4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
The art for demon deals looks terrific - gonna give that a shot. I liked Daily Lives from Siren's domain, couldn't get into his others though.

For me, bestiality is almost never done well - it's like anything else: the more extreme the fetish, the more the NPC has to be eased into it for it to be realistic.

Someone else mentioned the slow pace at which you get "closer" to the characters, and I believe this is one of my top reasons for liking this game.
Daily Lives ain't by Siren's Domain.

In either case, my problem with the "slow pace" of how you progress with the characters in this game is that it has a lot to do with the grinding, and basically nothing happens inbetween either. No significant change of dialogue either, which makes it feel dead, at least the last time I played.

You are basically forced to just stay in your room and grind daily until you get enough points for the next scene, instead of trying to naturally balance the number of points you need (likely severely reduce it) so you don't have the need to grind in the first place, and that more scenes happen more often.

But if that happened, t would be easier to realize how empty it actually is.


Sep 30, 2020
Daily Lives ain't by Siren's Domain.

In either case, my problem with the "slow pace" of how you progress with the characters in this game is that it has a lot to do with the grinding, and basically nothing happens inbetween either. No significant change of dialogue either, which makes it feel dead, at least the last time I played.

You are basically forced to just stay in your room and grind daily until you get enough points for the next scene, instead of trying to naturally balance the number of points you need (likely severely reduce it) so you don't have the need to grind in the first place, and that more scenes happen more often.

But if that happened, t would be easier to realize how empty it actually is.
I can agree with that. The grind is irritating.
(Meant Town of Passion, not Daily Lives).


Feb 2, 2018
This discussion is ultimately pointless. There is no common ground that can be reached, no arguments that can be made for either side to change the other's mind, and all it will be in the end - as has mostly been the case - basic name-calling and the flinging of insults.

The problem is that we have here two different, wholly incompatible interpretations of the situation, both of which are arguably valid and either could possibly be true.

One side believes that Bones is still a genuinely nice creative who doesn't really care about the money and just wants to make a game. They think he just hit some hard times and needs all the support he can get, and that the other group is reinforcing a destructive cycle that is somehow preventing him from recovering from the stresses of creative endeavor. Thus they believe that the lack of progress can, at least in part, be attributed to those who speak out against Bones for continuously demoralizing him. In short, they believe we are to blame.
The other side believes that Bones was once a genuinely nice creative, but that he got corrupted by his own staggering success and, possibly after some hard times, realized that he has a loyal following who will continue to finance an extravagant lifestyle for him even if he only does the bare minimum (while simultaneously redefining what the "bare minimum" even is). This side thinks that the support he receives will only reinforce this destructive cycle of megalomania and greed, and that he must be called out and held responsible for the funds he has received, the promises he has made and the lies he has told. Thus they believe that the lack of progress can, at least in part, be attributed to those that support Bones for rewarding his bad behavior. It short, we believe they are to blame.

Diametrically opposed and entirely incompatible. I'd say that the evidence is mostly for one side rather than the other (though I won't say which), but really, I'd recommend each side to mostly ignore each other. We won't change each other's minds, and insulting each other won't change anything besides potentially escalating the conflict.
In the end, the only one who can prove one side or the other correct and end the conflict is Bones himself. Whether that is going to happen... well, let's just say that remains to be seen.
I really stand with your post, I absolutely see no point into this fight.
The reason I would never support this project financially is because I defend my right into getting a fair trade.
I do not mind if people are still supporting this project or how they do spend their money.

...what I am concerned about is that many of those people are grown adults who have the right to vote.


