4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Feb 28, 2017
Give the man a break, it's not his fault that there are people out there gullible enough to believe he is actually giving it his all for the development of the game. He is not hurting anyone physically, he is not the first or the last person that will use lies to reach their goals and let's not kid ourselves... most of us would also take the chance to make an easy buck if we were in the same position.
It is not about chilling out at work. Nobody would care if he would use 5 out 7 days to fuck around, IF he would deliver something at least every second month (playable, not just sounds). He already showed he can draw in a reasonable amount of time to deliver art. Also the topic about programming was often enough talked about here. If he doesn't like it, some dev would love to help him out for only a few hundred bucks. Problem solved.

But instead of 5 out of 7 days, he goes straight to 5 out of 7 months (or currently more like 7 out of 7)! That's the difference here.


Jun 10, 2020
Seeing some people defend this dev is like looking at an Animal Planet documentary for me. I'm amazed and at the same time genuinely terrified of their lack of deduction and overall comprehension. I always wonder what kind of life they had that made them reach this point to not understand the idea of human nature, greed and the desire to earn as much as possible with the least amount of effort.

Bones is a smart man, taking advantage of the most powerful emotion which has even led to wars, lust, combined with the fact that many of the people that do have money to give tend to be from generally wealthy regions or families. Earning the trust of a person that has led an easy life will never come close to the effort needed for a person that "had to deal with shit in their lives".

Give the man a break, it's not his fault that there are people out there gullible enough to believe he is actually giving it his all for the development of the game. He is not hurting anyone physically, he is not the first or the last person that will use lies to reach their goals and let's not kid ourselves... most of us would also take the chance to make an easy buck if we were in the same position.
That is an understandable statement, a sad but realistic one.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
Have any of you actually given him any money though? This is a website where you get the games for free... If you Have given him money, I can understand being salty and condescending. If you haven't... Where's your soap box to stand on? I have not given him any money, and thus, I'm fine with waiting months for updates. It isn't like I live only to play this game.
Obviously you haven't read much. And I don't have to pay him to say what he is doing is bad. As a indie dev myself this behaver erces me even more. The behaver is toxic to the industry and gives indie devs a bad name.

You have any idea the number of legitimate patreon games that lumped in with games like this. It is humane nature. People don't stop at hating the one. After a while they see any hiccup in development as a sign of scam, and not completely without reason too. There have been coutless devs like bones that started one way got big then changed.

For whatever reason once they know they can do it they never go back. The only end result is either an unfinished product or one with a rushed end. Name a few that ended otherwise.

And why again can we not say it is a scam while others can say it is not. Last I checked this is I pirate game site. Only rules we have to follow are the site rules. You want a place where only good things about the dev are allowed go to his discord. They ban you even if you are paying him for bath mouthing him true or false. I have seen it.

So if those that pay can not say anything bad about him on his platform then why should we pay him to say something on a piracy platform? What logic is that. Also don't forget as bones said the game is "ultimately free". If someone gave you a free drink after pissing in it would you not compline. Free is no excuse to put up with shit.

I also fined it funny the morale's of a person like you that find it worse for pirates to badmouth a dev then for a dev to lie and deceive people put of thousands of dollars every month, and don't start with he is really sick. As they say "If it is to good to be true." How convenient the number of supposed issues the guy has had. Often Right when he would have to do some work, and the devs post about himself says everything needed to understand this is just an excuse.

Why would anyone honestly believe a guy will honesty work when he himself said his work ethic is so bad he couldn't keep a job. His bosses were smart enough to not believe in him, and I have worked with those people countless times there is always an excuse until finally excuses don't cut it. His bosses don't trust him and they had the power to tell him what to do. The patreons don't have any power over this guy that could never make it in the real world an any way besides a running patreon scam and yes this is a scam and going by the definition of the word it is also fraud. Look the two up you may learn something.

Either he is lying about the amount of time he spends working or his work speed is abysmally, and as another one that has been around sense before the slowdown. He works way faster then that.

Now Fun facts IIRC this all started after the patreon fiasco. The reason and why everyone was fine at first was he last most of his funding and the manor was a passion project he was going to keep working on despite the fact he was earning no money for it at first. Fast foreword some, and he started a coffee so those that wanted to could support him, but was not enough to make it sustainable. A while later his SS was started (one of the first I saw that moved there, nut wouldn't say he was the first not like I watch all games) Jump to early 2020. He was making 4K more then his original patreon, butstill with the passion project work ethic.

Problem is people don't even remember why they were being patient with him in the first place. You get the few hare and there that do but they still think he is only making the patreon funds. Then you get the "white knights" that want to talk about every one else from there position of "social supremacy".

In effect I am better then you as I am dogging out no good pirates and leaches. Bones is a developer so that instantly makes him better then you. I got news for you for are all the same. Some of us are even developers ourselves so what condition should we add before you can talk about us...

I know. You haven't given me money so shut up and get off your soap box. That goes to bones to as he badmouths F95 users all the time.


Feb 28, 2017
It's really funny to see his discord now. People there posting they start to hate F95. We're a toxic community. You all know that?

I know you guys from discord are reading this. Before making such false statements, you should read about the last 700 pages. But I bet you all to lazy for it. But if you would do, then you would see, how a community full of support and ideas, switched to a dissapointed (not toxic) bunch of people.

In the beginning, everyone was concerned about Doc. They also tested, reported and contributed with ideas. I also don't need to mention they supported him financially too. But after a while, they start to see that Doc more and more was losing interest into making his game (which he by himself stated was a passion project!) and more about making money.

Updates took very long. From 1-2 months to half a year or even longer.

As we can see. Four months, between the first two releases. Over one year between the second and the third release.
So people started to ask what is going on. They asked here and also on his discord. Doc started to disappear from F95 and shortly after banning everyone asking for an update on his discord.

People started to get annoyed by his behavior and started to speak out loud about it. Supporters demanded to know what's going on, because they paid months of good money to support him. But he just ignored it or banned people who supported him for years! This is not toxic, this is speaking the truth!

If anyone is toxic, than its YOU, his wicked discord community, supporting a scammer.


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
It's really funny to see his discord now. People there posting they start to hate F95. We're a toxic community. You all know that?

I know you guys from discord are reading this. Before making such false statements, you should read about the last 700 pages. But I bet you all to lazy for it. But if you would do, then you would see, how a community full of support and ideas, switched to a dissapointed (not toxic) bunch of people.

In the beginning, everyone was concerned about Doc. They also tested, reported and contributed with ideas. I also don't need to mention they supported him financially too. But after a while, they start to see that Doc more and more was losing interest into making his game (which he by himself stated was a passion project!) and more about making money.

Updates took very long. From 1-2 months to half a year or even longer.
View attachment 1950889

As we can see. Four months, between the first two releases. Over one year between the second and the third release.
So people started to ask what is going on. They asked here and also on his discord. Doc started to disappear from F95 and shortly after banning everyone asking for an update on his discord.

People started to get annoyed by his behavior and started to speak out loud about it. Supporters demanded to know what's going on, because they paid months of good money to support him. But he just ignored it or banned people who supported him for years! This is not toxic, this is speaking the truth!

If anyone is toxic, than its YOU, his wicked discord community, supporting a scammer.
Sometimes I'm surprised about cults of personality. The fanatism gets to a point you can't see the flaws of your favorite creators. Eh, never liked this game anyway, but I'd say one of the reasons why the game is not getting updated is because the other game, which is somehow worse. I wonder how all of this will end.


Jul 30, 2018
Sometimes I'm surprised about cults of personality. The fanatism gets to a point you can't see the flaws of your favorite creators. Eh, never liked this game anyway, but I'd say one of the reasons why the game is not getting updated is because the other game, which is somehow worse. I wonder how all of this will end.
It's very sad to say, but i am pretty sure it will not "end" in any way. Let's be honest, even if updates are released in the next 5 years (At most one per year with this outstanding work ethic.), the game would still be far from completion, and in that same time period Siren (Siren's Domain games) will complete 1 or 2 of those amazing games.


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
It's very sad to say, but i am pretty sure it will not "end" in any way. Let's be honest, even if updates are released in the next 5 years (At most one per year with this outstanding work ethic.), the game would still be far from completion, and in that same time period Siren (Siren's Domain games) will complete 1 or 2 of those amazing games.
Couldn't agree more.


Dec 1, 2019
Not sure why people think Bones is making a killing while doing nothing. His Patreon sits at $1,270/month right now. And of course that's before taxes. Nobody can live off of that. Of course, it's a nice piece of extra cash. But not worth trashing his entire reputation/future art-based income over.
He's not in US or Europe, that amount is enough for him in his country
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Developer of Love and Corruption
Game Developer
Aug 18, 2017
Sometimes I'm surprised about cults of personality. The fanatism gets to a point you can't see the flaws of your favorite creators. Eh, never liked this game anyway, but I'd say one of the reasons why the game is not getting updated is because the other game, which is somehow worse. I wonder how all of this will end.
I don't think this is something related to the dev. I would say this is simply people enjoying a game and voluntarily not accepting the reality in front of them, this happens regularly with fat Patreon projects.

That just reinforces the dev's position, as he realizes that he'll be supported permanently even if he doesn't do anything for years. He simply has no rational reason to work.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
I don't think this is something related to the dev. I would say this is simply people enjoying a game and voluntarily not accepting the reality in front of them, this happens regularly with fat Patreon projects.

That just reinforces the dev's position, as he realizes that he'll be supported permanently even if he doesn't do anything for years. He simply has no rational reason to work.
I could almost agree, but having watched him through the years here then on his discord for a while. The thing is he is charismatic. He plays himself as the "nice guy" and the "victim". He also has a band of influencers. Part of humane nature people like to jump on the band wagon, and just like you see here he has his "unrelated" 3th parties to remind everyone that he is a cool guy and he is "doing his best", "drawn art takes time", and "making a game is difficult".

Notably his chosen mods, and if you hang around on his discord long enough you see that they all have f95 accounts too. They just "don't use them" because f95 is toxic.

Thought the decline he surrounded himself with yes men, and shamed and kicked anyone who apposed him. Looking at it just now it just seams like he has a bunch of overzealous supporters, but watching through the years you see he made a community where it is at times said and unsaid that you can and should only support him no matter what he dose. You are reminded how much better he is then you as he is a "game creator that uses real drawn art. That also makes him better then 3d cg game creators".

Manipulating, peer presser, influencers, shaming, fear (of getting banned), elitism, and sympathy. Are some of the tools he has and is still using. Like devilxxx said almost all of us here are or were fans and or supports. For a time I was even active on his discord. If you are there long enough "community influence" may convince you he is right. If you are here long enough "community influence" may convince you we are. Honestly you here more our side here, and his side there. I got bored with his discord and stopped watching the game in general here for a time, and honestly what made me dislike his actions the most had nothing to do with this thread or his discord. It was watching the developers that I do see working consistently, steadily, through difficulties, and even through burnouts. I know personally how hard some of the things he has to deal with is as a game developer and artist. I deal with them myself.

We are a community of more then just pirates. We are pirates, players, supports, creators, developers, coders, and much more.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2020
It's really funny to see his discord now. People there posting they start to hate F95. We're a toxic community. You all know that?

I know you guys from discord are reading this. Before making such false statements, you should read about the last 700 pages. But I bet you all to lazy for it. But if you would do, then you would see, how a community full of support and ideas, switched to a dissapointed (not toxic) bunch of people.

In the beginning, everyone was concerned about Doc. They also tested, reported and contributed with ideas. I also don't need to mention they supported him financially too. But after a while, they start to see that Doc more and more was losing interest into making his game (which he by himself stated was a passion project!) and more about making money.

Updates took very long. From 1-2 months to half a year or even longer.
View attachment 1950889

As we can see. Four months, between the first two releases. Over one year between the second and the third release.
So people started to ask what is going on. They asked here and also on his discord. Doc started to disappear from F95 and shortly after banning everyone asking for an update on his discord.

People started to get annoyed by his behavior and started to speak out loud about it. Supporters demanded to know what's going on, because they paid months of good money to support him. But he just ignored it or banned people who supported him for years! This is not toxic, this is speaking the truth!

If anyone is toxic, than its YOU, his wicked discord community, supporting a scammer.
Based post coming from a Donor.

And I insist. This thread needs to be considered to get only in the OP all of its pledging links: Patreon, Subscriberstar so he stops getting free attention from newcomers that have absolutely zero idea on the faith of this game!

Also take into account survivors guilt it's a second platter of income mainly in it's patreon due it's a game free of incest so add the factor of another abandoned and no possible finished game, since he didn't even bothered to finish 1 game properly at the very start lmao!
In conclusion the excuse beyond it's health at this point of time it's BS and I found it incredible that people like this stay away from everything and yet cashing lots of money from people with hugh expectations of pledging every month just to simply getting their money ripped off by someone that is not doing a damn about the content or product they/it's delivering
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Apr 22, 2018
I don't think this is something related to the dev. I would say this is simply people enjoying a game and voluntarily not accepting the reality in front of them, this happens regularly with fat Patreon projects.

That just reinforces the dev's position, as he realizes that he'll be supported permanently even if he doesn't do anything for years. He simply has no rational reason to work.
Occam's razor right here folks.


Jul 30, 2018
I love checking out the discord from time to time, it's hilarious !
"Why they hate him ?" (talking about the F95 thread...again)
"Because they are impatient af and can't understand doc's health issues [...]"

So asking for the third of an update after more than a year is being impatient, and the good "doc has health issues" is gold. Dude... he has been "sick" for two month not a full year what the hell ?
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4.10 star(s) 168 Votes