4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Apr 22, 2018
Not another one of these guys. So this must be the passive aggressive way to vent just because you know you'll get banned for asking Bones himself why he hasn't released an update he's had the pictures for since february? It doesn't take that long to implement stuff already finished into the game. It's august. He's had five months and counting to take pictures already finished........and put them in the game.

Why don't you go back and ask your master how come you guys have paid him for five months and he hasn't released anything BUT a picture mocking everyone for wondering when he was actually going to start working on his game again? Is it because he's a douche spending yalls money for his own ends? Because you know you will get banned for asking? Because you know his other moderating clowns will jump all over you before you get banned?

You aren't getting any brownie points for coming over here and trying to start stuff. Bones is too busy using yalls money for cocaine and hookers to worry about what you are doing over here on F95. He probably doesn't even know you exist. He literally mentioned the hookers thing on his birthday and not one of yall called him out on it because yall too scared. His birthday that was right in the middle of his kidney stone epidemic buying a hooker to do things to his little wee wee that should have caused excruciating pain.............but didn't because he never had kidney stones. It wasn't until f95 members went to his discord and questioned him about it that it was even brought up on his discord and he tried to change his story. Because people over there are past thinking for themselves.

Signed by somebody that used to be his patreon before he started fleecing people.

But I guess do whatever you need to do to convince yourself that this man aint taking advantage of you..........or your dad. Whoever is paying for his monthly subscribestar/patreon bills.
Feb 11, 2022
You are free to believe what you want, to criticize and give your opinion. That doesn't bother me, what does bother me is that (some people) on this page are so FOOLISH as to belittle a person who has contributed SO MUCH by creating a work out of nothing ALONE. The drawings, the development, the mapping, the bugs, the sounds... For that alone, it deserves respect... Have you paid and do you feel cheated? You are free to think about it. Who am I to say how to feel? But I am a content creator, I do not charge money for it. I know how hard it is, how difficult it is to force yourself to write and create when all the ideas are forced and bad. Most people consume the content you create, they don't give their opinion, they don't thank you, they don't pay, they just consume. And others, in addition, insult and despise.

If you don't believe in someone, don't support them. But attacking him for not being consistent with his posts only poisons him with negative thoughts, and that if it influences feelings such as abandonment, boredom, fed up, tiredness or even rejection for your own work.

Simply criticizing and insulting doesn't help Bones post sooner, so shut the fuck up if you don't have anything better to contribute. That's why I say POISON.
Bruh, we have literally been waiting on horse noises for nearly 6 months


Mar 18, 2018
It's something I don't understand, he accumulated his professionnal life, his personnal life and he his able to do some content but when he have a health trouble you're here to say it's unfair since there is no update and that you have to paid for nothing.
But he didn't obligate the people to pay or to play, there is maybe some creator which did the same but without the health trouble, and you're here to complain. You don't know it's life so you don't know if he is overbooked or maybe he is sent to another city with job mutation, you don't know so don't judge ... simple, basic and easy, do nothing than wait just that, you have no right to complain, it's not his main job and you're not his boss... he can even stop the game if he want.
oh and there is no obligation to do monthly content so if it's unfair complain to patreon, to subscribestar Etc...


New Member
Mar 8, 2022
You are free to believe what you want, to criticize and give your opinion. That doesn't bother me, what does bother me is that (some people) on this page are so FOOLISH as to belittle a person who has contributed SO MUCH by creating a work out of nothing ALONE. The drawings, the development, the mapping, the bugs, the sounds... For that alone, it deserves respect... Have you paid and do you feel cheated? You are free to think about it. Who am I to say how to feel? But I am a content creator, I do not charge money for it. I know how hard it is, how difficult it is to force yourself to write and create when all the ideas are forced and bad. Most people consume the content you create, they don't give their opinion, they don't thank you, they don't pay, they just consume. And others, in addition, insult and despise.

If you don't believe in someone, don't support them. But attacking him for not being consistent with his posts only poisons him with negative thoughts, and that if it influences feelings such as abandonment, boredom, fed up, tiredness or even rejection for your own work.

Simply criticizing and insulting doesn't help Bones post sooner, so shut the fuck up if you don't have anything better to contribute. That's why I say POISON.
it’s not that people here only criticize him for being late with updates it’s the fact that he pushes them back indefinitely with poor excuses. People who are paying him on patreon and subscribestar are getting cheated. And you don’t have to get scammed first before you can call out a scammer. Nobody wants to see it. Maybe people who have some empathy for naive supporters who are getting cheated?

also yes the game has nice artwork and features and it must take some time to work on but you’re talking about it like he’s making the new Elden ring. Look at any other game on here where the dev makes 1/4 of the money that bones makes but in the last 3 months have done bigger updates than bones has in the last 2 years.

Ultimately everyone here just pities the fact that this game was abandoned the way it was where once a year it gets a reworked scene and it will never be completed. It’s just a case of being let down or duped over and over. When you put out things into the public you can’t not expect people to not get disappointed when you don’t deliver over and over. Being slow and lazy is one thing but this is just something else.


