4.10 star(s) 168 Votes


Active Member
Oct 5, 2020
if you don't WANT to understand i cannot help it.
bro you straight up said he deserves all the money he got, then say "nah i meant only half". if you're gonna transition ur argument to "half", how about you transition it all the way to "Alright, bones is a fuckin douchebag who doesn't deserve any of the money he scammed for"
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2017
One thing is true that bones said. The game is given free to everyone, so it is impossible to pirate it, as that implies that people or consuming a paid product without actually paying.

It's not that others are purchasing his game, and in fact if it was then it wouldn't even be the problem that it is right now, as at the time of perches you would have known the state of the game. If you still decided to buy it that's that and would have never enabled him to go as far as he did with this. The problem as I see it is that the patrions are supporting the "development of the game" which is hardly happening. I see it as there being a few types of current supporters.

The newbe who just saw the game and still has false hope.

The person who started supporting but then forgot as it's just another item on the CC bill

the cultist who will gladly give all their money (and perhaps their first born) to bones to live it up as long as he hasn't stated himself that he is stopping development.

And lastly those that support for that "cool discord role" so the can feel superior as they bash everyone else from their supposed moral/phycological high-ground.
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Sep 8, 2017
Does anyone have a version of 18B with mouse enabled? I would like to enable clicking but I can't access a trial version of RPGM-V because I used my trial years ago when I tried modifying a different game lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
Does anyone have a version of 18B with mouse enabled? I would like to enable clicking but I can't access a trial version of RPGM-V because I used my trial years ago when I tried modifying a different game lol
maybe if someone has spare time on his hand he will port it from ace to mv. but right now there is only an ace mouse version but it is kind of buggy. btw there should be cracked versions of RPGM around. Just search for it


Jan 15, 2019
I am working right now, But worth remembering that I am with a potential kidney stone. In betwen morning and those days I am getting tests to confirm it and get rid of it.
I am in pain but good for now....But if it is actually a kid stone I am going to be in a lot more pain very soon.
Anyway I hope to launch the update this week...if all goes well.
If all goes bad, with luck the next week.
If all goes worse than bad...probably never because I will be dead somewhere.
" Between 1% and 15% of people globally are affected by kidney stones at some point in their lives. In 2015, 22.1 million cases occurred, resulting in about 16,100 deaths. "

I'll just leave this here , over dramatizing (not sure if its even a word) his symptoms (not saying that kindey stones doesnt hurt , im sure they are hell to live with before taken care of) and it is only a potential kidneystone , not 100% confirmed even. Sure you can die to it but just do the math , VERY nonlikely that you will die to it (about 0,13%+ from cases died from that info) , and those deaths are mostly from other effects that you get otherwise like septis etc...so overall another convinient excuse to push release dates. :FacePalm:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
bro you straight up said he deserves all the money he got, then say "nah i meant only half". if you're gonna transition ur argument to "half", how about you transition it all the way to "Alright, bones is a fuckin douchebag who doesn't deserve any of the money he scammed for"
i never said that he deserves the half. Are you trolling me? You CAN'T be serious.... if so my apology. I try to break it down for preschoolers.
One Giver + One Reciever = One Transaction.
Half of One Transaction can be a) The Giver
b) The Reciever
... but NEVER just half of the money. Can you follow this far? Good.
The half of the transaction you focussed on is the reciever aka Bones. You just see him getting money for nothing. But that is only HALF OF THE TRANSACTION. You ignore the Giver-Side. Those who voluntarily keep on giving dispite the fact they don't get something of same value in return. They KNOW it but keep on giving. This is the other HALF OF THE TRANSACTION.
There are two options. First: you want to troll me by putting bs in my mouth i didn't said or meant or Second: You really didn't got the meaning and interpreted this bs into my words. Eighter way... i hope this cleared up now. If not.... there is still the ignorelist


Jan 15, 2019
Banality / Babykeem , both made their arguments and obvious that you dont see eye to eye , should just call it before it escalates even further.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
this guy is scared that if he finish this game he cant succeed again so he was like fuck it ima milk this shit till i die
ngl... his second game "survivors guilt" was very well recieved... it lost ppularity because he don't give a shit bout it and leaves it with almost no sexual content. He could produce more stuff if he wanted to.... but he is too lazy. btw.... 8 month ago he was complaining about loosing his eyesight; funny how it changed to the all deadly "Kidney Stone"


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2021
Precisely, saying bones deserves the money he scammed people justifies his shady actions, which doesn't help at all. Banality is just a dramaqueen for no reason lol

The givers (fans) don't know that it's a unfair "transaction". Bones misleads them which is why I'm saying he doesn't deserve any of it. You're saying "they know it" although they don't and theres no evidence they do and it's completely stupid to make that very blunt assumption. I've been showing evidence and theres probably lots more, they're simply clueless and genuinely believe Bones is a good guy. It's not a thing where "Yeah! We're getting scammed but lets keep sending him more money"
View attachment 1795097
Yup, our charismatic and funny skelly would never do something as awful as that!......

Bones is creating a false narrative with every excuse he makes and paints these people a unreal image of why it's gotten delayed again. He's a deceiver, a manipulator, a liar or whatever other words there are to describe him. To say that the victims of his lies deserve getting scammed is just wrong because he's at the initiator (aka why all of this is happening in the first place & keeps happening)

Definetly not spending more time on this crap lol I'll just agree to disagree with him ig
Only those who want to be misled can be misled... at THAT point of time. I don't understand why you are so protective of people who obviously don't have minor mental qualities. Whatever.... at least apologise for twisting my words. I would apreachiate that and after that we can agree to disagree.
Whiskey and Cola = Whiskeycola. Oh no.... i have only half of the ingredience... i am out of Whiskey.... that means i have only half as much of Whiskeycola.....
But i think.... deep in your heart you are a good guy. Just try to take a step back to see the full picture
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2020
Only those who want to be misled can be misled... at THAT point of time. I don't understand why you are so protective of people who obviously don't have minor mental qualities. Whatever.... at least apologise for twisting my words. I would apreachiate that and after that we can agree to disagree.
Whiskey and Cola = Whiskeycola. Oh no.... i have only half of the ingredience... i am out of Whiskey.... that means i have only half as much of Whiskeycola.....
But i think.... deep in your heart you are a good guy. Just try to take a step back to see the full picture
"Only those who want to be misled can be misled" -Probably some dictator who's misleading their entire population using propaganda™

I apologize for twisting your words, I didn't fully understand it initially. But even after understanding what you meant, it still doesn't change anything. You saying people literally choose to get scammed is dumb and is backed up by literally nothing. What's the logic behind this assumption? Did Bones say "This is a scam" then everyone was "yay, a scam, time to give money". Genuinely stupid argument I don't understand. Bones misleads them by putting up a image that hes a nice, charismatic funny skeleton who works hard to give his fans consistent updates. Unlike you, I've provided proof showing they believe that Bones is a good guy, aka they fell into the scammers trap. It's not the victims fault for falling in the trap but the one who set it up in the first place. Because if there were no traps, there would be no result of people falling for them. Enough of this tho, agree to disagree.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2018
Screenshot 2022-05-06 165847.jpg
I've seen a lot of screens involving our boy Scythe, but good lord this one takes the cake. He's gone and fallen for the banana, hard.

He just can't seem to understand why not cares for his lovely little boy as much as he does.

Don't worry, bud. He'll notice you one day.
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4.10 star(s) 168 Votes