3.10 star(s) 34 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
The similarity in code has a very easy explanation. They all stole Rainces's code as a starting point. Everyone that decided to do a remake, myself included, started by trying to make heads or tails out of RA's code. SPOILER ALERT: His code sucks. It's filled with typos, variables change, and the basis of the game was a series of nested loops. But the dialog from version to version is basically the same. Even with changing around big swaths of it, the code itself is still pretty much the same. Hell, it has to be. Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. It is almost the exact same game. The code is almost identical.

That doesn't mean that ZipTieFun and Rainces are the same person, or that their alter ego is SummerP. I've been around here long enough to have seen several BBS remakes start up. Each of them start from the same spot. Even with going in different directions, there is a lot of overlap. Why rewrite the entire variable table or all of the dialog if it isn't changing? When I did my remake, the similarity between my code and RA's up to the same spot was about 90%. Why? Because I took his code, fixed a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little.

Seriously, what is more likely? That one person started up the same project 3 times under 3 different accounts and are so dedicated to the hoax that they use each different account with a different accents, idioms, time zones, and different base languages (Portuguese, Italian, and something else in southern Eurpore), or that 3 people each tried working on their own version of a popular project?
Mais claro que isto...

# You can't be clearer than that. Awesome. :coffee:


Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
Having coding experience and knowing how to and how analyze code too differentiate it from of two individuals are two completely different fields in both though and action.

The similarity in code has a very easy explanation. They all stole Rainces's code as a starting point. Everyone that decided to do a remake, myself included, started by trying to make heads or tails out of RA's code. SPOILER ALERT: His code sucks. It's filled with typos, variables change, and the basis of the game was a series of nested loops. But the dialog from version to version is basically the same. Even with changing around big swaths of it, the code itself is still pretty much the same. Hell, it has to be. Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. It is almost the exact same game. The code is almost identical.

That doesn't mean that ZipTieFun and Rainces are the same person, or that their alter ego is SummerP. I've been around here long enough to have seen several BBS remakes start up. Each of them start from the same spot. Even with going in different directions, there is a lot of overlap. Why rewrite the entire variable table or all of the dialog if it isn't changing? When I did my remake, the similarity between my code and RA's up to the same spot was about 90%. Why? Because I took his code, fixed a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little.

Seriously, what is more likely? That one person started up the same project 3 times under 3 different accounts and are so dedicated to the hoax that they use each different account with a different accents, idioms, time zones, and different base languages (Portuguese, Italian, and something else in southern Eurpore), or that 3 people each tried working on their own version of a popular project?
You have never diagnosed nor ever investigated a differentiated code base with similarities before have you.
Your thesis is wrong.

Your getting warmer... with

"Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. The code is almost identical."

Doesn't individualize code by simply, Just taking code and "fixing a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little"

What, when, and how contextualized the code holds individualizes it.
What; the code in this case the small discrepancy between the "source" material and later updates.
when; the codes time line from past to present additions, subtractions as well as the script over all subtle changes between all updates.
How; the comparison of overall variations but also the the interrelations, between "source" material and later iterations.
You can't make new code without writing it and people don't change how they do this it is a subconscious act.

Rainces orginal BBS (we will call "source" material but isnt really the source) code has 4 different code signatures within it along with the "source", by the time ZIptiefun gets a hold of if there are addition of two maybe three and yes summerP uses some code from "source" but no where near the hits Ziptiefun has in it.

So either summerP radically changed his code implantation or he used very little of "source" material fading even more so as time went on.

On the other hand Rainces, ZIptiefun and Binaryguy all have extremely centered coding similarities.

If Rainces is "source" material then why ZIptiefun have code similarities long after Rainces "source" material ran dry?
It makes logical sense to have "source" material or a lot of "source" material in the older versions of the the game but to have it show up with such similarity and extensive use in the newer updates as well, this would only mean one of two things Rainces and ZIptiefun are one in the same, when he is having good and bad days coding or they are individuals working together.

And about idioms of language nonsense. I am no financial investigator but what little I did find is the the Rainces, ZIptiefun have at least two patreon accounts each linked through an too a paypal cash dump accounts all be it separate but made within minuets of one another.

Money makes the crime.
Or how about better well know saying
Follow the money.

Seriously, what is more likely?

Someone and or a group of individuals making a project cash grab scheme popular repeatedly or a group of individuals defending said cash grab scheme who are doing it.

