Sorry about that but subscribestar is not the best when pausing billing compared to patreon. Things will be back to normal at the start of Month (March).
Se estás a trabalhar, para quê pausar a cobrança no Patreon...? Sê honesto com o pessoal. Basta isso.
# If you're really still trying to round it out, why would you pause the billing...? Just be honest with your supporters (and fans, for that matter)...
Because you haven't met a deadline? Because issues and bugs kept piling up when you thought you were so close? Probably you weren't all that close... It doesn't matter. No Patreon rule was broken there (still working on it) - again, a supporter is not a client. Just avoid posting release dates before completion.
The way you've handled this whole situation surely did ring a bell ( RAInces all over again ). We can easily cope with postponing, but not so with deception. All you've to do is to come forward and admit you're having trouble delivering it properly and that you'll need some more time. I believe you caught some bad habits from RAInces. If you're the one and the same, just drop that persona. It doesn't suit you as ZipTieFun.
You've been doing a great job, for the time being you're the only one we can rely on, so plz make an effort to be a bit more straightforward. Keep up the good work.