Or the Dev could just continue. First Riley knows about her mom and MC but she doesn't know about MC and his own Mother. So all 3 could find out about each other and then start having 3 somes and 4 somes with MC. Add more girls/women to the Harem. For example Nana. Mom and Aunt said their Dad had died but they didn't say what happened to their Mom. So add her and have the story where she tells them all that she and their Dad were brother and sister. Then add Lola and her mom and Nana. Then there is that delivery girl and her little sister. Add a friend of the Aunt or Mom worked for some lady named Cathy add her.Very abrupt ending. I loved the game, but there are a lot of unanswered questions. You need a part 2 when the MC is older and all of the kids he sired come find him.