Proxies; Can do everything and more on what you detailed with the ability to make accounts in various locales and time zones.
Tell me something new like the timestamped creation of the paypal account with a 3 digit number and 4 zeros behind it.
And when said paypal account gets too low hazzah another game or three pops up across sites like f95zone with another "insert crowdfunding site name" or two that is linked to those paypal accounts and the money flows like spice off of Arrakis.

I mention "group" of individuals, because images show more than one editing system, software, and or individual machine did some form of editing to them.

Just to sum it up we have a group of individuals with at least two to maybe four coders, three artist and two editors, pulling in 15k -17k in just over two weeks with a variance of 3 or 4 days in money amount.

Everytime, I mention or comment on how f95zone needing better account transparency on to see who has multiple accounts linked to abandoned or never completed or non updated games for many, many moons then the fan boys (usually in pairs of an active or Well-Known Members combo it seems) comes out of the wood work (just pops in the forum which they in the past have not been actively engaged in any discussion on or in, in anyway up until then to do a one shots directed) to discount me with I am spouting conspiracy theories and long statements of how wrong I am (like the one above by NotARealPerson1582 supported by edgaia). Via redirection or with flat out distractionary statements especialy if Rainces, ZIptiefun or Binaryguy is mentioned.

But what do I know...Being mentally ill is a full-time job and I'm employee of the month, Son with nothing but time on my hands.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Having coding experience and knowing how to and how analyze code too differentiate it from of two individuals are two completely different fields in both though and action.

You have never diagnosed nor ever investigated a differentiated code base with similarities before have you.
Your thesis is wrong.

Your getting warmer... with

"Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. The code is almost identical."

Doesn't individualize code by simply, Just taking code and "fixing a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little"

What, when, and how contextualized the code holds individualizes it.
What; the code in this case the small discrepancy between the "source" material and later updates.
when; the codes time line from past to present additions, subtractions as well as the script over all subtle changes between all updates.
How; the comparison of overall variations but also the the interrelations, between "source" material and later iterations.
You can't make new code without writing it and people don't change how they do this it is a subconscious act.

Rainces orginal BBS (we will call "source" material but isnt really the source) code has 4 different code signatures within it along with the "source", by the time ZIptiefun gets a hold of if there are addition of two maybe three and yes summerP uses some code from "source" but no where near the hits Ziptiefun has in it.

So either summerP radically changed his code implantation or he used very little of "source" material fading even more so as time went on.

On the other hand Rainces, ZIptiefun and Binaryguy all have extremely centered coding similarities.

If Rainces is "source" material then why ZIptiefun have code similarities long after Rainces "source" material ran dry?
It makes logical sense to have "source" material or a lot of "source" material in the older versions of the the game but to have it show up with such similarity and extensive use in the newer updates as well, this would only mean one of two things Rainces and ZIptiefun are one in the same, when he is having good and bad days coding or they are individuals working together.

And about idioms of language nonsense. I am no financial investigator but what little I did find is the the Rainces, ZIptiefun have at least two patreon accounts each linked through an too a paypal cash dump accounts all be it separate but made within minuets of one another.

Money makes the crime.
Or how about better well know saying
Follow the money.

Seriously, what is more likely?

Someone and or a group of individuals making a project cash grab scheme popular repeatedly or a group of individuals defending said cash grab scheme who are doing it.

Proxies; Can do everything and more on what you detailed with the ability to make accounts in various locales and time zones.
Tell me something new like the timestamped creation of the paypal account with a 3 digit number and 4 zeros behind it.
And when said paypal account gets too low hazzah another game or three pops up across sites like f95zone with another "insert crowdfunding site name" or two that is linked to those paypal accounts and the money flows like spice off of Arrakis.

I mention "group" of individuals, because images show more than one editing system, software, and or individual machine did some form of editing to them.

Just to sum it up we have a group of individuals with at least two to maybe four coders, three artist and two editors, pulling in 15k -17k in just over two weeks with a variance of 3 or 4 days in money amount.

Everytime, I mention or comment on how f95zone needing better account transparency on to see who has multiple accounts linked to abandoned or never completed or non updated games for many, many moons then the fan boys (usually in pairs of an active or Well-Known Members combo it seems) comes out of the wood work (just pops in the forum which they in the past have not been actively engaged in any discussion on or in, in anyway up until then to do a one shots directed) to discount me with I am spouting conspiracy theories and long statements of how wrong I am (like the one above by NotARealPerson1582 supported by edgaia). Via redirection or with flat out distractionary statements especialy if Rainces, ZIptiefun or Binaryguy is mentioned.

