4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


May 10, 2021
Why? Just un-watch this thread or even put it on ignore, if the most active people in this thread do this then the thread will eventually die. A whole game and thread shouldn't be deleted because you're fed up with yet another dev, games and content should be preserved in my opinion.
As long as he keeps on giving excuses or not talking then people will keep on complaining here while he brews up another excuse.

In my last post I said I checked back here after a month and it's still the same routine. I'm with you I think most here should just un-watch or ignore. But people don't have that much self-control. As long as people can type here they'll type.

Milfy City has went through almost 700 pages of what's happening here.
That's what this thread would look like when people keep on talking about a game that the dev couldn't give two shits about.
That's why people (myself included) are asking for the thread to close so no one else replies. Not the whole game and thread wiped from F95.(The people that want to play still has access and the people that are complaining get to move on.) It benefits everyone. In my opinion of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2017
As long as he keeps on giving excuses or not talking then people will keep on complaining here while he brews up another excuse.

In my last post I said I checked back here after a month and it's still the same routine. I'm with you I think most here should just un-watch or ignore. But people don't have that much self-control. As long as people can type here they'll type.

Milfy City has went through almost 700 pages of what's happening here.
That's what this thread would look like when people keep on talking about a game that the dev couldn't give two shits about.
That's why people (myself included) are asking for the thread to close so no one else replies. Not the whole game and thread wiped from F95.(The people that want to play still has access and the people that are complaining get to move on.) It benefits everyone. In my opinion of course.
I'm gonna be completely honest here. I assumed they meant closed as in deleted but that doesn't make sense now that I think about it. Closing this thread is probably the best solution for most people but there's some abandoned gems on this site that don't nearly have as much traffic as this or Milfy City and you'll often find people reminiscing about the game, asking gameplay questions or talking about who's the best girl even after it's been long abandoned.

The difference is that smaller games don't get milked on Patreon and get straight up abandoned so it's easier to talk about the game itself instead of the shitty dev trying to pull a fast one. So nuking this thread would probably be best.
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Scrambled Bussy Appreciator
Jan 22, 2018
Its plain obvious this guy its been pulling the Yanderedev strats which consist: will this game ever be finished? the answer: eventually of course!

Constant remakes of the same scene over and over > constant wasted time on changing the angle from an scene just because it wants to add up variety on its scenes which consist on basically a remake of the same scene lol > and of course the whole BS excuses that at this point only a silly goose would dive in to believe because pity of dr bones he needs da $$$ for taking care of its health first no matter what lmao.

Yes health care its a priority when you're working on anything, but when ur taking advantage of that for stalling something then most of people don't do it out of ethics or respect to the people they providing content and updates: stop all the pledges and if recently ppl pledged then refund it and stop the project until everything its in order with your health check ups and recovery.

Anyways humanity its a complex scenario of good people and oportunist and disgraceful individuals so make your conclusion on what the maker of this game is because i'm 100% agreed with devilxxx ´´the OP should be removed with all related links advertising freely a project that turned out to be a plain gray dead moneygrab game´´ and if needed ban its account in question since he at this point gives a damn about logging in and do transparency post or at least to share its viewpoint of the situation and to clarify things to its supporters.

I'm shocked this game as many others i wont mention are Dead or with devs amazingly still getting money of unfinished games and yet these posts are not getting all of their social media and links removed sheeesh!
Dr. Bones' Discord Server Ban Speedrun when?!?!?!


Jan 6, 2019
I say keep it open so he can see how many people pirate his release without paying just because he never freaking updates.
Redleg already mentioned Bones releasing the game for free after a while, but I'd further like to draw attention to who posted this thread in the first place: Oseo Bones. And just to be clear I'm not pointing this out necessarily to credit the man, just to offer further evidence that Bones probably cares very little if people get his game(s) from here.

Scumbag? What'd he do, anything specific?
Others have recommended reading previous pages (which would indeed see the subject discussed extensively), but I figure it's worth trying to summarize briefly, in no particular order:

Scumbag move 1: Despite receiving a high income from Patreon and Subscribestar (more than enough to live off comfortably while being unemployed) he feels no obligation to actually work on the games his supporters mean to support (this is not hyperbole, he publicly and repeatedly admitted to this). He instead first admitted that he didn't work on it for months for no particular reason, but was just sitting on his hands and playing games.
Scumbag move 2: Once he started supposedly working on the game(s) again he split what was originally intended as one update into three (the illustrious 0.18A, 0.18B and 0.18C) meant to be released in quick succession. 0.18B was released in Febuary, and we are still to this day waiting for 0.18C due to various very dubious excuses. (Among other things - let's call it scumbag move 2.1 - he has apparently been suffering from kidney stones for months, with pain so bad he can't even sit down in front of a computer, yet boasts about going out for his birthday to drink and get laid, both of which are activities you probably shouldn't engage in when you have kidney stones.)
Scumbag move 3: On his Discord, at least, anyone who comments in an even slightly critical way toward him or his games are publicly ridiculed by Bones and his supporters and/or immediately banned from his server. Likewise anyone asking for the next update there have been known to be swiftly banned.
Scumbag move 4: The update (0.18) he has been working on for... how long has it been? Eighteen months? Two years? When did 0.17 come out again? Anyway, that update is mostly (originally entirely) reworks of existing scenes, with a tiny sprinkling of new stuff that was only added to the plans recently. One of the 0.18 partial updates consisted solely of adding horse sounds to an existing scene; sounds that most players dislike, at that.

There's probably more that I'm missing, but I think that'll do for a brief overview.
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Apr 22, 2018
When Oseo started the thread he was using f95 to advertise for his patreon. He didn't always make 4000 plus a month and f95 helped him get the word out.

I was his patreon back in the day when it was on patreon, and before every release or right during the release there was a huge spike in people joining his patreon for the release. People would pay him more if he just released content.

Now we know he ISN'T going to release content because he's a lazy ass who is financially secure doing nothing. But he's actually losing money in the long run but the money lost isn't in his pockets, it's just money lost from never making it to his pockets because he isn't going to release. New people aren't going to pay him what they aren't going to get.

He's a 4000 dollar patreon/subscribestar guy. When if he released he could be a 10,000 dollar patreon/subscribestar guy. That is all I'm saying.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes