Estética boa, conteudo razoavel, jogabilidade péssima...
# Aesthetically appealing, some good (and promising) content but totally unplayable (too many bugs, grinding and dead ends...). People shouldn't be allowed to release it like this... This is a game so gameplay is important. Next update...
6GB? Seriously? I'm sure it's requiring proper compression and some of that proper cleanup... Maybe breaking it down into separate chapters...?! Game experience is being butchered here. Very annoying...
# Aesthetically appealing, some good (and promising) content but totally unplayable (too many bugs, grinding and dead ends...). People shouldn't be allowed to release it like this... This is a game so gameplay is important. Next update...
6GB? Seriously? I'm sure it's requiring proper compression and some of that proper cleanup... Maybe breaking it down into separate chapters...?! Game experience is being butchered here. Very annoying...
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