with it. An additional complaint of mine is that there is no real branching. It does not pay to be good in this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game!

    I've been looking for a VN where the MC goes down a really dark evil path for some time now and this checks off all the boxes in my criteria.

    ☑ Very Evil and Depraved MC

    ☑ Sadist MC (lots of graphic violence!)

    ☑ Evil Girl that can be Romanced (I really liked the screwed-up relationship between Paige and the MC)

    ☑ Lots of Male Dominance (MC takes what he wants)

    I like how this game really doesn't pull any punches on how extremely dark it is. I understand how it might not be for everyone but personally I hope to find more games like this.

    ☑ Lots of Verbal Humiliation and Degradation

    Seriously keep it up I I look forward to playing your other games if they're similar to this.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Over the years I thought I had become desensitized to the more extreme stuff in movies/games. This game proved me wrong, some of the choices made me extremely uncomfortable. It really doesn't pull any punches
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    tldr: Too many “Plot twists” and no reliable narrator.
    I really wanted to like this game. It is one of the few that actually goes where very few games dare to. Unfortunately the plot is garbage. This game has too many plot twists to the point that the only thing that would surprise you is if there is no plot twist. On top of this the unreliable narrator makes you doubt any of the plot is actually happening which would be all fine and good except this ends up being used as a crutch and anything can be reversed meaning no progression.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2741424

    Very few games have the balls to go where this one goes. I really enjoy the gritty story line and the violence that goes with the story. While there are a few grammar issues here and there, the writing isn't bad at all, and I actually had to read the text to understand what was going on. Love it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Wow, quite the game you've got here. The dev does a few things well and then takes a dump on literally everything else.

    • Good writing (overall)
    • Good story (overall)
    • Fun truth or dare game
    • Some of the optional (very dark) killing and rape events are done well
    • Lots of content

    • Literally everything else
    • Below average character models and renders
    • Lots of lazy rendering with clipping of hair and fingers (fingers going through legs, hair going through shoulders, etc.). Characters levitating on beds (a few inches on top of the bed).
    • Two protagonists
    • Story and writing go to fuck as soon as one of the protagonists die (fake death - I would say more but there would be too many spoilers. The game doesn't tank because one protagonist dies, just the story and writing get FUBAR at this time)
    • Animations are low FPS and are very robotic. The dev only moved the body parts necessary to move back and forth and nothing more. It looks very robotic and unnatural to say the least! I appreciate the fact that there are animations in the game but they are disappointing.
    • The sex scenes in the game are so quick and predictable that they are all nearly the same. Most sex scenes are made up of 2 to 3 screens, usually 2 (penetration and cumshot). No buildup, no passion, lifeless as fuck!
    • Some characters know things they can't know. Any evil decision the MC makes are later rubbed in his face by other characters. It makes for some interesting storytelling but it destroys realism too often.
    • Too many plot holes and story mistakes to mention
    • Dev doesn't properly test his own releases and then doesn't release patches to fix them anytime soon. The whole game, my name was "persistent.y" because of a game bug. Talk about an immersion killer! Then, after I have sex with Maria, her picture keeps popping up on the screen between render screens like she is talking. This continues to happen for most of the rest of the game. Don't assume your code works dev!
    • It doesn't pay to be the good guy in this game as you'll miss out on many opportunities for sex and other fun (lots of content just gets skipped instead of a new branch forming).
    • There are more plot twists in the last 25% of the game than all the movies produced since the year 2000 combined. It is outright ridiculous and insane, not believable at all! The main villian changes dozens of time but they all have a common theme, kill em all. Nothing is real and reality is constantly changed on a whim by the author just to add yet another plot twist to the story. It is so confusing, you really have no clue what is going on. It is mind numbing just trying. Reality gets turned upside down over and over to the point of it being hell!
    • Decisions that you make aren't always remembered. You are later told you did things you didn't and vice versa. It gets worse as the game progresses.
    • No relationship is respected in the game. All relationships in the game are casualties to force constant plot twists.
    • English has lots of errors

    The saving grace for the game is the good writing and somewhat good story in the first 75% of the game but everything else is done poorly.

    When you find out who betrayed you and one of the protagonists die (pretend die), it is clear that the dev was going to (but didn't) end the game here as he destroyed so much of what made the writing and story good.

    One of the protagonists in the game should know who the mole is but kept the MC in the dark for dramatic effect. She broke one of the rules that the MC set so it wasn't rocket science to put two plus two together, I did. It wasn't a surprise to me at all when she was revealed. Same thing happened with the head mob boss, no surprise here.

    One thing that really pissed me off was undoing all the groundwork that the MC laid to train different girls he captured. It was all for nothing in the end. No one was trained even though the dev made hints that it would be a major factor in the future. I was really looking forward to training a certain police officer to be my sex toy/slave!

    If you want a rollercoaster of a ride with tons of plot twists that sometimes make no sense then feel free to give this game a try. Overall, I was disappointed how everything turned out. Honestly, I wish I would have just quit playing the game as soon as both protagonists were captured at the mansion.

    There is no excuse in my opinion for the super lazy sex scenes in the game that have zero passion and most of them play out the same way (two screens - penetration, cumshot - with almost no writing, no passion, and no soul)! The animations might as well be two robots having sex (low FPS, not enough penetration, and very robotic).

    I will say that I did enjoy the story for the most part (first 75% of the game). I'm being very generous giving this game 3 stars. The last 25% of the game deserves 0 stars. Some of the optional (dark) killing and rape scenes are well done towards the end of the game but the main story is completely fucked and nonsensical! It would have been much better, story wise, to just have both protagonist deaths be real and permanent and end the game there. I would have written a more positive review. It is beyond hysterical what the author wants us to believe towards the end of the game (last 25%).
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Oh boy, since it's about to end I should write this review I've been putting off.

    First time I played Blackheart Hotel I hated it, as in got a little ways in, quit, deleted and forgot about it. Nothing new, done that plenty of times.

    Then I played The Guardian (loved it) and someone wrote that to understand it, you really had to play the devs other game. As an aside, I really hate when that crap is pulled. Put the lore of the game, in the game. Anyway I downloaded BHH got a little ways in and realized "Oh it's that game! Well shit. Onward I guess.". Got to Paige (BHH's saving grace) and she's the only reason I came back instead of playing once and never again.

    This is Seath's least liked of his two games, something (I believe) he attributes to how dark it is. And it is too dark for some. But that is not the main reason many dislike or outright hate BHH imo.

    He decided on a shared universe (bloody extended universes :rolleyes:).

    After that is where things start going awry imo. Firstly the mafia backstory/plot is mediocre at best, awful at worst made even worse by something I'll get to in a bit. And he tied both games to that rickety support, though he is moving away from it (or more accurately allowing it to be largely ignored) in TG.

    Secondly he managed to create an entirely unsympathetic and unlikeable MC. Seriously it's like a whiny, emo, bitchmade, Luke Skywalker wanted to be all ebil like his hero Darth Vader and he overcompensates to the point of absurdity. Wait a minute... that's why I hate Jacky! He's bloody Kylo Ren, except smaller!

    "Oh but our MC (henceforth known as Little Kylo) had this or that tragic thing happen in his past! That is why he is that way!"

    Well except no, not really because dun dun dun!!!! Plot twist! It was all in his head (or drugs, whatever)!

    And that is the third thing. The constant plot twists. Every time it looks like you have the overbearing mafia plot/backstory, the assorted cast, and Little Kylo's place in it figured out... boom! Plot twist! This isn't a penny dreadful 2.0 where you are paid by the plot twist. Stop it. Get some help.

    So this is the fourth thing. The overbearing mafia stuff and the constant plot twists leaves so little time for the other characters to develop. There isn't much character growth or even information on the characters other than Little Kylo (and a tiny bit for Paige). This makes everyone so shallow it isn't even funny. You literally forget people exist that you killed because they had the ingame presence of a ghost.

    Fifth would be when you switch. As much as I hate Little Kylo, I care even less about the hitman. That crap is so jarring in every game that pulls it. No one ever managed to make it work at all well. I wish devs would quit trying.

    That leaves the ebil and good boi "paths". Both are implemented poorly to the point there should really have only been one because they simply get in the way of each other. Not killing someone has little to no meaning. Being an evil SOB does nothing much either. NPC's routinely forget what happens, what decisions were made, who lived, ect.

    I hope this hasn't come off as hate or anything. Seath is a great guy and this was his first game (I think?), so I'm not ragging him out of meanness. I genuinely enjoy The Guardian (his other game). I also am not the arse kissing type. This review is my view of why this game is not as popular.

    TG is very well liked, but imo it's not just the cuties. It's that it has the least amount of the mafia stuff. Every time it comes up in TG, the story drags and suffers for it.

    BHH is dark, but f95 has plenty of dark themed games. The things I pointed out (and doubtless others) are at least in my opinion why BHH isn't more well received, not the "darkness" of it's content.

    Anyway here's hoping that the continuation/sequel (without Little Kylo) will fare as well if not better than TG. (y)
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Overall this could be a good game with a 4,5 star rating. I like the renders, animations and the story. But this game is more like reading a novel. At the beginning you start with a too big pack of problems without the chance to solve them legally and during the game you earn more and more problems without the choice to avoid them. After that your only choice is how evil you solve your problems.
    The biggest con is the lack of real choices for the MC so this is more a VN than a real Game. I wanna make choices with real impact to the story, especially when the game has no VN tag! But the story is very linear and the player has to follow the linear story and cant make real decisions who influence the story. Yes, you have choices but they dont influence the linear story very much so you allways get in big problems with the Laws. No matter what you choose.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Derek Lamperouge

    the game urges you to be a villainous bastard, but the true evil is your choice.
    I do not recommend this game for those who do not like heavy stuff, seriously is not for you, go play something else.
    But since I like the psychological horror genre go ahead.

    Next spoilers:
    The first half of the game is well done, engaging story and makes you keep wanting to discover the mysteries, the plot.
    It might even become my best game, (best story).
    The story builds and makes sense (This does not mean to justify the insanity of the MC).
    Halfway through the game it seems that the MC will be able to get away from this mess.
    But an event happens that brings up the MC's true personality.

    Now starts a kind of part two of the game. You also start controlling another character who will be a rival of the MC, and kind of a hero (blergh).
    This part I didn't like. It could be a fair 'NPC', but in this case, this man seems to have entered more to have the part some generos, that I even enjoy, but this Sal found very boring.
    This was a move that I didn't like very much, I would have preferred to focus more on the MC.
    The hero could even have appeared, but not as another protagonist.
    From then on the game is half and half, between the hero's side, and the villain's side.
    The hero trying for revenge, and the MC letting loose and showing his true ' Jack '

    Rating so far: 4.6 / 5.0.
    Best Character: Paige ( What love makes us, and reveals. But I think she hides something from the MC).
    Worst Sal, ( I hope in the end the MC kills him and takes his girls).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few games that is really dark and has good content and characters. As of version 5 the game has at least 10 hours of game and plenty of dark scenes. The game is by no means perfect, it has many spelling mistakes, the renders are just average, the story although very interesting is sometimes hard to follow. However, all the downsides do not take away from the great protagonist, characters, story and really dark scenes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a gem.
    Although lots of misspelling, low quality scene, lots of cloth and hair glitches, robotic animations.
    Nevertheless the dark but interesting story, meaningful choices, varieties of fetishes shine over everything.
    Some games I followed for years, now I no longer care the script, but this game I read through all.
    The developing team is creative and full of energy.
    Please keep up the great work.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're into extremely dark stories, rape, and mind fucks then this game is for you. It has a well written, very dark story that is unique in adult games. Renders are great as well as well as the setting. My only complaint is that given the story (you'll understand if you play), following along can be quite jarring. With that said though, I believe that was the intention of the developer and it fits into the story.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I wouldn't mind sleep sex, rape, anal sex, vaginal sex, virgin, twins, lesbian, incest, milf with some urination, voyeurism and maybe some loli. . However murder, killing and beating up girls? Nah. Take the gun violence away and this game can be like a harem base game. Just saying. I think it's a great idea, don't you think?
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.5

    The story of this game is just great, very good !, original, dark, sadistic and sinister. (Not for sensitive people)
    The characters are very interesting and have their own personality.
    It has negative aspects that I didn't like: rape scenes and extreme violence (I had to skip all, hate that).
    I'm waiting for the game to end ( highly recommended by the story).
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it! I have played a lot of games with the tag "rape" but they often offer only 1 scene and is realy soft. This is the first extreme game with some dark stuff and excellent story, totally worth it!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed 0.5.

    The summary of this game really doesn't do it justice. MC is the owner of a hotel that has issues stemming from his youth. There's a conspiracy with MC at the center of it all. He has nightmares...but were they really nightmares or were they memories? Who can MC trust? What kind of person will the MC become (you have numerous opportunities to choose a good or evil path).