New Member
Sep 28, 2021
I like to help so I'll tell you the scenes you have to do with Marta to be able to sleep with her I hope and I don't miss one
-with following the sleeping pills and playing with her body at night
-that I masturbate you in the basement
-interaction with yoga
-help her in the attic you know with following the chair and groping it
-Get the bathroom key to ask her to take a shower with you, this would be twice, since the second time, if I'm not mistaken, I'll ask her mother to go to her room where the masturbation takes place.
-when you go to sleep do not select to wake up keep sleeping so that she goes to your room I understand that you have to do it 1 or 2 times for masturbation to arise
-opening the locked room will trigger the event that adds Mia to the mansion
-Well in case you doubt the events of the officer and the thief
i have already do this.... ^^


Jul 30, 2018
how can i do that ? ^^
If you have WinRar installed it will be pretty easy. Just find the files named "save0X.rvdata2" in the game folder, right click on it and select the second option you see with Winrar's logo (in English it should be "add to..." then the name of the file or if it's multiple files it will be the name of the folder you're in). And there you go your saves are compressed in .rar

I hope it makes sense. :)
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May 8, 2017
I'm talking about the damage that destructive criticism can do, you "cuckolds" and cowardice not to be banned.

In short, very mature. Keep spitting out your poison, don't choke on it.
So People who are pointing out the truth are immature and should be bannend?
But not working on the project you get paid for is mature?

lets be realistic for a moment...if our so called Dr. would work for a company..how long do you think they would keep him if he
shows them the same work ethic he's showing us now?
Or maybe a better example..you start up your own company and try to sell something..you start great, with a prototype or an idea how the produc could be like, you get tons of supporters and preorders...but then you decide not to finish product your selling but keep the money...how long do you think your company will exist?

what i want to say is taht those donation sites dont have a good system. there is no balance, no deadline or any other restriction for the creator (just content restrictions).
Its not the people who are toxic, it's the system and those who use it for their advantage.

In the end you can do with your money what you want..and if you want to support a creator who is doing nothing..fine..not my problem..but is it clever to do so? or would you call a plumber just to serve him coffee but at the end of the day your toilet is still broken? sure you can do that..but again is it clever?

if you really think about it can you be mad at the people complaining here??
Most of them (well i hope) are working every day..scratch up the money to survive our disfunctional world..
and then there is a person who is doing nothing and earns doulbe,triple the amount, having a great live with no responsibility...
ofc there is jealousy and anger and they need a place to comlain and vent
and they have all the right to do it...because it's not fair


Nov 8, 2017
and what is a loophole for you?? it's like the definition of scamming xD
and f95 has no problem at all..since it's a pirate site..we take what we get..or not get in this case.
Same goes for Patreon and Subscribestar...they have no problems aswell since they get paid.
There is only 1 problem..and that there are still people süending their money for this.

Lets say u buy a new game..for like 60-70$ maybe more for AAA..then u have a new and finished game( well it mayb gets patched or soemthing but u dont have to pay for that) witha decent amount of playtime(20-40H)

Now u support a creaor like bones wiht 5$ a month..it's not much and u can afford it..but u do it for 2 years. So u already paid 120$ on a rpgmaker based game with low quality animations and gameplay that's nowhere near finished with 1-3 hour playtime.

so what is going to be??

good game for 60$?
shitty porn game for 120$?
Worst yet, we got like 115 morons paying this dude $15 a month. Imagine how much money you'd have lost if you supported Oseo since 2018 and you paid him $15 a month and you still see "Scene not implemented".


Nov 8, 2017
Sometimes I'm surprised about cults of personality. The fanatism gets to a point you can't see the flaws of your favorite creators. Eh, never liked this game anyway, but I'd say one of the reasons why the game is not getting updated is because the other game, which is somehow worse. I wonder how all of this will end.
I'll give it maybe until it's been another year, either

A.) .019 is released, it's just as underwhelming if not moreso than .018, more supporters open their eyes and either a small or larger margin stop supporting him and the support he receives continues to trickle down (if .018C comes out after it's been a year of .018B would probably yield quite a delicious amount of backlash).

B.) No update after a year, excuses continue to pile or Oseo even goes so far as to ghost his Discord expecting his supporters to just mindlessly hand him money every month with nothing to show for it

C.) Supporter patience runs out and the amount of supporters speaking up outweighs all of the consoomers forcing Oseo to do something which could be anything.

The likelihood this can turn out positively is next to impossible.
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New Member
Sep 13, 2020
And nobody can continue the story like fanmade?
For example the game of rick and morty or the milftoon drama
I really want to know the past of doyle, foursome with the girls and a lot of situacions where the lust can show up
4.10 star(s) 168 Votes