Apr 22, 2018
It's something I don't understand, he accumulated his professionnal life, his personnal life and he his able to do some content but when he have a health trouble you're here to say it's unfair since there is no update and that you have to paid for nothing.
But he didn't obligate the people to pay or to play, there is maybe some creator which did the same but without the health trouble, and you're here to complain. You don't know it's life so you don't know if he is overbooked or maybe he is sent to another city with job mutation, you don't know so don't judge ... simple, basic and easy, do nothing than wait just that, you have no right to complain, it's not his main job and you're not his boss... he can even stop the game if he want.
oh and there is no obligation to do monthly content so if it's unfair complain to patreon, to subscribestar Etc...
This is his only job. A job you guys are paying him for. To do nothing. Do we really have to go over the uruguay vs usd (which he gets paid) a month again? Its because you guys don't understand that you are literally making him a millionaire in his own country for doing nothing because you don't understand currency exchange rates.

The average pay per month in Uruguay is 16350 Uruguay pesos. Because you guys won't stop paying him, and when you add his patreon USD and subscribestar USD, he is making 199,576.55 pesos A MONTH. It is absolute clown show thought process to believe this man is working any kind of regular job in uruguay when people continue to pay him to do nothing. He's making professional athlete money to sit around and tell you he's going to release soon. The cut from patreon is between five and 12 percent. Subscribestar is 5%. He's making hella bank even with their cuts.

I'm not even mad a Bones. It is a pretty simple but extremely effective setup he's got going. He literally strings you guys along hook and sinker while you pay him to do nothing.

I'm more disappointed that people just don't see through his bullshit, because if they realized if they just stopped paying him, he'd have to work. He's not making that kind of money in Uruguay doing a regular 9 to 5 job. The solution to the delays is literally that simple. Stop paying him because he'd have to work.
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Mar 18, 2018
This is his only job. A job you guys are paying him for. To do nothing. Do we really have to go over the uruguay vs usd (which he gets paid) a month again? Its because you guys don't understand that you are literally making him a millionaire in his own country for doing nothing because you don't understand currency exchange rates.

The average pay per month in Uruguay is 16350 Uruguay pesos. Because you guys won't stop paying him, and when you add his patreon USD and subscribestar USD, he is making 199,576.55 pesos A MONTH. It is absolute clown show thought process to believe this man is working any kind of regular job in uruguay when people continue to pay him to do nothing. He's making professional athlete money to sit around and tell you he's going to release soon. The cut from patreon is between five and 12 percent. Subscribestar is 5%. He's making hella bank even with their cuts.

I'm not even mad a Bones. It is a pretty simple but extremely effective setup he's got going. He literally strings you guys along hook and sinker while you pay him to do nothing.

I'm more disappointed that people just don't see through his bullshit, because if they realized if they just stopped paying him, he'd have to work. He's not making that kind of money in Uruguay doing a regular 9 to 5 job. The solution to the delays is literally that simple. Stop paying him because he'd have to work.
Sure okay if it's like that I'm agree but it's the most legal thing there is no deadline or any policies against that so even if you're saying it's a scam well technically nop it's not, it's just a loophole


Mar 18, 2018
So complain not in this thread since it's not only the prob of f95 or with Dr Bones it's Patreon and Subscribe Star.


May 8, 2017
Sure okay if it's like that I'm agree but it's the most legal thing there is no deadline or any policies against that so even if you're saying it's a scam well technically nop it's not, it's just a loophole
So complain not in this thread since it's not only the prob of f95 or with Dr Bones it's Patreon and Subscribe Star.
and what is a loophole for you?? it's like the definition of scamming xD
and f95 has no problem at all..since it's a pirate site..we take what we get..or not get in this case.
Same goes for Patreon and Subscribestar...they have no problems aswell since they get paid.
There is only 1 problem..and that there are still people süending their money for this.

Lets say u buy a new game..for like 60-70$ maybe more for AAA..then u have a new and finished game( well it mayb gets patched or soemthing but u dont have to pay for that) witha decent amount of playtime(20-40H)

Now u support a creaor like bones wiht 5$ a month..it's not much and u can afford it..but u do it for 2 years. So u already paid 120$ on a rpgmaker based game with low quality animations and gameplay that's nowhere near finished with 1-3 hour playtime.

so what is going to be??

good game for 60$?
shitty porn game for 120$?