But what do I know...Being mentally ill is a full-time job and I'm employee of the month, Son with nothing but time on my hands.
Ninguém disse que eras doente ou maluquinho... Apenas que não há dados suficientes para saber o que quer quer seja. E mesmo que houvesse, tinha pouco interesse. Só o jogo interessa. Nada mais...

# You're far from ill or paranoid, but your train of thought, although reasonable, is based solely on personal opinion/bias, with no solid evidence to support it. (Why the long text, why??) You can amuse yourself dwelling on any theory you want, but what for?

You may even be onto something here. But does it really matter? Multiple accounts, multiple projects, multiple aliases? Who cares? Why wallow in such pigsty that in the end may not even be the case here...? The game is all that matters.

Enjoy that mental game of yours keeping in mind it leads nowhere or chill like to rest of us while waiting...
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
Is this a redirection or the distractionary statement?

I would love to post what I have found. But spreadsheets aren't like bed sheets not all of them have a fine thread count.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Is this a redirection or the distractionary statement?

I would love to post what I have found. But spreadsheets aren't like bed sheets not all of them have a fine thread count.
Quem preferirias? Um detective da vida dos devs ou alguem que pegasse nisto de uma vez por todas?

# If you really have the need to present what you found, do it. But it's quite moot.
Who do people care most?
- someone who tries to figure out what is wrong with some of the devs here and the platform, for that matter.
- someone who tries to set this game on course.

tip: the game is all that matters...
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Mar 30, 2022
My point was too the F95zone site admins and site coders; is give the users a visual indication of when, and if multiple users are umbrellaed under the same sign in and sign up ip locale. I don't want to waste my hard earned money on a developer's patronage who's nom de plume crosses or intersects with different games under different pseudonyms here on f95z with numerous alias on Patreon and or SubscribeStar equaling to being all the same person. The only exception within this standardization of practice would be in modding, main developers and mod developer both deserve payment for their work.

This would give the users a better chance a sussing out financial bad actors who would abuse the flaws of multifarious projects and account linking across the various payment platforms and web sites like f95zone.
Lad, creating a subject and discussing it all by yourself is weird

Also we don't care about all the things about double accounts, security, identification etc. If you didn't notice this is a pirate forum not the CIA or Interpol

Please create a different topic to discuss, al alone all the irrelevant issues. Don't spam this topic


Engaged Member
Aug 2, 2017
Lad, creating a subject and discussing it all by yourself is weird

Also we don't care about all the things about double accounts, security, identification etc. If you didn't notice this is a pirate forum not the CIA or Interpol

Please create a different topic to discuss, al alone all the irrelevant issues. Don't spam this topic
I think that the topic is interesting. By all means open up a new thread to discuss further.
  • Haha
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Engaged Member
Aug 2, 2017
The similarity in code has a very easy explanation. They all stole Rainces's code as a starting point. Everyone that decided to do a remake, myself included, started by trying to make heads or tails out of RA's code. SPOILER ALERT: His code sucks. It's filled with typos, variables change, and the basis of the game was a series of nested loops. But the dialog from version to version is basically the same. Even with changing around big swaths of it, the code itself is still pretty much the same. Hell, it has to be. Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. It is almost the exact same game. The code is almost identical.

That doesn't mean that ZipTieFun and Rainces are the same person, or that their alter ego is SummerP. I've been around here long enough to have seen several BBS remakes start up. Each of them start from the same spot. Even with going in different directions, there is a lot of overlap. Why rewrite the entire variable table or all of the dialog if it isn't changing? When I did my remake, the similarity between my code and RA's up to the same spot was about 90%. Why? Because I took his code, fixed a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little.

Seriously, what is more likely? That one person started up the same project 3 times under 3 different accounts and are so dedicated to the hoax that they use each different account with a different accents, idioms, time zones, and different base languages (Portuguese, Italian, and something else in southern Eurpore), or that 3 people each tried working on their own version of a popular project?
What happened to your remake. Did you drop it?
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Reactions: edgaia

Sir Anal

Aug 19, 2021
Having coding experience and knowing how to and how analyze code too differentiate it from of two individuals are two completely different fields in both though and action.
I don't think you're the only one with coding experience here, far from it.
And while we're off-topic on this thread, we could consider a vote on who is interested in this kind of consideration.
The hacking is the heart of this site, plagiarism must be in the 50% of the code that is posted here.
A priori, it seems to me that most people who come here do so to find free games and some to help the developers, but other than that ....
I don't see the point of your posts other than to increase your post count here.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2018
While this is a pirate site, there's no doubt that atleast 90% of all developers patrons found out about their games on this site.

I for one would have never heard of most of the developers I support if it was not for F95.

Adult games are not mainstream and this is most likely the "Steam" of the niche when it comes to publicity.
Jul 30, 2020
Having coding experience and knowing how to and how analyze code too differentiate it from of two individuals are two completely different fields in both though and action.

You have never diagnosed nor ever investigated a differentiated code base with similarities before have you.
Your thesis is wrong.

Your getting warmer... with

"Look at ZipTieFun's opening scenes and play the original BBS game up to the same point. The code is almost identical."

Doesn't individualize code by simply, Just taking code and "fixing a few typos, added a few lines of dialog, and polished up the code a little"

What, when, and how contextualized the code holds individualizes it.
What; the code in this case the small discrepancy between the "source" material and later updates.
when; the codes time line from past to present additions, subtractions as well as the script over all subtle changes between all updates.
How; the comparison of overall variations but also the the interrelations, between "source" material and later iterations.
You can't make new code without writing it and people don't change how they do this it is a subconscious act.

Rainces orginal BBS (we will call "source" material but isnt really the source) code has 4 different code signatures within it along with the "source", by the time ZIptiefun gets a hold of if there are addition of two maybe three and yes summerP uses some code from "source" but no where near the hits Ziptiefun has in it.

So either summerP radically changed his code implantation or he used very little of "source" material fading even more so as time went on.

On the other hand Rainces, ZIptiefun and Binaryguy all have extremely centered coding similarities.

If Rainces is "source" material then why ZIptiefun have code similarities long after Rainces "source" material ran dry?
It makes logical sense to have "source" material or a lot of "source" material in the older versions of the the game but to have it show up with such similarity and extensive use in the newer updates as well, this would only mean one of two things Rainces and ZIptiefun are one in the same, when he is having good and bad days coding or they are individuals working together.

And about idioms of language nonsense. I am no financial investigator but what little I did find is the the Rainces, ZIptiefun have at least two patreon accounts each linked through an too a paypal cash dump accounts all be it separate but made within minuets of one another.

Money makes the crime.
Or how about better well know saying
Follow the money.

Seriously, what is more likely?

Someone and or a group of individuals making a project cash grab scheme popular repeatedly or a group of individuals defending said cash grab scheme who are doing it.

Proxies; Can do everything and more on what you detailed with the ability to make accounts in various locales and time zones.
Tell me something new like the timestamped creation of the paypal account with a 3 digit number and 4 zeros behind it.
And when said paypal account gets too low hazzah another game or three pops up across sites like f95zone with another "insert crowdfunding site name" or two that is linked to those paypal accounts and the money flows like spice off of Arrakis.

I mention "group" of individuals, because images show more than one editing system, software, and or individual machine did some form of editing to them.

Just to sum it up we have a group of individuals with at least two to maybe four coders, three artist and two editors, pulling in 15k -17k in just over two weeks with a variance of 3 or 4 days in money amount.

Everytime, I mention or comment on how f95zone needing better account transparency on to see who has multiple accounts linked to abandoned or never completed or non updated games for many, many moons then the fan boys (usually in pairs of an active or Well-Known Members combo it seems) comes out of the wood work (just pops in the forum which they in the past have not been actively engaged in any discussion on or in, in anyway up until then to do a one shots directed) to discount me with I am spouting conspiracy theories and long statements of how wrong I am (like the one above by NotARealPerson1582 supported by edgaia). Via redirection or with flat out distractionary statements especialy if Rainces, ZIptiefun or Binaryguy is mentioned.

But what do I know...Being mentally ill is a full-time job and I'm employee of the month, Son with nothing but time on my hands.
Dude, you need some help. You're looking for a vast conspiracy where none exists, acting like three different people are either masquerading as one phalanx of a vast criminal empire pulling in tens of thousands of dollars from Patreon patrons because the code is too similar for your tastes.

I've worked with all three of them in one way or another. They're not the same person. Not even close. And they sure as hell aren't pulling in 17k in two weeks. You're looking for evidence of crimes and conspiracies where none exists. And what is your evidence? That RA used 4 different code signatures? His computer blew up at least twice and he had to start the code over. His initial code sucked balls. His second attempt sucked less. His third major update (0.13-0.15) broke Python's engine with how many nested if loops he had running at once. And his final update had the least sucky code he's put through. Axeman's/ZipTieFun's version of the game built on RA's for the first couple versions with a few new scenes but a lot of it was spent cleaning up RA's mistakes. Then he put his own spin on a few sections. SummerP rewrote the game from scratch but used RA's stuff as a model.

And this "proof" of a large group of people being involved because different software was used? This tells me you've never created any graphics or video or animation before. You can't use just Photoshop or GIMP or Daz3D or Blender or After Effects or Final Cut or Premier Pro to make a video. You have to use a combination of all of them, and maybe even more. A small clip takes a lot of work. Each graphic takes a lot of work. Each program does one piece to make it look good. And when you start adding in elements like menus and sound, it gets even crazier. It might seem like it requires a small army, but I've seen hundreds of devs on this board working solo or in pairs put together games better than these with no one helping them. Once again, follow Occam's Razor on which is more likely. Getting dozens of people to work together for little to no pay over the span of years or that over the course of the years these projects are worked on, one person collected all the programs they need and eventually migrated to another computer? I'm in IT. I have 6 computers on my desk right now. That doesn't mean a small army of people are helping me, it means I have a different computer for different purposes. I have one PC just for games, another just for code, one laptop for writing, and another that has the horsepower to do all of it but I use it mostly for doing graphic stuff and running XCode.

There is no vast conspiracy around the globe, nor of people on this board trying to gang up on you and silence you. You need to seek professional help. I strongly advise that you log off of this board and seek out a therapist, preferably one that focuses on paranoia and delusional thoughts. And before you tell yourself "that's what someone in the conspiracy would say", seriously take a step back and think about how many people would be required to pull off this conspiracy. Then try to plan a lunch date with that many people. If you can't get the 30 or 50 or 500 people together for a lunch, how would they work together just to silence you?


New Member
Nov 22, 2021
if you mix the original bbs with the dark version. It would be a long and good game, don't you think? because I miss the sleep scenes... the full story... it would be a suggestion!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
Yep, for the most part. Though, I am giving OGRey a hand on his remake, working on editing and advising. He's doing the heavy lifting, I help with the English.
Há previsões para o lançamento?

# Do you have a time frame for its release?

( As for our friend Jan^s, he's gathered "data" that feeds his "theory". He'll come around, cut him some slack. Just a bad day/week idk... )
Jul 30, 2020
Há previsões para o lançamento?

# Do you have a time frame for its release?

( As for our friend Jan^s, he's gathered "data" that feeds his "theory". He'll come around, cut him some slack. Just a bad day/week idk... )
There is no timetable. It'll be ready when it's ready. His plans are very ambitious and are coming along nicely. Several hundred renders have already been done, and almost all locations from the 0.1 release have been created. But there is still a lot to go.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
There is no timetable. It'll be ready when it's ready. His plans are very ambitious and are coming along nicely. Several hundred renders have already been done, and almost all locations from the 0.1 release have been created. But there is still a lot to go.
Excelente. Finalmente alguma noticia boa.

# Awesome. It's too bad OGRey stopped coming here. He could keep us posted from time to time. I thought he had dropped it already... Nevertheless, there's hope. (y)
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
Lad, creating a subject and discussing it all by yourself is weird

Also we don't care about all the things about double accounts, security, identification etc. If you didn't notice this is a pirate forum not the CIA or Interpol

Please create a different topic to discuss, al alone all the irrelevant issues. Don't spam this topic
You and now others are discussing it. I saw an issue and brought it to the table for discussion and look at that; People are now discussing their thoughts and views on the subject.

If your voice isn't used, its silenced.


Engaged Member
Aug 2, 2017
Yep, for the most part. Though, I am giving OGRey a hand on his remake, working on editing and advising. He's doing the heavy lifting, I help with the English.
Oh. Is OGRey still working on the Taboo Edition then?
I wish someone would carry on with the discontinued Oopsy and Fall Fable games. They both had great potential.
3.10 star(s) 34 Votes