    The story is very good and it is engaging. It has a very classic film-noir feel to it. The characters are fairly well-defined except for the MC as much of that is on the player to determine. MC can go to some very dark places if that is the route chosen. I'm not sure of the repercussions to those decisions yet.

    The weakest part of this game is the renders. I'd rate them average to below average as the renders lack the details and the facial features (eyes and nose) are off for many characters.

    The sex scenes are pretty meh. They're very quick with little build-up (most are 3-4 images (naked-insert-thrust-creampie) and the renders are again the weak spot.

    Overall, the game is above average due to the strength of the story. I was invested in the story and want to see how it plays out. I may have to play the "evil" path once I see how the "good" path plays out.

    Graphics - 5/10
    Animations - n/a
    Story - 9/10
    Characters - 7/10
    Fun - 8/10
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This was a surprise.

    So, warning to everyone that hasn't played this yet.
    This is a dark theme. Like, nearly as dark as it gets. It has a lot of rape (some awake, some drugged or asleep), some physical and mental abuse, drugs, murder, blood, etc.
    This is a game for people that like the Dark and know it.

    That said. I liked it. mwhahaha. >:3

    Art: 5/5 I enjoyed the renders quite a bit.

    Characters: 3/5 I liked them for the most part. They came and went a bit too frequently to really care about most though.
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    Writing: 4/5 The dialogue was good, mostly.

    H Stuff: 4.5/5 Sex was hot. The fetishes are specific, and I enjoyed them.

    The only thing I did not enjoy about this was the way the story jumped around.
    For the author:
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  19. 2.00 star(s)


    - Not a dark themed game... more like deranged
    - Choices don't seem to matter
    - Characters are uninteresting
    - Story is way too turbulent to get invested in anything

    The dev said, he wanted a dark story. And that's totally fine. But there is dark... and then there is utterly deranged shit. The dev seemed to go for the latter.
    That seemed to be a little too much for the majority of players, so (in fear of bad reviews and loss of potential supporters) the dev tried to implement something of a "good" path with choices. But those choices seem to do little more than ask, whether or not you want to see the heavy scenes. You can decide not to do all the horrible shit, but all the characters around you will treat you like you had done it anyway. You will be blamed for characters deaths, even if you didn't kill them. You will be blamed for events, that were completely out of your control. The dev apparently had no desire to make a good path actually work.

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    The story is packed so full of plot twists, that it's hard to get invested in it. At some point you stop thinking "Wow, what a surprising reveal" and instead start thinking "Wow... did someone watch too many soap operas?". It doesn't help that there are like...50 characters to keep track of, whose presumed backstories and relations to each other keep changing.

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    Those Plot Twists in the spoiler don't happen at once. They happen over the course of the entire game. And that's how it's happening for every character. And you have to keep track of all this... By the end, you feel just as irritated and confused as the MC. But for all the wrong reasons. Not because the story is so well written, but rather because it's not...

    Only thing this game does good are the animations. They are quite a bit better than most of what I've seen here. So if you are into a kinetic novel with HEAVY dark stuff, this game is for you. Just choose all the bad options. But if you are looking for a visual novel, with a choice-based branching storyline... better look for something else.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a wild ride my dude, so much death and rape.

    The renders or to be specific models are meh 3/5
    (the Hitman and MC are tolerable)

    There are some grammatical flaws that piss me off but whatever.

    But the story hohoho. The twists punch you from right to left. At first you think you play the real MC but you are just a through drugs introduced persona and the real MC is a crazy raping and killing MOFO (kind of cringe level but better than a beta male). somewhere in midgame you take over a hitman that is involved in the story of the MC and i really dont like this shit. after that the story of the MC and Hitman interchange ever so often.

    There are some really retarded situations where the MC gets attacked from behind. Like what the fuck, why does he never watch his back. And that happens more than once.

    And it seems like almost all love interests can just die and you cant prevent it, mkay not so nice. Drugging people to fuck them also seems to be a thing, would've rather used charm as the MC is so handsome as the people said it.

    Can be played once and never be touched again i think. Too many unlogical things happenng for me.

    There were 2 endings and both are ... One option is suicide uff and the other to kill the so called sister without reason. this game has too many plotholes and the MC gets manipulated to the end.