New Member
Sep 28, 2021
someone know how to sleep with martha please ? I try everything but I only have "closer look" and "not now".... Have I done something wrong? a detail that I missed? help pleaseeee ^^


Jan 1, 2019
someone know how to sleep with martha please ? I try everything but I only have "closer look" and "not now".... Have I done something wrong? a detail that I missed? help pleaseeee ^^
At night enter her room (when she is sleeping) and interact with her and select "Sleep with" option. The requirements to unlock this is to have had sex with her, to have given her the sleeping pills and to have had previous interactions at night with her (fondle and tit fuck). Completing this will trigger the event that adds Mia to the manor.(must have the room beneath Martha's unlocked, bring Doyle to unlock the door)
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Mar 24, 2018
You are free to believe what you want, to criticize and give your opinion. That doesn't bother me, what does bother me is that (some people) on this page are so FOOLISH as to belittle a person who has contributed SO MUCH by creating a work out of nothing ALONE. The drawings, the development, the mapping, the bugs, the sounds... For that alone, it deserves respect... Have you paid and do you feel cheated? You are free to think about it. Who am I to say how to feel? But I am a content creator, I do not charge money for it. I know how hard it is, how difficult it is to force yourself to write and create when all the ideas are forced and bad. Most people consume the content you create, they don't give their opinion, they don't thank you, they don't pay, they just consume. And others, in addition, insult and despise.

If you don't believe in someone, don't support them. But attacking him for not being consistent with his posts only poisons him with negative thoughts, and that if it influences feelings such as abandonment, boredom, fed up, tiredness or even rejection for your own work.

Simply criticizing and insulting doesn't help Bones post sooner, so shut the fuck up if you don't have anything better to contribute. That's why I say POISON.
Did the Doc bribe you with fox beasty content to write this


Jan 6, 2019
This discussion is ultimately pointless. There is no common ground that can be reached, no arguments that can be made for either side to change the other's mind, and all it will be in the end - as has mostly been the case - basic name-calling and the flinging of insults.

The problem is that we have here two different, wholly incompatible interpretations of the situation, both of which are arguably valid and either could possibly be true.

One side believes that Bones is still a genuinely nice creative who doesn't really care about the money and just wants to make a game. They think he just hit some hard times and needs all the support he can get, and that the other group is reinforcing a destructive cycle that is somehow preventing him from recovering from the stresses of creative endeavor. Thus they believe that the lack of progress can, at least in part, be attributed to those who speak out against Bones for continuously demoralizing him. In short, they believe we are to blame.
The other side believes that Bones was once a genuinely nice creative, but that he got corrupted by his own staggering success and, possibly after some hard times, realized that he has a loyal following who will continue to finance an extravagant lifestyle for him even if he only does the bare minimum (while simultaneously redefining what the "bare minimum" even is). This side thinks that the support he receives will only reinforce this destructive cycle of megalomania and greed, and that he must be called out and held responsible for the funds he has received, the promises he has made and the lies he has told. Thus they believe that the lack of progress can, at least in part, be attributed to those that support Bones for rewarding his bad behavior. It short, we believe they are to blame.

Diametrically opposed and entirely incompatible. I'd say that the evidence is mostly for one side rather than the other (though I won't say which), but really, I'd recommend each side to mostly ignore each other. We won't change each other's minds, and insulting each other won't change anything besides potentially escalating the conflict.
In the end, the only one who can prove one side or the other correct and end the conflict is Bones himself. Whether that is going to happen... well, let's just say that remains to be seen.
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New Member
Sep 28, 2021
At night enter her room (when she is sleeping) and interact with her and select "Sleep with" option. The requirements to unlock this is to have had sex with her, to have given her the sleeping pills and to have had previous interactions at night with her (fondle and tit fuck). Completing this will trigger the event that adds Mia to the manor.(must have the room beneath Martha's unlocked, bring Doyle to unlock the door)
I've done this several times already. And yet it's still blocked.... But thanks


Jan 1, 2019
I've done this several times already. And yet it's still blocked.... But thanks
I like to help so I'll tell you the scenes you have to do with Marta to be able to sleep with her I hope and I don't miss one
-with following the sleeping pills and playing with her body at night
-that I masturbate you in the basement
-interaction with yoga
-help her in the attic you know with following the chair and groping it
-Get the bathroom key to ask her to take a shower with you, this would be twice, since the second time, if I'm not mistaken, I'll ask her mother to go to her room where the masturbation takes place.
-when you go to sleep do not select to wake up keep sleeping so that she goes to your room I understand that you have to do it 1 or 2 times for masturbation to arise
-opening the locked room will trigger the event that adds Mia to the mansion
-Well in case you doubt the events of the officer and the thief


Sep 30, 2020
It depends on what you are looking for, what you like about the game, and what you would consider to better those aspects. I can already say some games are better than this, and Demon Deals came out recently. I don't think there's anything that stands out from this game unless you are into bestiality for some reason, which I think a lot of people either don't care or actively don't like, like me.
The art for demon deals looks terrific - gonna give that a shot. I liked Daily Lives from Siren's domain, couldn't get into his others though.

For me, bestiality is almost never done well - it's like anything else: the more extreme the fetish, the more the NPC has to be eased into it for it to be realistic.

Someone else mentioned the slow pace at which you get "closer" to the characters, and I believe this is one of my top reasons for liking this game.
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes